
Netizens selected 50 of China's most representative specialties

author:Anhui rhyme pine wind

The following figure is the most representative 50 specialties of various places in China selected by netizens. For example, chopped pepper fish head is the specialty of Hunan cuisine, braised stinky mandarin fish is the representative cuisine of Hui cuisine, braised lion head is the specialty of Huaiyang cuisine, pot bun meat is a famous dish in Northeast China, sauerkraut fish and hui pot meat are the most representative Sichuan cuisine, lamb steamed bun is the most northwest characteristic Shaanxi cuisine, roasted whole sheep is a special cuisine of the nomadic Inner Mongolian people with a bold personality.

Now there are many food bloggers on Douyin, we can also try to learn to make special foods from various places at home, of course, if you want to eat authentic local specialties, it is recommended to go to the local tour to taste the various places.

Dishes from different places have some characteristics: for example, Sichuan Hunan cuisine is heavy oil and spicy, Anhui cuisine is heavy oil and heavy salt and smelly (stinky mandarin fish edamame tofu), Zhejiang cuisine likes to use soy sauce, Cantonese cuisine likes to cook soup, Northeast cuisine likes to stew, and Northwest cuisine beef and mutton are the most distinctive. In short, the motherland is rich in land and many foods, I hope to wait until retirement to take a self-driving trip, to all parts of the country to see around, taste the special food of all over the world!

Netizens selected 50 of China's most representative specialties