
The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (7) The Demon King chapter, the light sea water slides to wash the gel

author:Heavy boat

Fujiwara Nobi, who laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Fujiwara clan, was posthumously enfeoffed as the Duke of Tamkai, and the Nara period also had a famous article leader Tamkai Mifune, both of which derived the word Tamkai from the ancient name of Lake Biwa.

Lake Biwa is the largest freshwater lake in Japan and is regarded by the Japanese as the source of life. The lake is surrounded by lush green mountains, and the whole lake is called Mt. Hiei, Mt. Bira, Mt. Ibuki, Mount Suzuka and many other mountain systems, and the mountains and rivers are interdependent, like a paradise. The roads are winding, and only a few passes allow military traffic, which also makes Omi Country, where Lake Biwa is located, a major land transportation route connecting Tokaido, Nakasendo, and Hokuriku Province.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (7) The Demon King chapter, the light sea water slides to wash the gel

Lake Biwa

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (7) The Demon King chapter, the light sea water slides to wash the gel

Omi Country

Emperor Tenchi and Crown Prince Ōtomo were both set to be in Omi-Otsu Palace, and their focus was on the advantages of both attack and defense. However, setagawa even the heavens drum, the prince of the sea people to the tiger and wolf division of the Eastern Kingdom, subverted the Omi Dynasty opened by his brother, and thus had the grandeur of the White Phoenix culture.

Emi's unsuccessful battle for Suzuchi and her attempt to go to Omi to gather her troops was cut off by the imperial court's officers and soldiers, and she committed suicide by defeating takashima-gun in Gangsu, becoming a well-known rebel in Japanese history.

During the Muromachi period, Omi Kingdom was divided into two, with the Kita Omi Half Kingdom subordinate to the Kyogoku clan and the Minami Omi Half Kingdom subordinate to the Rokkaku clan, both of which were actually sasaki streams of the Uta Genji clan.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (7) The Demon King chapter, the light sea water slides to wash the gel

Hexagonal family pattern: Sumita four-eyed knot

Sasaki was already a lackey under Genyoshi's door at the time of the Hiraji Rebellion. In the Battle of Genpei, Sasaki Takatsugu took the lead in crossing the Uji River, breaking gen's Hokuriku soldiers and horses, and making a great contribution to the genrai dynasty's capture of Kyoto. During the Enduring rebellion, Sasaki Nobutsugu once again fought to cross the Uji River, dispersed the imperial court, and made a great achievement for Emperor Toba after the Kamakura shogunate was cleaned up.

Sasaki Nobutsu had four sons, and the eldest son, Shigetsu, was enfeoffed with Oharasho in Sakata County, and was renamed Ohara Clan. The second son, Takashima County, was enfeoffed with Takashima County and renamed it Takashima Clan. The third son, Tai gang, was a concubine who was enfeoffed with the six counties of Gangnam, and was led by the Yashiki Rokkaku Higashi-dong-in temple of the Sasaki clan in Kyoto, which was later known as the Rokkaku clan. The fourth son, Sasaki Clan Nobubu, is the ancestor of the Kyogoku clan.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Great Name of Sasaki Michiyuki, who followed the Ashikaga clan everywhere during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, was a member of the Kyogoku clan who was born in the Sasaki Clan. Kyogoku beat up Yamamyo during the Matilda Rebellion in the early Muromachi period, and was forced to do so by virtue of his conquest of Izumo and Hida Nikuni, as well as the Northern Half of the River north of the Aichi River. Later, the Nizi family, who was known as the Yin-Yang Ichitaishou of San'in Sanyang, was the Shuliu of the Kyogoku clan, and served as the guardian of Izumo.

All in all, although Herakami was a concubine of the Sasaki clan and had held the position of guardian of Omi for generations, there was nothing they could do against the Kyogoku clan, who held the high position of the three pipes and four positions, and the unification of the hexagonal kingdom was an impossible task from the beginning. The Kyogoku clan had the support of the shogunate, and relatively speaking, Hexagon had a lingering grudge against the Muromachi shogunate.

