
Tohoku game is also quite wild

author:Fate came so Qjuf

Entering the winter, people are talking about hometown cuisine, and today I also take stock here, for reference only!

I grew up in the countryside of Northeast China, where there is a lot of wild game, all of which are very precious, and the foodies on the plates are delicious and have endless aftertaste! It really makes you want to eat the next meal! The most profound ones in memory are pheasants, wild boars, forest frogs, sparrows, flying dragons, loaches and so on.

1. Pheasants, also known as pheasants, like to run around and are good at flying. They run extremely fast, but their flight ability is not strong, and they can only fly low over short distances. "The famous earthquake is three thousand miles north, and the taste presses the twelfth floor of the south of the river", this poem is to describe the pheasant. Since ancient times, pheasants have been an indispensable dish on the table of ordinary people. Pheasants often roam the grass, creating strong muscles, and using it to stew soup is nutritious and delicious. The meat is tender and fragrant, and people who have tasted pheasants cannot forget the umami taste, so the pheasant has the title of "king of wild game".

2. Although the wild boar is a pig, it is full of aggression. The obvious difference between a wild boar and a domestic pig is that a wild boar has sharp fangs. Wild boars have well-developed canine teeth, and male wild boars have canine teeth that are exposed. The wild boar is different from the bare domestic pig, and the hair on the wild boar is very hard. Wild boar meat contains 17 kinds of amino acids, a variety of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the human body, especially the content of linoleic acid is 2.5 times that of domestic pigs. Linoleic acid can reduce cholesterol, prevent the occurrence of hardening of the arteries, hypertension, it has an anticoagulant effect, can prevent cerebral thrombosis, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease; it also has the miracle effect of delaying cell aging, beauty, and prolonging human life, so nutrition experts call wild boar meat "the king of meat". Wild boar meat is tender, thick and nutritious, and the lean meat rate is as high as 70%.

3. Forest frogs, also known as snow clams, are widely distributed in northern China, and forest frogs are completely different animals from toads and field chickens. The head of the forest frog is flattened, the limbs are slender, the body length is 70 to 80 mm; the tympanic membrane is round, and the tympanic membrane has triangular black-brown spots; the back of the body is mostly earthy yellow, generally scattered with dark spots on the warts; the dorsal folds are curved obliquely above the tympanic membrane. Forest frogs are mainly land-dwelling, often living in a humid and cool environment without strong light, mainly inhabiting still waters such as mountain forests, swamps, ponds, puddles and ditches and their vicinity, mostly in forest meadows. The forest frog is agile and jumpy, and feeds mainly on a variety of insects. This frog feeds on ginseng seedlings, so it greatly replenishes qi and blood. The spawning glands of female frogs are not only rich in nutrients, but also have medicinal effects, and regular food can supplement the weakness and strengthen the body, nourish the lungs and kidneys, and is a rare treasure. Braised forest frog is a famous delicacy in the northeast region, with red sauce, fresh taste and crisp texture, which is a delicacy on high-end banquets.

4. Sparrow, is a common name for birds of the genus Ornithopodaceae, also known as the Northern Bird, and is called the house finches in the northeast region. The mouth is short and robust, conical in shape, slightly curved downwards. There are a total of 19 species in the world, 5 species in China, of which tree sparrows are the most common, and the male and female are similar. Sparrows are generally about 14 cm long, male and female shape, very close in color, and have a large black spot on the left and right of the cheeks, which is one of the most recognizable features of sparrows. Fried iron finches is one of the northeastern dishes, with sparrows as the main ingredient, the cooking skills of fried iron finches are mainly soft frying, and the taste belongs to the fragrance. The characteristics of the fried iron sparrow: this dish is golden and red in color, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and has a beautiful fragrance.

5. The flying dragon is scientifically known as the flower-tailed hazel chicken, which is a national second-level protected animal. The Wyvern is much like a pigeon, with a small head, short neck, flat thorax, slender claws, and five toes. Slightly larger than domestic pigeons. The male is nearly 40 cm long. The weight is between six and nine, the flesh is white and tender, and the anterior pectoral muscles are large and plump. Its neck bones are long and curved, like a keel; its legs are short and feathered, and its claws have scales, just like the claws of a dragon, so it is named "Flying Dragon Bird". Heilongjiang has a dish called Feilong Soup, few people in other provinces know what Feilong means, only Heilongjiang people know that it is hazelnut chicken. This dish in the cooking process does not add any spices, belongs to the pure natural green healthy food, after the preparation of the Feilong soup, the soup is delicious, the meat is delicious, it is very nourishing, whether it is the elderly, young people or children, after drinking, there are great benefits to the body, especially after doing surgery needs to supplement the body, boiling this soup is the best. It is said that "the dragon meat in the sky, the donkey meat on the ground", the dragon meat in the sky refers to the flying dragon, it is a treasure in the northeast cuisine, once, only the emperor was entitled to enjoy it.

6. Loach is a fish animal. It belongs to the loach family. It is small and slender, only three or four inches. And it is round, short, with small scales under the skin, blue and black in color, and its body is covered with its own mucus, so it is slippery and cannot be held. The front segment is slightly cylindrical. The posterior side is flattened, the abdomen is round, the head is small, the mouth is small, the lower position is lower, and the horseshoe is shaped. Small eyes, no under-eye spines. 5 pairs are required. The scales are extremely small, round, and buried under the skin. The dorsal and flanks of the body are grey-black , with many small black spots throughout , many black spots on the head and each fin , and the spots on the dorsal fin and caudal fin membrane are arranged in rows , with a distinct black spot at the base of the caudal stalk. Sauce stewed loach, northeast chef teaches you to do this, with this sauce, the shape is not scattered, the taste is good and tender! This dish is known as "ginseng in the water".

The food culture of various places is broad and profound, and it is also a kind of aura of the water and soil! [Like] [Like]

Tohoku game is also quite wild

Northeast Flying Dragon Bird

Tohoku game is also quite wild

Forest boar

Tohoku game is also quite wild


Tohoku game is also quite wild


Tohoku game is also quite wild

Braised wild boar meat

Tohoku game is also quite wild

Sauce stewed loach

Tohoku game is also quite wild

Fried iron sparrows

Tohoku game is also quite wild

Flying Dragon Soup

Tohoku game is also quite wild

Stewed forest frogs in sauce