
Only 40 years old, she has been crowned the richest woman in China 9 times, worth up to 185 billion yuan and has donated 8 billion yuan

author:Financial material

I believe that many people often pay attention to the list of the world's richest man or China's richest man, and the 2021 Forbes Global Billionaires List has been released, the Forbes team said that after suffering the blow of the "black swan" event in 2020, the latest new entrants and the total number of people entering the billionaire list set a new record, adding 493 new entrants, with a total of 2755 billionaires' total wealth adding up to $13.1 trillion.

Currently ranked first among the world's billionaires is Amazon's Jeff Bezos, who has been at the top of the global billionaire list for four consecutive years, with Tesla's Elon Musk and LV Group's Bernard Arno and his family in second and third places, respectively; Zhong Ande and Ma Huateng from China rank 13th and 15th in the global billionaire list.

Only 40 years old, she has been crowned the richest woman in China 9 times, worth up to 185 billion yuan and has donated 8 billion yuan

It is worth mentioning that this list is from April 2021, after real-time update, on October 20, 2021, Zhang Yiming, the founder of ByteDance, who owns Douyin, overtook Tencent's Ma Huateng with a value of 59.4 billion US dollars (equivalent to 379.8 billion yuan), second only to Zhong Xiaoxiao, becoming the new richest Person in China's Internet.

Although from the data point of view, the vast majority of the world is in the hands of men, but with the change and development of the times, there are now many women with extraordinary efforts and talents to become a member of the billionaire list, compared with a total of 241 female billionaires in 2020, 87 new people in 2021, a total of 328 people.

Only 40 years old, she has been crowned the richest woman in China 9 times, worth up to 185 billion yuan and has donated 8 billion yuan

On November 12, 2021, the "2021 Hurun Women Entrepreneur List" released by the Hurun Research Institute, the first place "no doubt" and "unexpected", there is no doubt that this time the crown of China's richest woman was once again taken away by Yang Huiyan of Country Garden; "unexpectedly" is that this is the 9th time that Yang Huiyan has become the richest woman in China, you know, this year's Yang Huiyan is only 40 years old, although after experiencing various state regulations on real estate, Yang Huiyan's wealth has shrunk by 18%. But her value is as high as 185 billion yuan.

"Inherited" wealth

According to the statistics of Hurun Research Institute, 9 of the female entrepreneurs on the list in 2021 belong to the post-80s, including Ji Kaiting of Longguang Real Estate, Zong Fuli of Wahaha, and Yang Huiyan of Country Garden, who are more familiar with us.

Only 40 years old, she has been crowned the richest woman in China 9 times, worth up to 185 billion yuan and has donated 8 billion yuan

After Yang Guoqiang single-handedly created Country Garden, when Yang Huiyan was a teenager, he carefully cultivated her, not only often took her to attend company meetings, but also taught her how to deal with various emergencies, under the cultivation of Yang Guoqiang, the young Yang Huiyan showed business talent, in 2005, Yang Huiyan ended her study life in the United States and returned to China to help Yang Guoqiang, although Yang Huiyan was only in her twenties at the time, but few people within the group questioned her, which shows that Yang Guoqiang's cultivation is indeed very good.

When Yang Huiyan was 23 years old, Yang Guoqiang transferred the shares held in his name to Yang Huiyan, and in 2007, Yang Guoqiang said that Yang Huiyan would be the successor of Country Garden in the future, and Yang Huiyan, who received 70% of her father's shares, was worth more than 150 billion yuan, that is, this year, Yang Huiyan's name often appeared on various news pages, and became the youngest female richest woman in China.

Only 40 years old, she has been crowned the richest woman in China 9 times, worth up to 185 billion yuan and has donated 8 billion yuan

Nine times she became the richest woman in China

After Yang Huiyan took over Country Garden from her father, she carried out many drastic reforms to Country Garden, "de-familyized" a complete family business, and the management poured in more fresh blood, which also brought new opportunities and development to Country Garden. Yang Huiyan did not forget that it is difficult to maintain competitiveness for a long time in a single business sector, and actively led the team to dabble in various industries, such as agriculture, robotics, the Internet, etc., to build Country Garden from a real estate enterprise to a "diversified" enterprise.

With the efforts of Yang Huiyan, Country Garden successfully entered the list of the world's top 500 in 2021, ranking 139th in the world, and as of the first half of 2021, Country Garden's half-year revenue reached 234.93 billion yuan, an increase of 27% year-on-year, and achieved a net profit of 22.42 billion yuan and a gross profit of 46.28 billion yuan.

Only 40 years old, she has been crowned the richest woman in China 9 times, worth up to 185 billion yuan and has donated 8 billion yuan

At the same time as the development of Country Garden, Yang Huiyan and her family do not forget to repay the society, according to incomplete statistics, Yang Huiyan and her family over the years the cumulative donation of up to 8 billion yuan, in September 2021, Yang Huiyan and Yang Guoqiang were awarded the "China Charity Award", and this is not the first time to win the charity award, but the 9th time to win the award, enough to see Yang Huiyan's contribution to society.

And Yang Huiyan, who has become the richest woman in China 9 times, is of course inseparable from her father's cultivation and help in the early years, but the later development of Country Garden is inseparable from the leadership of Yang Huiyan herself, according to the data of Aiqicha, Yang Huiyan is currently associated with 86 companies under her name, and Country Garden is also deeply cultivated in "diversification".

Only 40 years old, she has been crowned the richest woman in China 9 times, worth up to 185 billion yuan and has donated 8 billion yuan

As an "unusual" rich second generation, Yang Huiyan of "inheriting her father's business" did not waste Yang Guoqiang's hard work, but brought it to a new height, if Yang Huiyan did not have talent in this area, and did not work hard, Country Garden and herself would not have today's achievements. Now, when it comes to well-known domestic real estate manufacturers, I believe that everyone will emerge the three words "Country Garden" at the first time, which proves the success of Country Garden, do you say yes?