In the second year of Nagaroku (1458), Rokkaku Takarai was deposed by the shogunate and became the guardian of Omi from his brother Rokkaku Masayoshi, and two years later Takarai was restored to the position of guardian. During the Yingren Rebellion, Rokkaku Takarai and Mino's Toki Shōrai joined the Western Army, and Kyogoku Shōshō of Jiangbei and Rokkaku Masayoshi joined the Eastern Army. In the third year of civilization (1471), Hexagon Gaolai attacked Hexagon Zhengyao and ended the infighting in the family.

After the rebellion, Rokkaku Takarai returned to the shogunate, and the monks of Enriji Temple complained to the shogun that the Rokkaku family had encroached on the temple's territory, and Ashikaga Yoshinaga ordered the return of the temple lord. At the end of the day, thousands of horses and women can give people, but the territory is the foundation of the country, so why give it. Hexagonal Gaurai threw aside the shogunate's edict and shogun farted.

Ashikaga Yoshinori was still thinking of working hard to revive the prestige of the shogunate, and the thorn that jumped out could not be quickly pinched. In the first year of his reign (1487), the general personally led the Eastern Expedition of the Curtain Army, and for a time the iron horse and heavy armor flocked to the army, and the soldiers of the whole country gathered in Omi. Ashikaga Yoshinori solemnly declared that he would use the lighthouse of the shogunate to illuminate the people of Omi and bring order and civilization to the obscure Gangnam.

Seeing that he could not be defeated, he abandoned the city of Guanyin Temple and fled to the mountains to carry out guerrilla tactics. The so-called dragon fights the tiger and fights the other side of the flower, Koga gave me a home, the mountains stretching around the south river, and since then it has become the best shelter in the hexagon. The shogunate struck with a heavy hammer, looking at the mountains of Jiangnan, and was completely unable to exert its strength. In 1489, Ashikaga Yoshinori fell ill and died in the Omi Hook Formation, and the three-year Long-Term Pleasure Rebellion came to an abrupt end, and Hexagonal Takarai swung a lot to wash his hands ashore.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (7) The Demon King chapter, the light sea water slides to wash the gel

Drawing of the mountain castle of Kannonji Temple

In the third year of Yande (1491), the tenth shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori launched another expedition to Omi. Hexagonal Gao Lai is still the old way, drilling into the mountains of Koga to mobilize the masses to fight guerrillas. When the shogunate withdrew, Gao Lai returned from the mountain, still a good man in the south of the river, the legitimate leader of the Guanyin Temple.

Rokkaku Takashi relied on the land of the Southern Half Kingdom, resisted the shogunate's Tiger and Wolf soldiers alone, and deposed several generations of Ashikaga shoguns, and this small Rokkaku clan was simply an imperial cemetery of the Muromachi era. The shogunate's prestige is declining, and the warring states are in turmoil, which cannot but be said to have inextricable grievances with the Hexagon of the South Omi River.

In his later years, Hexagonal Gao lai had a dispute with his subordinate itin, the Iting clan. At one point, Iting Sadataka, with the support of the shogunate, expelled Takarai to Otaba Castle in Kabusei Sadahide and left Jiangnan on his own. In the seventeenth year of Yongzheng (1520), Iting Zhenlong and HexagonAlai passed away one after another, and the successor Hexagon Dinglai restored the people's hearts, strengthened the domination of the kingdom, and regained control of The Southern Omi.

Rokkaku Washira was originally the second son of Takarai, who was ordained as a monk at a young age in Thekaen-in Temple of Sagakoku-ji in Kyoto, and his legal name was Hikari Mitsuro Seiki. In the fifteenth year of Yongzheng (1518), his elder brother Shi Gang died prematurely, and Hexagon Dinglai also succeeded him as the governor of the family. In terms of internal affairs, Dinglai took the lead in promoting the "city division", forcing the courtiers to destroy their respective cities and gather in the Guanyin Temple City, which was the prototype of the one country and one city order for future generations. On the other hand, it is determined to implement the Leshi Decree, encourage merchants to trade goods in the Jiangnan area, open up a lake and a lake all the way to advocate, create an open and inclusive regional cooperation mechanism, and cultivate internal skills and refine bones for the rise of the Southern River.

