
Chapter 3 of the Analects (2): Confucian Political Philosophy--Ruling the Country with Etiquette

author:Learning Chinese studies with each passing day

This section continues to talk about etiquette.

Chapter 3 of the Analects (2): Confucian Political Philosophy--Ruling the Country with Etiquette


Confucius said: "The king of the State of Lu actually used the solemn ceremony of the Son of Heaven to sacrifice the previous king with the solemn ceremony that can only be used by the Son of Heaven, and I knew it from the first time I offered wine, and I really can't look at this kind of thing that does not conform to the etiquette system."

Someone asked Confucius the question of the rites. Confucius replied, "I don't really know." Those who know the principle of the ritual are like taking out their palms for others to see to govern the world. Confucius said while pointing to his palm.

Sacrifice to ancestors as if ancestors were in front of you, and sacrifice to gods as if they were in front of your eyes. Confucius said, "For example, if I did not personally participate in the sacrifice, it would be better not to hold the sacrifice." ”

Judging from the text, Confucius must have known the use of the high-standard ritual of the zen ceremony, and knew that the sacrifice must be kept pious. But when others asked, he shirked and said that he didn't know, presumably there was something difficult to say. It may be a vague indication of the wrong behavior of the Lu monarch of his home country who did not observe the etiquette and did not have a sincere heart.


Student Wang Sun Jia asked Confucius: "As the saying goes, 'Instead of worshipping the god of the house in the southwest corner of the house, it is better to worship the god of the stove who is in charge of cooking and cooking by the stove'. Confucius replied, "This is not true, for if he offends God, he will not be able to pray for any gods." ”

Confucius criticized the issue of snobbish worship of God.


Confucius said: "The etiquette system of the Zhou Dynasty comes from the Xia Dynasty and the Yin Shang Dynasty, and the literary style is flying and detailed, so I will follow the etiquette system of the Zhou Dynasty." ”


Confucius entered the Temple and asked whenever he encountered something he did not understand. Someone said, "Who said that Lu Guo knew etiquette?" When you get to the Temple, you have to ask everything. When Confucius heard this, he said, "This is etiquette!" ”

Politeness is also part of etiquette.


Confucius said: "In archery competitions, it lies in the accuracy of shooting, not in whether it can shoot through the target, because the size of human strength is different, this is the truth since ancient times." ”

The metaphorical learning of etiquette is not about whether you can learn all the deeply, but about always walking on the road of learning etiquette.


The student Zigong wants to get rid of the live sheep used to sacrifice ancestors on the first day of each month. Confucius said, "Yes, you are a pity for the sheep, but I cherish this etiquette." ”

Confucius from the perspective of etiquette, the etiquette of respect is the Zhou Li, the Zhou Li is the norm, no sheep is not standardized, and the form is sometimes the content.


Confucius said, "I serve the monarch according to all manners, and others think that I am flattering him." ”

Confucius's grief is also the loneliness of his political ideas that are not recognized.


Lu Dinggong asked Confucius: "How can a monarch control his subjects and courtiers serve the monarch, so how can we achieve such unity and harmony?" Confucius replied, "The monarch should control his subjects according to etiquette, and the courtiers should serve the monarch with loyalty." ”

Looking at this, it is very different from the concept of foolish loyalty that developed later, where did the concept of foolish loyalty come from?


Confucius said: "The first passage in the Book of Poetry, Guan Sui, embodies happiness without making people feel debauched, and embodies sorrow without making people feel sad. ”

The poem "Guan Ju" is the first poem in the book of poetry, you can see its weight in the eyes of Confucius, as a love poem, there are thoughts, pursuits, and yearnings, but the expression of feelings is sincere, simple, and healthy, talking about feelings is just right, it is the ideal poem that Confucius placed on expressing his own ideas.

(Shallow learning, welcome to exchange and discuss!) )