
Question the "Woodman" gold medal and defend Chinese culture

author:Far East Think Tank

In the past few days, the selection of the so-called "Woodman Gold Award for Global Excellent Art Appraisal Appraiser" has caused an uproar in the vast Chinese collection community. The source of information I have is: the November 3, 2021 article of Hong Kong's South China Morning Post circulating on the Internet, original title: "16 Chinese art appraisers form the largest army, and they are not nominated for the "Woodman" Gold Award for the world's outstanding art appraisers."

From the content of this article in the South China Morning Post circulating on the Internet, we can see:

1. So far, the "Woodman Gold Award for Global Outstanding Art Appraisers" has been held for fifteen circles. For 28 consecutive years, Chinese art appraisers have been excluded from the list of gold medal nominees for the competition.

2. In 2021, China will send 16 art appraisers who have obtained the british art forensic appraiser qualification certificate to Sydney, Australia to participate in the art "Woodman" back-to-back appraisal competition...

3. The author Jonathan White mentioned in the article: "After Li Jianchen, there is no successor to the Chinese art appraiser. ”

4. The nominate for the 2021 Woodman Gold Award in Asia was Mr. Kotaro Koizumi, an art appraiser in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

After reading this article, I not only have some doubts about the so-called "Woodman" gold award:

1. Who is the organizer of the so-called "Woodman" Gold Award? Who is the funder? What is the background of these units? In what context was the Woodman Gold Award launched?

Second, since the "Woodman" Gold Award has been held for fifteen years, why is it that there is a sudden thunderstorm in China this month and today? Why has it never been heard of in the Chinese industry before? What was the situation with the first fourteen competitions?

Is the authority of the Woodman Gold Award recognized by the United Nations? What is the academic breakthrough of the Woodman Gold Award? What contributions have been made to the development of international culture? What is the international impact of the Woodman Gold Award? Is it widely recognized in the international appraisal community?

4. What Chinese organization dispatched the 16 participants in the 2021 Chinese "Woodman" back-to-back appraisal competition? Organized by the Chinese government, or by civil society? What kind of experts are these sixteen contestants in the field of identification, such as porcelain, jade, calligraphy and painting...? Is there a specific list of these sixteen people? What did these sixteen contestants accomplish in their relevant fields?

If the so-called "Woodman" gold medal is so important, why has chinese officials not reported on the competition? And China's official coverage of the previous "Woodman" Gold Awards has never been reported?

6. Who are the members of the jury of this competition? What academic monographs do the members of the jury of these competitions have? What items did the sixteen Chinese representatives of the competition identify in the competition? Why are they being eliminated? Why is there no review of the contest video data, and not even a picture of the contest can be found on the Internet?

7. In what context did Mr. Li Jianchen mentioned in the South China Morning Post article participate in the "Woodman" Gold Award Competition that year? What items did he identify in the contest that led to the Gold Award nomination? Why the author of this article, Mr. Jonathan White, mentioned in the article: "After Li Jianchen, there is no successor to the Chinese art appraiser. ”? How did a foreigner know that there was no one to succeed the Chinese art appraiser?

Eighth, the so-called "Woodman" gold medal in The sudden and overwhelming article report in China is itself strange, because this situation objectively plays a role in promoting the spread of the so-called "Woodman" gold medal in China. So, does the organization that organizes the so-called "Woodman" gold medal want to develop in China? Does this organization want to establish authority in China and then cultivate spokespersons, and finally achieve the purpose of monopolizing the right to speak in the appraisal of Chinese cultural relics and the right to speak on the pricing of Chinese cultural relics?

Why was this article preemptively reported as a media outlet in Hong Kong, a British colony?

10. Mr. Koizumi Koitaro, an art appraiser from Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, who was nominated in 2021, identified which cultural relics or published some groundbreaking and academic papers to be nominated for the Woodman Gold Medal? Let's learn it too?

11. What I would like to ask in particular is: Did the South China Morning Post really publish this article?

Before these questions are answered, I have reason to have the following three doubts about this incident:

First, is this article spreading rumors in the name of the South China Morning Post?

