
The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour

author:Encyclopedia of dog knowledge

In the dog world, some dogs are more ferocious and domineering, today we will talk about the 4 kinds of dogs known as "four dogs in dogs", please recognize their looks, see to take a detour!

The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour

Origin: China

Lifespan: 11-12 years

The black wolf dog is a kind of wolf dog, which is tall and mighty, has a brave temperament and strong combat effectiveness, so it is often used as a guard factory, villa, etc., and is a very good guard dog.

But the black wolf dog is relatively wild, easy to attack passers-by, neighbors and other behaviors, even if it is trained black wolf dog, may also appear to bite the owner's hands and feet, such a fierce, unstable dog, is one of the "four dogs in the dog".

Breeding note: Black wolfhound must be trained from an early age, do some social training for it, when taking it out, be sure to bring a leash, and let it wear a muzzle, and try to stay away from the crowd to avoid unnecessary injuries.

The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour

Origin: Italy

Lifespan: 10-12 years

Kaslo dog is a large fierce dog, brave temperament, with extraordinary courage, and full of toughness, because it has excellent endurance, so once it fights, it will often fight to the end, until it is defeated or killed, so terrible Kaslo is one of the veritable "four dogs".

Kaslo is loyal to his master and obedient, so with some proper training, it can do a lot of things for you and will protect you for the rest of your life.

Feeding note: Kaslo's mouth is very large, and the skin of the mouth is falling, so it will often drool, the owner should wipe it more to avoid breeding bacteria, causing skin diseases, causing odor and so on.

The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour

Origin: Germany

Lifespan: 9-11 years

Serious-looking, agile and imposing, the Rottweiler is one of the most courageous and powerful dog breeds in the world, and is now widely used in military and police dogs, as well as a very good family guard dog.

However, Rottweiler has a certain hostility toward strangers, coupled with his lack of friendliness and strong attack, so he is also known as one of the "Four Flames of Dogs".

Breeding note: Rottweiler is loyal, intelligent, is relatively easy to train dogs, trained Rottweiler will become very good, can do any job. When training, paired with some snacks as a reward, the effect will be even better!

The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour

Origin: Spain

Lifespan: 10-11 years

Canary is developed from a kind of fighting dog, the personality is very violent, strong fighting power, nicknamed the killing dog, belongs to the "dangerous elements", so it is definitely the "god of fire" in the dog world, it is absolutely well-deserved to be called one of the "four dogs".

Breeding note: Because of its ferocious personality, the Canary dog often injures people and kills people, and is now banned from many countries.

The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour

Have you ever seen these fierce dogs? These dogs are relatively large in size and the amount of food is relatively large, so the pet owners who have been raised can choose a nutritionally balanced and cost-effective dog food for them.

The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour

Conclusion: Who is your favorite of the above 4 types of dogs?

Welcome to the comments section to share which other dogs are more fierce~

The four kinds of dogs that are known as the "four fires in the dog", please recognize their appearance, and when you see it, you have to take a detour