
Deep study and careful study of the original intention to do a solid mission

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Shandong Channel

Since the launch of the study and education of party history, the Binhai District of Weifang City has conscientiously implemented the decision-making and deployment of the central and provincial and municipal party committees, adhered to the implementation under the above rate, grasped the actual results in layers and classifications, coordinated and promoted the "trinity" overall planning, the "three-step measures" solidly organized activities, and the "three-item development" enriched the forms of learning, with the cohesion of learning, the promotion of work with learning, and the enthusiasm radiated by learning and education into the practice of promoting high-quality development.

The "Trinity" is promoted in a coordinated manner

After the mobilization meeting of the municipal party committee for the study and education of party history, the Binhai District held a mobilization meeting for the study and education of party history, opened the curtain on the study and education of party history in the Binhai District, and built a comprehensive promotion mechanism of "three in one" organizational system, operation mechanism and guarantee mechanism. Establish a command system, give play to the "head goose effect", set up organizational structures at all levels, and set up leading groups and offices for party organizations under the party committees and party committees of organs directly under the development zone to promote the full coverage of the party history study and education industry in the region. Set up 5 roving guidance groups to ensure that the study and education of party history takes root and blossoms. Establish a weekly work scheduling meeting system for the office of the leading group, and push forward all work. Establish a work WeChat group to efficiently dispatch the progress and planning of each unit's learning and education. Held training and scheduling meetings of the party history study and education tour guidance group, formulated a list of leading matters and prescribed actions for party history study and education for the 33 party organizations in the district one by one, adopted a sales number system, strengthened the effectiveness of supervision, and ensured that the prescribed actions were not left behind.

The "three-step initiative" solidly organizes activities

In-depth organization of learning education. Held special reading classes and special training classes, and invited well-known domestic experts to teach party history education for party members and cadres in the whole region 3 times, so as to achieve full coverage of cadres. In-depth organization of thematic activities. 334 centralized viewing points were set up, and 10,517 people were organized to watch the live broadcast of the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Organize and carry out a series of activities such as red film viewing, red story speech contest, "Red Heart to the Party" singing and singing competition, and short video collection of "Ode to the Party, Feeling the Gratitude of the Party, and Following the Party". Among them, 18 movies were organized, with a total of 5643 people watching, and nearly 2,000 cadres and masses in the coastal area participated in speeches, recitations, choruses, and people's propaganda competitions. A propaganda group from Binhai District was set up to carry out party history study and education at the grass-roots level, which has been carried out 73 times, with an audience of more than 3,000 people. Carry out in depth the activity of "I do practical things for the masses." Publish the list of 23 key people's livelihood projects that I have done practical things for the masses, and strive to solve the problem of the masses' "urgent difficulties and expectations". Binhai District party members and cadres go deep into enterprises and rural areas, around the masses to solve problems, do practical things, comprehensively check and sort out the problems that the masses care about, as of now, the investigation and visit to 18276 households (enterprises), the masses 45886 person-times, the investigation and solution of 4747 problems, 1248 practical things for the people, the introduction of 50 measures to benefit the people, the implementation of 56 people's livelihood projects, remarkable results.

"Three developments" enrich the form of learning

Based on reality, take the initiative to plan, innovate "self-selected actions", through a series of special activities, carry out the work of "learning party history, raising standards, changing styles, and seeking practical results", carry out multi-dimensional full coverage activities, and strive to study and educate the heart and go "new". Excavating rural red resources, building a red exhibition hall for the coastal revolutionary struggle in the Bohai Corridor, repairing the former residence of martyr Zhu Jianqiu, stringing together a number of red villages such as Nanchen Village, Qilizhuang, Guo Liyang Village, Shiqiao Village, etc., the Red Research and Study Base of Dawa Street was selected as "100 Red Research bases" by the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, receiving 30,000 visitors. Volunteers in binhai district volunteer association, binhai volunteers and other volunteer organizations "interviews with 100 old party members" truly record their advanced deeds during the revolutionary war years and the construction of the motherland. With the theme of "studying the advanced, finding gaps, and seeking leapfrogging," we should carry out a great discussion on emancipating the mind among cadres and workers throughout the region, comprehensively enhance the leadership, execution, supervision, organization, and propaganda power of leading cadres, guide the vast number of cadres and workers in the whole region to combine learning with application, and integrate knowledge with action, so as to ensure that the study and education of party history will achieve results. Activate the "red engine" of non-public enterprises, donate nearly 4,700 sets of party history study and education books to party members and party activists of backbone private enterprises in Binhai District, and carry out online "learning party history knowledge competition activities", with nearly 30,000 employees actively participating. Shandong Xinhecheng Co., Ltd. and Weifang Hongrun Petrochemical Technology Co., Ltd. launched a series of activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and 6 private enterprises held special literary and art evenings to guide the employees of non-public enterprises to feel the gratitude of the party, listen to the party, and follow the party. 16 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Binhai District held a flag-raising ceremony with the theme of "The Party is in My Heart, Always Follow the Party" and a speech under the national flag. Carry out the selection of excellent red courseware, and a total of 26 excellent courseware are selected. Using the campus radio station to set up columns such as "Party History Knowledge Window" and "Party History Story", organizing competitions such as hand-copied newspaper production, singing, speech, and poetry creation with the theme of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, 8 schools produced flash mobs for singing red songs, so that red seeds can take root in the hearts of children. (Li Xiao, Dong Jinping)