Both inside and outside, Gangnam Hexagon began to meddle in the affairs of the Gyeonggi shogunate as a pillar of the shogunate. In the first year of the Astronomical Era (1532), the leader Hosokawa Haruoto killed Miyoshi Motonaga and welcomed Yoshiharu. At the behest of Hosokawa, Rokkaku joined forces with the Nichiren Sect to burn down the Yamashina Hongan-ji Temple and defeat Ichigo. In the fifth year of astronomy (1536), Hexagonal Dinglai joined forces with the monks of the Tendai Sect to burn the temple of the Nichiren Sect, and Luozhong Luowai was burned to the ground. Try to look at today's capital, it is the world of the Jiangnan family, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the original hexagonal single husband to run rampant.

Miyoshi Nagayoshi, son of Miyoshi Nagayoshi, counterattacked, and Hosokawa Harumoto and Ashikaga Yoshiharu fled to Omi. Rokkaku Ryōryo intervened, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, son of Yoshiharu, returned to Kyoto to become a shogun, and the Gyeonggi lands finally had some stability under the rule of the strongman Miyoshi Nagayoshi.

Kiuchi was a little quieter, and Hexagonal Dingrai could then free his hand to clean up the side of the bed in kita Omi. It is said that kyogoku in the north of the Jiangbei Rebellion of Yingren held the Qing Dynasty to meet the battle, and gained very little. After the death of Zhiqing, the heirs competed with each other, and the authority fell into the hands of the people of the country. In the fifth year of Ōnaga (1525), Asai Ryomasa mobilized the Kunigami to replace the Kyogoku clan as kita-Omi's bearer. In the name of supporting Kyogoku, Hexagon Dinglai frequently used troops to suppress shallow wells in Jiangbei. Ryomachi Asai formed an alliance with Echizen Asakura, barely supporting it, and his life was like a line.

In the eleventh year of astronomy (1542), Asai Ryomachi died of illness, and at the age of seventeen, Asai Hisaasa could not suppress the turmoil in his family, and after a few years, he was finally forced to submit to The Gangnam Hexagon. The son of Rokkaku Tsuneyoshi was named Rokkaku Yoshihito, and Asai Hisashi asked his concubine to accept the favoritism given by Yoshihito and change his name to Asai Kenmasa, and on behalf of Hyakusan, he married the daughter of the Rokkaku clan minister Hirai Tsunetake, and completely changed the status of a vassal.

In the twenty-first year of astronomy (1552), a generation of British lords hexagonal dinglai passed away, and the gangnam hexagon encompassed the entire territory of Omi, and also partially touched the Iga kingdom, the peak of its territory. After Dinglai's death, he succeeded him as the governor of the family, and in the third year of Hongzhi (1557), Hexagon Yixian became a monk with the title of Chengzhen. The heir hexagon Yoshiji succeeded to the throne, and the real power could always be in the hands of Yixian.

Sakyo Daifu Rokkaku Seikiyoshi Yoshihito is one of the several paving stones on the path of Oda Nobunaga, and his reputation is very loud. In fact, when Hexagon Yoshihito first appeared, he was a head player in Kiuchi, and the general had his left arm and right arm. The Rokkaku family went in and out of Gyeonggi several times, fought against Miyoshi Nagayoshi, and once controlled Kyoto and controlled the center.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (7) The Demon King chapter, the light sea water slides to wash the gel

Taiping Chronicles heroic biography Hexagon Chengzhen Akira Yoshiyuki several works

In the second year of Yonglu (1559), Asai Kensei in The north of the river was dissatisfied with the suppression of hexagonal, and gradually developed an independent and self-centered mind. Kenmasa divorced Hirai's daughter, And the joint family's retainers forced his father, Hisaemasa, to retire to Takeo Island, Lake Biwa. He himself abandoned the partiality given by the Hexagonal Righteous Sage and changed his name from the Sage to Changzheng to show that he was separated from the Master-slave relationship with the Hexagonal Family.

