
This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

author:Small taste

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

It's another weekend afternoon, and I look at my phone from time to time, and the closer I get to the end of work, the more excited I am. I also made a date with my friends after work to prepare a hearty supper. If you want to talk about the king of supper, it is none other than the snail. Sour and spicy to eat is too addictive, the key as a appetizer is first-class, the taste is really good enough to say, impeccable.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

In the past, I only wanted to eat snails until the summer, but now it is different, and I can buy it at any time if I want to eat it. As the "overlord" in the next dish, when drinking, the table must come to a plate of snails, while slowly drinking, while slowly eating a few fragrant snails, this kind of chatting atmosphere is too relaxed, this is the state of dashing and happy, a week's work fatigue instantly "disappeared".

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

The biggest charm of the snail is that it tastes delicious, and in the process of cooking, it must not be without chili, such as watercress sauce to be arranged, so that it can be fried into the flavor. Even if it is a spicy "grinning tooth", I am reluctant to put down the chopsticks, and the delicious food cannot be stopped. As for the method of stir-frying, it is easy to learn, and there is no challenge to cooking, so if you like it, you can try to do it.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

Dishes: Chutney sauce snails

Ingredients: conch, shallot ginger garlic, coriander, sweet noodle sauce, sesame oil, five-spice powder, oil, balsamic vinegar, green pepper, bean paste, soy sauce, dried chili, millet spicy, rice wine, etc

Cooking steps:

1, incense snail directly buy ready-made, but also clean treatment, buy back to a simple wash can be. You also need side dishes such as parsley, the key is the seasoning, so that it can be fried to produce a good taste.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

2, followed by the side dishes are processed, the spring onion is washed and cut into segments, the ginger is cut into slices, the garlic cloves are washed and cut into slices, the millet pepper is washed and cut into segments, the green pepper is also cut into segments, and the processed side dishes are placed on the plate for later.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

3: Scrub the snail repeatedly, then fish it out and drain it for later.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

4, put water in the pot to boil, the amount of water should be more. After the water boils, add snails, ginger slices and rice wine, which is actually to blanch the snails, which can not only remove fishy but also increase the aroma. After the water boils, continue to cook for about 3 minutes, wait until the snails are blanched, fish out and put them in clean water, remove the screws.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

5, the next is the stir-fry, another pot put the oil on heat, put in the onion ginger garlic and dried pepper, directly stir-fry.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

6, wait until the side dishes are fried out of the aroma, and then add a large spoonful of watercress sauce and sweet noodle sauce, or continue to fry, the red oil of the hot sauce is fried.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

7, continue to put in the snail to sauté, soon can be fried into the flavor, the key is that the snail can absorb the sauce.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

8, when frying to this extent, pour in the appropriate amount of water, the amount of water and snails can be leveled.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

9, continue to add seasonings, mainly add soy sauce, sesame oil and five-spice powder.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

10, also add a little balsamic vinegar, so that the taste is more fragrant.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

11, after the seasonings are added, or continue to cook, about grunting for a few minutes.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

12, pour in the green pepper segments and coriander, or stir-fry well, the key is to fry the snails into the flavor. After frying, it is plated, it is really delicious, special rice.

This practice of fragrant snails, both under the rice and wine, impeccable "hard dish"

Cooking Tips:

1, this dish can not be less waxy, so the pepper can not be less, followed by a variety of sauces, so that it is delicious.

2, the snail is bought and processed cleanly, and then cleaned several times, wash off impurities, and the taste will be better.

3, it is recommended to add a little balsamic vinegar, so that it is sour and spicy, very appetizing.