
This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

author:Dongying Public Security

It is said that the current scammers are "high tricks" frequently,

It's overwhelming,

You dare imagine,

Into a group of more than 50 people,

In the end, except for yourself, are everyone else a liar?

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

Recently, the Shanghai police successfully cracked the network "gold speculation" fraud case, arrested 24 suspected fraud gang members in one fell swoop, and seized more than 60 mobile phones, more than 20 computers, and more than 10 bank cards used in the crime on the spot, involving an amount of nearly 10 million yuan.

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

In less than 3 months,

Ms. Xia was deceived by this fraud gang one after another

More than 1 million yuan!

What means did they use?

Let's move on

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

WeChat groups take classes to learn to speculate in stocks

Ms. Xia said that she was introduced to add a stock group, and every day at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 8 p.m., there will be "teachers" live stock operations to teach people in the WeChat group.

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

Zhang Mou, a criminal suspect after arriving at the case, said frankly: "There are more than 50 people in the group, others are gang members, and there is a division of labor in it, some are "teachers", some are trusted... Everyone pretended to buy stocks together, and the victim of the entire WeChat group was Ms. Xia alone. The purpose is to create illusions and encourage victims to invest large amounts of money.

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

After the victim transfers a large amount of investment,

This group was immediately disbanded and disappeared.

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

however! The investigation found that:

Such scam gangs are found all over the country!

The "routine" used by this group of people

It's the same as what happened to Ms. Xia

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

Recently, the Beijing Shunyi police also successfully destroyed a criminal gang that "speculated in gold", arrested a total of 20 suspects, and the gang defrauded more than 2,000 people nationwide in half a year, involving an amount of 300 million yuan.

16 people use more than 500 mobile phones,

Change different roles to chat with people in the WeChat group,

The purpose is to gain the trust of investors,

Scam money using a simulated gold trading platform.

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

Uncle Fan, the victim, saw that many people in the group were taken by the "teacher" to make money, and his heart was itchy, so he tested the water in a small amount, did not expect to really earn, he sent 670,000 yuan to the designated account, and the result did not expect to lose all, and calmed down to find that he was deceived.

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

These fraud gangs generally have a clear division of labor,

Build groups to pull friends on social software such as WeChat and QQ,

Deceiving investors into committing investment fraud.

This WeChat group is amazing! There are more than 50 people in total, except for 1 victim, all of whom are scammers...

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