In the third year of Yonglu (1560), Rokkaku Yoshihito personally led an army of 25,000 to attack Jiangbei, and Asai Nagamasa led more than 10,000 troops to fight in Yeliangtian. In the initial battle, the Hexagonal Army was superior in numbers, and defeated the front of the Asai Front Army in front of them with the method of attacking in a dignified manner. Asai Fang could not support it, and almost wanted to collapse.

At a critical moment, Asai Nagamasa personally led a raid on Rokkaku Yoshihito's home front. Due to the smooth battle, hexagonal attacked in a big way, and the home front pulled away from the main force, and actually called Asai Nagamasa to strike a blow. Hexagonal Yixian was defenseless, and left the wilderness, abandoning all the soldiers who were still on the front line in blood.

The commander abandoned the army and fled, and the three armies immediately lost the reason for the battle, and lowered their weapons one after another, either descending or leaving. In the battle of Nogarada, Hexagon won nine times out of ten, but at the last moment it was overturned by Asai, and since then it has gone all the way downhill and can no longer turn back.

Hexagon Yixian lost Jiangbei, the courtiers in the family all had belly slander, and the loyalty was originally like the horns of the feathered unicorn of the phoenix, but now it is more and more shaken. Yi Xian had no choice but to leave the affairs of the family to the concubine Hexagon Yoshiharu to dispose of, and he settled behind the scenes. It was expected that since the British Lord dinglai, this Jiangnan Hexagon was not as good as a crab, and when it was the turn of the Hexagon Yizhi, there was a great disturbance in the Guanyin Temple.

Rokkaku Yoshiharu's wife was the daughter of Mino Saito Yoshiryu, and when he ascended the throne, he planned to join Saito in attacking Jiangbei. As a result, his father-in-law Saito Yoshiryu died violently, and the successor Saito Ryuko and Hexagon Yoshiharu, a pair of fools, hoped that the fish belly would save each other than to pray for the gods of Takatenhara to kill their respective opponents with a thunderbolt.

The lord was dim, and the courtiers in the family naturally jumped out to do their own thing, and the most eye-catching performance was the heavy minister Goto Kenfeng. Hexagonal Yoshiharu could not suppress Goto, and jealous of the latter's talents, he thought of a bad idea of physical annihilation. In the sixth year of Yonglu (1563), Rokkaku Yoshiharu plotted to murder Goto Kenfeng, causing a national uproar. For such a brutal move, everyone was cold-teethed and shook their heads. While the courtiers were dying and the fox was sad, the crowd was indignant, and drove Hexagon Yoshiji out of the Guanyin Temple City, and the monarchs turned their eyes against each other, like a vendetta.

Later, under the mediation of Pu Sheng Dingxiu, he barely quelled the riot, and Rokkaku Yoshiharu returned to Kannon Temple Castle. It's just that this broken human heart has no possibility of being healed.

The whole incident can be summed up as a human tragicomedy in which the head player was jealous of Xianxian's ability and secretly blackhanded, and the result was self-phagocytosis and spurned by all. The only lesson that mankind has learned from the study of history is that mankind never learns a lesson.

In the eighth year of Nagatoku (1565), Miyoshi and Matsunaga hide hide conspired to attack and kill the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki. Yoshiaki's younger brother Ichijo-in Kyōkei escaped from Nara and hid in Omi, changing his name to Ashikaga Yoshiaki. Before Rokkaku Yoshiharu could figure out how to arrange this Ashikaga, miyoshi trio offered the price tag of the pipe collar to bribe Omi. Since he dared to give it to his home, Hexagon naturally smiled and accepted kindness. Ashikaga Yoshiaki was unable to stand up in Omi, and the emperor fled to Echizen Asakura, changed his name to Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and then defected to Oda Nobunaga's domain.

