
The Genealogy of the Chinese of the Harbin Teacher's Academy (Part II)

author:He Yongquan

I. Table of Teachers

The teachers of the Chinese Department are all well-educated people, who are tireless in learning and tireless in teaching. Their voices and smiles are still so vivid and vivid in my mind, and they are the style and image of that year.

The teachers who have given us lessons I remember have the following.

Teacher Zhang Songquan taught the theory of literature and art, Teacher Zhang Guoqing taught modern Chinese, Teacher Sun Qisan taught us calligraphy, my father's calligraphy works were shown to him, and Teacher Sun said that he was very powerful. His son's unfortunate death by fiddling with a gunpowder gun during the Cultural Revolution is lamentable. Teacher Dai Zhijun teaches classical literature, once presided over the 641 class "social teaching on the face", the students dug deep into their own "bourgeois ideas", Teacher Dai followed the rules and temptations of the students, there was no trace of "leftism" Teacher Dai is a loyal elder, the students respect and like him, specially invited him to participate in the 641 class in 2004. Teacher Feng Gang taught the drama topic and told us about the modern drama "Wise Tiger Mountain". His lectures were very vivid, so that people could not listen enough, and he sang in the hall when he told "Wise Tiger Mountain". Teacher Feng was very romantic when he was young. It was said that he often sat by the small river and recited poems. I once met Teacher Feng's daughter on the train back from Beijing to Kazakhstan, a biology graduate. Xia Hai sells flowers at the Harbin Cinema. I took a cardboard box and said it contained 500 roses. Later, I heard that Teacher Feng had died at an academic conference. It's a pity.

After professor Shi Chengquan took the final exam of the first semester of the second grade, he asked me to go to his house, and it turned out that a paper Written by Liu Lingjun and me, "On the Class Roots of the Tragedy of Zijun", was favored by the teacher, and we revised it and let us submit it. The scrolls are carefully corrected in fly-headed letters, so let's go back and continue to revise the transcription. Later, we submitted the manuscript to the Literary Review, then called the editorial department to inquire about the situation, and the person who answered the phone said that the manuscript was to be reviewed. Later, when the Cultural Revolution began, there was no follow-up.

I remember the teachers of the Chinese Department, as well as the brothers Wang Da'an and Wang Nai'an, the famous poets Li Beikai and Ye Changyin, Ding Guanghui, who was branded as a rightist student (Teacher Ding later wrote a lot of works on ancient poetry), Chen Feng, Zeng Fanlu, Li Suxuan, Li Bingyi, Bai Shi, Zhang Bibo (later went to the Institute of Literature), Yan Fengyi, Wang Yasheng, Jiang Zhejun, Liu Xiaonan, Pan Xiutong, Liu Yao, secretary of the teacher's party branch, and Ma Jianming, a teacher' secretary. Teachers, are you okay?

3. Everyone in the Chinese Department of Learning

When we went to school Chinese department included four professors, Zhang Zhiyue, Wang Boying, Zhou Tongdan, and Shi Chengquan. Only Teacher Shi has taught us.

At that time, there was a lecturer in the department, Wu Zhongkuang, who was a rightist. At the end of the last century, I was reading "Essay" magazine in the Xinhua News Agency library and found an article nostalgic for Qian Zhongshu. About the author, he is a professor at the Department of Chinese of Harbin Normal University. It turned out that Professor Wu was a well-known expert in the study of ancient books, and the monumental work "History of Tai Shi Gong Self-Prologue Commentary on Hui Ji" was very influential in the academic community. Professor Wu is quite legendary. He is the assistant teacher of Qian Zhongshu's father, Qian Jibo, and a friend of Qian Zhongshu. He has taught at universities in Hunan and Shandong. In 1946, he also served as the secretary of lieutenant colonel Wang Yaowu, the chairman of Shandong Province. In 1954, he went to kazakhstan to teach. He died in 2002.

There is also a familiar red science expert Professor Zhang Jinchi. In 1963, he graduated from the Department of Chinese of Peking University and went to the Chinese Department of Harbin Normal University as a teaching assistant. He has a classmate Wang Qizhong who is a good friend of mine. Professor Zhang is a native of Shanghai, his father went to Taiwan after liberation, and his childhood was very bitter. Once during the Cultural Revolution, there was a debate in the auditorium, and we sat next to each other. Teacher Zhang listened to the debate on the stage, took out a pen and paper and wrote a speech for a while, saying that his Shanghainese dialect was not standard, and let me go to the stage to read it. I read the script on the stage, and forgot the content, but I was impressed by The quickness of Teacher Zhang's literary thinking. In 2006, the college held an activity to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the college, I and the 646 class students went to Teacher Zhang's home, there was an old man lying on the bed, after going out, the classmates said that it was Teacher Zhang's old father who returned from Taiwan. Teacher Zhang's masterpiece "Four Major Historical Novels of China" has laid the foundation for his academic status as an expert in red studies. He was rated as an expert with outstanding contributions at the national level and a "famous teacher in national colleges and universities", and enjoyed the special allowance of the State Council. Harbin Normal University hired him as a tenured professor and doctoral supervisor. It is also an honor for us to have the privilege of being his students.

2. Bao Da and Shu Wen teachers who are also teachers and friends

We graduated from Wang Baoda and stayed in school as a teaching assistant. Because there is no place in the faculty dormitory, he condescended to live in the dormitory of our class and became our "dormitory", and has since formed an indissoluble relationship. In the 1970s, the two of us met in the sleeping car, Teacher Wang changed the poem for me, and after the lights went out in the carriage, he was still pondering on the side seat. I remember that poem:

Cut a piece of fiery red morning light \ pick five golden morning stars \ use the colorful thread of the sun \ embroider a national flag \ dedicated to the happy National Day... After being polished by Teacher Wang, the poem was composed by a musician in Chengdu and participated in the provincial literary and art performance.

Every time our classmates gathered, Teacher Wang tried to attend as much as possible to recount the teacher-student relationship. He often gives us his new works or the works of other students. Teacher Wang tirelessly created neo-ancient poetry, collected hundreds of poems in three volumes of the "Mao'er Mountain Series", became a recognized standard-bearer of neo-ancient poetry creation, and was appreciated by he Jingzhi, a new ancient poetry poet, and signed for his new poetry collection. In the summer of 2017, Teacher Wang invited some students of class 641 to maoer mountain to collect wind, create more than 100 poems, and personally grasped the knife to collect "Happy Hat Mountain", which became a grand event and a bond to enhance feelings in our class, which will be remembered forever. Teacher Wang is open-minded, cheerful and optimistic, and his spirit is strong. He is physically fit and loved by the majority of students in the department of Chinese. Teacher Gao Shuwen and Teacher Wang Baoda were in the same class and were counselors in our department at that time. There is not much contact at school. In old age, he became a mentor and a close friend. Every time I attend a meeting of our class, I have to look back on our past in school and feel her kindness and kindness, and she has worked hard to make several students with bad political components able to enter school smoothly, and her merits are immeasurable. At a party last year, she also donated a thousand yuan to help students in need, which was really touching. Teacher Gao, Sister Gao, we would like to ask you to continue tutoring.

3. During the Cultural Revolution, I was in the teachers' squad

In 1967, I was assigned to the Chinese Department's teachers' squad (as if assigned by Pan Yunbo and Zhong Fuxiang) to "make a revolution" with the teachers, which was a stable, relaxed, and harmonious time. Read the newspaper with the teachers every day, learn to choose, and feel the integrity, sincerity and serious personality charm of the teachers. There are many interesting things.