
After getting married, I met someone who made me fall in love at first sight, where should I go?

author:A small cabbage that loves melons

Love can make people desperate, but when love crosses the bottom line of marriage, it is no longer pure love. The love words that have been said will always slowly deteriorate in the end, which is the bitterness and regret that cannot be explained in a thousand words. Love or marriage. It can tolerate thousands of sweet words, but it cannot tolerate half a lie.

After getting married, I met someone who made me fall in love at first sight, where should I go?

Let's listen to Xiaohua's story.

I'm 89 years old, married for over two years, and my son just turned two. My wife and I met through blind dates, and at that time, I just thought that this girl was still good-looking, and there was no special feeling, and there was no special love after contacting her.

But when he reached the age of marriage, coupled with his parents' daily urging to get married, he tried to slowly contact her.

My wife has a very sunny and kind personality, I once cheated and broke up several times when I was in love, she forgave me, it can be said that it is really good, everything is accommodating and tolerant, and then we got married.

After getting married, I met someone who made me fall in love at first sight, where should I go?

After the marriage, the life was plain, I gradually fell in love with my wife, and we had a very cute baby, it can be said that if I did not meet her, everything was very complete, and I was going in the direction of imagination.

But it was at this time that I met her, we met at a party, in fact, at first I didn't like this kind of girl, this girl is very egotistical, very domineering.

But somehow, as the number of contacts increased, I gradually became obsessed with her, and slowly and naturally together, she was also very honest with me, said a lot about her past, at first I was also comforted and pity, but as I deepened my understanding, I became more and more inseparable from this girl.

After getting married, I met someone who made me fall in love at first sight, where should I go?

I know the word spiritual derailment, and I realize that I'm getting farther and farther down the road, but I just can't stop.

You may think that I am a restless and unfaithful man, but sometimes the emotional thing cannot be controlled, it comes uninvited, and I am also helpless. I've been trying to restrain myself, but I still can't put it down.

Her smile moved me and made me feel happy with her, I loved her and had a strong urge to protect her, I fit this girl very well, but my heart and reason told me that I was married and had a 2 year old son.

This is also a conundrum for many married men. Love or not love is a hard choice.

After getting married, I met someone who made me fall in love at first sight, where should I go?

In the end, I still decided not to cross the line, cherish the person in front of me, a beautiful girl, a handsome boy, a multi-matching relationship, will become flat and rough because of the triviality of time and life.

You can leave because the incumbency is not good, but don't break up because you met a better one!

Heartbeat, not love, heart determination is! Two people can go to the end, not by freshness, not by passion, but by mutual understanding, mutual respect, and responsibility.

After getting married, I met someone who made me fall in love at first sight, where should I go?

No matter how beautiful the heart is when you meet it, with the passage of time, it will eventually calm down, and there will be a boring day. In fact, the essence of marriage is chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, is to tend to be flat after each other can not be separated. And extramarital affairs are actually a matter of color, no different from one-night stands, that is, physical transactions.

Extramarital affairs are like drinking and quenching thirst, and extramarital affairs are also like taking drugs, numbing themselves with a short pleasure, and finally letting themselves lose their way and can't find the north.