
"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

author:Xinhua Daily Telegraph
Nearly ten years in the industry, She insists on speaking out for disadvantaged children and rural teachers; Some people say that she uses a pen like a knife, But she said, "I want to write tenderness about the world."

Yuan Ruting: Gentle and tough

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist
"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

Guest of this issue: Yuan Ruting

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Hunan Branch of Xinhua News Agency

Top ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency

Young top-notch talents, cutting-edge youth

His works have won the China Journalism Award many times

Xinhua News Agency's good article and other honors

Moderator: Xu Sheng

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

Host: Over the years, in the field of educational reporting, in addition to writing heart-warming stories, you have also paid attention to the growing difficulties of many children, what is the most memorable thing about you in this process?

Yuan Ruting: There are many unforgettable things. Many years ago, I went to a first-tier city to investigate and met a migrant family. The family, with three children, lives in a particularly humble house, an urban village that the city is about to demolish.

One of the children told me that they had been in the city for 4 years, had been living in the village area of the city, and had never been to those beautiful, bustling places. This detail made me particularly sad, so on the eve of Children's Day that year, I did a group of migrant children's research with my colleagues.

I share this story because I think that in addition to chasing hot spots, I should pay more attention to some freezing points when doing educational reporting.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

However, when you ask me what unforgettable things are, there are actually many unforgettable things that are difficult to express in the manuscript and difficult to tell publicly.

Host: Why?

Yuan Ruting: When doing juvenile reporting, in addition to all the principles, I think the first principle is respect and protection. Because children are one of the most vulnerable groups in society, we need to consider that the news will eventually pass, but children still have a long life.

Sometimes, we interview 20,000 words of material, but we may be willing to write only 800 words of reports, and there are more than 10,000 words of stories, we will prefer to collect it, and we also hope that it is a story that is collected in the process of a child's growth, because it may help the child's growth.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

Host: Having done so many influential reports, is there an echo for every article?

Yuan Ruting: We have some reports that may have promoted the introduction of relevant policies or the solution of social problems at some levels, but in some specific places, similar cases will still appear. There is no change that can "ascend to the sky in one step", and more often than not, it requires indomitable and tenacious strength.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

Host: When there is frustration, what makes you stick to it?

Yuan Ruting: I think it's those particularly specific, tiny inner fulcrums.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, I received a special holiday greeting from the father of a child. Many years ago, in rural Hunan, a child was injured for some reason. Her father found Xinhua and found the Hunan bureau. A colleague and I went to the local area to investigate, and cooperated with the relevant departments such as the police to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The father of this child has been in touch with me for so many years. He is an honest and even a little wooden farmer, and every time I reply to him with festive greetings, he will give me the same 5 words back: Xiao Yuan, thank you.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

These 5 words have become a very important fulcrum in my heart.

Our work may not have a rapid, immediate effect every time, but even if your report only helps one in ten million children, it has 100% meaning for a family. It is this sense of value that becomes the fulcrum of my heart.

It tells me that you can't give up, be more resilient, and believe that change is happening in some place that may be temporarily invisible.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

Host: Looking at your manuscript, many readers say that they will cry when they look at it, is this because female journalists are more delicate?

Yuan Ruting: I think that women as journalists must have some gender characteristics, but I am not willing to directly say that this characteristic is a gender advantage, because male journalists can also be very sensitive and delicate.

About 6 years ago, I wrote about a typical heroic and exemplary figure - Mei Xiong. In a highway accident, he got out of the car to save people when he passed, but was seriously injured by a passing vehicle. After the brain death, his elderly mother and wife in the countryside decided to donate his organs.

I asked his wife, "At what moment did you feel the most overwhelmed and uncomfortable?" She told me a detail, saying that there was a particularly dark corner corridor outside the operating room, and mei xiong was standing there alone when she was doing organ harvesting, "probably no one knows where I am, I have been standing for a long time."

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

I then went to the dimly lit corridor outside the operating room and stood alone for nearly 20 minutes. It was 20 minutes without dialogue, but it seemed to me to be the most meaningful 20 minutes in the whole interview because it immersed me in understanding how difficult and great it is for a wife to make an organ donation decision.

Therefore, I think that the so-called beliefs, details, and emotions must come from the reporter's willingness to bring himself to the news scene indefinitely, so that the report you write is sincere. Only when you are sincere, the reader can feel your sincerity and the sincerity of the story.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

Yuan Ruting took the Xinhua Daily Telegraph that published the report to visit Mei Xiong's mother and sister, and mei Xiong's sister was pictured looking at the newspaper and shedding tears

Host: There will definitely be a lot of difficulties in the process of arriving at the news scene, how do you overcome them?

Yuan Ruting: In fact, a lot of the reports I have done have been done by the team.

Whether it is a breakthrough cooperation on the news scene or an interview process of wading through mountains and waters, when doing a lot of things, you must have a group of people who understand each other around you, and you will have strength.

The branch gave us a lot of encouragement and support, and the teachers in the editorial department also did a lot of improvement and control of the manuscript. I think we must remember the efforts of those who did not sign behind every manuscript, every report.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

Host: You are a journalist, but also a wife and daughter, how do you rate these roles?

Yuan Ruting: I think I am an 80-85 point journalist, a wife of 70-75 points, and a daughter who can reach 70 points.

Because the work is very busy, there are also many business trips. But I especially want to say that the identity of Xinhua News Agency has given me a great help - after recording and writing so many stories, you will have a more three-dimensional understanding of the world and more tolerance for the people around you.

I also hope to be able to extend this flexible power that my career has given me more into my work and life.

"Only when you arrive at the scene indefinitely will your report be sincere": the gentleness and ten ten reporters of Xinhua News Agency | Very female journalist

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