
Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

author:12360 Customs Hotline
Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull
Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull


At the 12th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform in 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that biosecurity should be incorporated into the national security system from the perspective of protecting people's health, ensuring national security and safeguarding the country's long-term peace and stability, systematically planning the construction of the national biosecurity risk prevention and control and governance system, and comprehensively improving the national biosecurity governance capacity. In the new historical period, the incorporation of biosecurity into the national security system has improved the top-level design of the national security system on the one hand, and pointed out the direction for maintaining national biosecurity on the other hand.

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Zhangzhou Customs, a subsidiary of Xiamen Customs, inspects incoming logs


narrow pass



Xiamen Customs belongs to Zhangzhou Customs in a batch of people from

New Zealand's radiating pine logs are inspected when they are inspected

Now the bark has a large number of ovoid worm lanes and insects from it

Several larvae were excavated from the road and confirmed by identification

It is a quarantine pest - radiant pine ghost cow.

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Radiata pine larvae

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Xiamen Customs belongs to Zhangzhou Customs

Larvae of radiating pine lynx were seized

★ Small classroom ★

What is Radiant Pine Celestial Bull?

Radiant pine is a typical pest that harms trees, so let's take a closer look at it.

Radiant Pine Celestial Bull

Asemum amurense Kraatz

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Radiata pine spectral cattle adults

Radiata pine Yu tianniu belongs to the subfamily Tianniu genus, originated in Europe, distributed along the Mediterranean to the Middle East of southern European countries, Australia, New Zealand, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa; the main harm to a number of tree species in pine trees, such as Haitian pine, radiated pine, wetland pine, Mediterranean pine, etc.; the insect has strong fecundity, can spread long distance with logs, wood packaging, etc., adult insect flight ability, is a typical forest pest.

What are its characteristics?

The old mature larvae of the radiator pine larvae are 25 to 30 mm long, cylindrical in shape, and the body hair is reddish brown; the base of the dorsal plate of the forebreast is wide, the front end has yellow transverse spots, and the lateral area is densely covered with reddish-brown hairs.

Adults are 11.4 to 22.1 mm long and have yellow-brown to black-brown bodies. The 3rd tarsal segment of the hind foot is deeply lobed, almost reaching the base of the segment. The stubs of the lower jaw are very axe-like , the apex is equal to or slightly longer than wide , and the elytra margins are often curved.

What harm will it do?

Don't look at its small size, the harm can be great. As early as the Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo had a poetry cloud:

"The two corners are self-sufficient, and the air flies to the box." What's the matter with the cattle? Sharp kiss hole dry mulberry. ”

The meaning is that although the celestial cow is also called "cow", it is not like the cow that contributes to human beings, but only uses its sharp mouth to make holes in the trees and dry out the trees.

Although the Tianniu is widely distributed in China, the radiant pine Tianniu is not yet distributed in China, and once it is introduced and colonized, it will cause great damage to China's forestry production and forest ecology.

Its harm to plants is the most intense in the larval stage, and the interior of the tree is eroded by the larvae, which hinders the normal growth of the tree, weakens the tree potential, shortens the life span; when the damage is serious, it can lead to the rapid withering and death of the tree.

Let's look at its harm through a few photos.

Celestial bull is harmful

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Worm road

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Resident chips

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Celestial pupae

Customs alerts

Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull

Customs officers inspect incoming logs

Radiation pine and other foreign pine is an important host of radiation pine Youtianniu, enterprises import foreign pine, should strictly abide by China's laws and regulations, in the export country or region for effective pest treatment, accompanied by plant quarantine certificates and other documents, to maintain the country's ecological security.

Please indicate the source of "12360 Customs Hotline"

Note: Some of the images are from the Internet

Contributed by: Xiamen Customs

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Guomen Biosecurity | "forest destroyer" - radiant pine Youtian bull