
Makino District sent good news to the military families of military personnel who received meritorious service awards

author:Information News

Recently, Zhao Hailong, member of the Standing Committee of the Makino District CPC Committee and political commissar of the District People's Armed Forces Department, led the District People's Armed Forces Department, the District Veterans Affairs Bureau, and responsible comrades of various towns (subdistricts) to the North Trunk Road Office and the Garden Office of Makino Town to deliver good news to Mao Jie and four other military dependents who had been awarded the third class meritorious service.

Accompanied by bursts of laughter and laughter, under the bright and eye-catching red banners, the district leaders and staff members who delivered the good news came to the homes of the military personnel and military dependents, draped them with ribbons and hung red flowers, and sent them good news and condolences for their meritorious service, thanking them for cultivating outstanding sons and daughters for the cause of national defense. The four military and military dependents thanked the local government for their care and love, and said that they would educate their children to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and make new contributions.

(Source: Xinxiang Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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Release Date:2021-11-15 10:39:23 Category: Media