Second, from an economic point of view: if this incident is real, then this is the purpose of some Western countries to try to establish the authority of certain organizations in China, and then cultivate spokespersons, and finally obtain the right to speak in The appraisal of Chinese cultural relics and the right to speak on the pricing of Chinese cultural relics.

Second, considering the long-term development of Chinese culture: If this incident is true, this is a suppression of Chinese civilization, a suppression of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the beginning of a cultural war, and a sign that the war to defend Chinese culture has begun!

Cultural self-confidence is the symbol of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Chinese cultural relics are direct evidence of the self-confidence of Chinese national culture, and cultural relics appraisal appraisers are the key to distinguishing between true, false, superior and inferior Chinese cultural relics. It is not difficult for everyone to conclude from the internal relationship between cultural relics appraisers, cultural relics and cultural self-confidence: the purpose of belittling Chinese cultural relics appraisal appraisers is not only to gain the right to speak in Chinese cultural relics appraisal and the right to speak in China's cultural relics pricing, but also to achieve the ultimate goal of some Western countries to achieve the ultimate goal of competing with the Chinese nation for national discourse power by suppressing the national cultural self-confidence of the Chinese nation!

What needs to be pointed out here is that the right of national discourse is the foundation for a nation to stand tall among the nations of the world! In order to enhance the cultural self-confidence of their own nationalities, and then achieve the purpose of obtaining the national discourse power among the nations of the world, some countries have even spared no effort to counterfeit cultural relics! Such as: "Mayan Crystal Skull", "Pirdang", "Papyrus", "Clay Tablets", "Pompeii Mosaic", "Dead Sea Scrolls", "King Solomon Stele" and so on.

And that's not all, there's also the site of counterfeiting:

Britain fakes historical sites: In December 2018 in Alford, northeast Scotland, the local council claimed to have found a prehistoric stone circle, a scaled-down version of "Stonehenge", but just a month later, on January 21, 2019, Aberdeen County Council archaeologist Neil Ackman made an embarrassing statement online: further research showed that the stone circle near Alford was a modern replica, and that these stones were not at all artifacts built by the ancients in a certain sense.

Japan is not far behind in terms of site counterfeiting, and there was once a famous academic fraud incident in the history of world archaeology: the Japanese Fujimura Shinichi Paleolithic archeological fraud incident. It turned out that the so-called Paleolithic tools were buried by an archaeologist named Shinichi Fujimura. The scene of his burial of the stone tools was filmed by a hidden monitor. After investigation, Fujimura Shinichi began to counterfeit 42 sites in 1981, many of which have even been written into history textbooks.

In 1991, Seraphim Ruiz, a student of history and speleology, claimed to have found ice-age petroglyphs at the site of the Cave of Suviarda in northern Spain, about 13,000 years old. However, shortly after the discovery was made public, archaeologists from the University of Southampton and the British Museum in the United Kingdom raised the question of the contradiction between the extinction time of animals in the petroglyphs in southern Europe and the dating back of the petroglyphs. Subsequently, through scientific analysis, scientists also found that organic matter and artificial fibers were present in the pigments used in these cave petroglyphs, which were undoubtedly fake works.

To sum up: The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years of civilization, 10,000 years of cultural development, and 1.7 million years of human development, and culture is the bridge between the Chinese nation and the world. Once the right to speak in the appraisal of cultural relics in China and the right to speak in the pricing of cultural relics are lost, it will bring a blow that cannot be underestimated to The self-confidence of Chinese culture, national self-esteem, national pride, great rejuvenation of the nation, and national discourse power! The war to defend Chinese culture has already begun, and the vast number of Tibetan friends and relevant state departments should not take it lightly, I am by no means alarmist!

Finally, I believe that the Chinese culture has a long history, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation cannot be stopped by any force! The national cultural self-confidence of the Chinese nation will not be defeated by any attempt! Those who vainly try to challenge the great culture of the Chinese nation will definitely lift a stone and drop it on their feet!