After the guanyin temple riot, asai Nagamasa in the north of the river marched forward and gradually encroached on the territory of the hexagon in the south of the river. Many of the hexagonal family's loyalists who had lost confidence turned against the trend and went to the asai gate, and the offensive and defensive trend was reversed for a time. Asai Nagamasa rose to fame and was greatly appreciated by Oda Nobunaga, and kita-Omi and Owari fell in love with Each other, and simply married in-laws, and Asai Nagamasa married Nobunaga's sister Ichihime.

Legend has it that Oda City is the best in the world, and it is the young hero Asai Nagamasa who is first married, majestic, talking and laughing, and the tree is gone. Through the ages, the rivers and mountains are picturesque, who can think of the last pillow of yellow sorghum, water moon mirror flower, how a world is unpredictable, life is impermanent.

The follow-up story is a no-brainer. In the eleventh year of Nagatoshi (1568), Oda Nobunaga decided to support Riyoshi Shōshō. Nobunaga negotiated with Rokkaku Yoshiharu and persuaded him to support Yoshiaki and join Kamigami. This Gangnam hexagon is a famous gate of the Genpei era, overlapping Kamakura and Muromachi, which is the famous gate inside the famous gate, and the fame on the lintel is doubled. And Owari Oda is the upstart in the upstart, the double upstart, how can the hexagon look up to the proposal of a companion. Moreover, Rokkaku Yoshiharu and Kiuchi's three people already had a covenant, and they were more and more unable to agree. The two sides cannot negotiate the conditions, and can only rely on force to see the real chapter.

In September of that year, Nobunaga reorganized his army and mobilized the forces of Mino, Owari, Ise, and Mikawa, and together with Asai Nagasaki's division sasaki and Yamashiro, the total number of the whole army was either 30,000 or 40,000, which had become the peak of Mount Tai. Hexagonal Yoshiharu gathered 10,000 troops and guarded them separately at Jisaku Castle and Hotayama Castle.

Under the strong attack of Nobunaga's superior forces, Mizoku Castle fell first. The defenders of Hotayama Castle heard of the defeat of the friendly forces, and in shock, they abandoned the city and left. The combined forces of Nobunaga and Nagamasa broke through the last line of defense of the Rokkaku clan and besieged The Castle of Kannonji. Hexagonal Yoshihito and Yoshiharu felt powerless to resist, remembering their father's old method, turned their heads and hid in the mountains of Koga, waiting for the guerrilla tactics to work again.

What Rokkaku Yoshiharu did not want to understand was that in the Rebellion of the Elders, Ashikaga Yoshinori brought to Omi the power of the princes from all over Kiuchi, and the people's hearts were uneven, each with its own plans, and belonged to the type of work that could not contribute. The comings and goings are like floating clouds and flowing water, after all, they can't stay, or they have to rely on the local natives to be the masters, which gives the Hexagonal Gaolai the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

When Oda Nobunaga swept Omi, the local forces that had long been cold to Hexagon changed their doors and were willing to become Nobunaga's lackeys. At that time, the heavy minister Kasuo Kenhide occupied Hino Castle and defended himself, and Nobunaga sent Kobe Tomori to persuade him to surrender, and Kabuo Kenshu was confused and could not decide. Kenhide's son, Tsuru Chiyo, jumps out and claims to be an envoy and repay Oda.

When Tsuru Chiyo saw Oda Nobunaga, his first words were: "The Honmei family would like to be the precursor to the adults entering The Capital, and to be a hostage under the circumstances." Oda Nobunaga was impressed by Tsuru Chiyo's appearance and demeanor, and the following year he personally dressed him and gave his daughter Dong-hime. This Tsuru Chiyo, who was praised by Nobunaga, was later a well-known warrior and tea man, the Kabu clan.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (7) The Demon King chapter, the light sea water slides to wash the gel

Gamo Osabu

The Gangnam Hexagon was broken, and the thousand-year-old capital opened its arms to Oda Nobunaga. At this time, the general Ashikaga Yoshiei, who was supported by Miyoshi, had already died of illness, and the Miyoshi trio had lost their daiyoshi and left Kyosei, while Matsunaga Hideyoshi took the initiative to surrender.

A hundred years of dying ZTE, qiankun sun and moon reopened, this great feat is actually made of spit.

(Chapter 7 End)

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