
Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

author:Xinmin Weekly

Britney's experience is a rather sad and thought-provoking story.

Text | Pauline

"It was the best day." Recently, the American diva Britney posted such a piece of content on her personal social platform, accompanied by a video. In the video, fans are celebrating Britney's return to freedom.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

According to foreign media reports, the Los Angeles Superior Court declared britney Spears' personal and property supervision rights terminated and officially restored her freedom. That said, from this day on, Britney is free to make decisions about her medical, financial, and personal lives, and all assets will be transferred back to her account.

Netizens rushed to hear the news, britney's big name in the tens of millions of "congratulations" under the immediate landing on the external network hot search.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Who is Britney Spears? The top female singer of the year, the first global superstar of the 21st century, won 15 music chart titles at the age of 17. The sweet smile drives almost all Americans crazy. Who would have expected that at the peak of her life, she would suffer a catastrophic collapse afterwards - the whole Country humiliated her as a "slut" and forced to be portrayed as a "female madman". It seems that the more Britney is unbearable, the happier the others are.

Lucky音乐:ProSound Tribute Band - Tribute To: Britney Spears

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Now, the "Little Sweetie", which once spread all over the world, has finally ended its 13-year puppet life and escaped her father's control. But as she sang in the song "Lucky": "She was so lucky, but why did she cry"? From a terrific big star to an adult who needs her father's supervision, britney's deprivation of days, and more than 13 years?


Outside the courthouse, bunting flags bearing the words "Liberate Britney" fluttered in the wind, and hundreds of fans who came to support her erupted in cheers after learning of the verdict.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

In June, Britney, 39, made her first public comment in court about the right to regulate, saying it was too much, an arrangement that stripped her of control over almost every aspect of her life and caused her trauma and exploitation. She noted that father Spears, 69, was "the one who approved it all" and called for an investigation into the arrangement to end it without having to undergo additional psychological assessments.

Britney's legal testimony let the public know what kind of life they have lived all these years.

Working every day, 7 days a week, 10 hours a day;

Take away all the property;

No privacy, there are people staring at the change of clothes;

Forced to take antidepressant drugs for the treatment of mental illness, with blood drawn every week;

Not allowed to see children and boyfriends;

Forcibly installing a contraceptive ring on the uterus and not being able to conceive;


Britney complained to her father: "I cried on the phone for an hour, but he enjoyed every minute of my crying. He absolutely enjoys exerting such control and hurt on his own daughter. ”

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Twenty minutes of testimony, each sentence was painful, and it was clear that Britney was desperately trying to seize this hope of survival. People were shocked, and it was clear that this had exceeded their imagination.

In fact, for years, Britney's fans have questioned the need for custody of her. Britney has also tried several times to appeal for removal from custody, but has not been successful.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Earlier, some fans had left a message, "If you are controlled, wear yellow clothes", and it turns out that Britney really changed into yellow clothes in the next video; some people said, "If you need help, blink twice", and then she did it too...

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

These details are frightening to ponder, and as the truth unfolds, the "Free Britney" movement soon erupts – about Britney, about gender equality, about social issues such as privilege.


Britney's experience is a rather sad and thought-provoking story.

Britney was born in December 1981 in Louisiana. Her father, Jamie, was an engineering contractor, her mother, Lynn, a teacher, britney, an older brother and a younger sister, and at a very young age, she began singing, dancing, and performing on stage.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

But many of Britney's childhood memories are about the horrors of her father's drunkenness. He often shouted loudly when he was drunk, and his mother could only shrink in a corner of the kitchen; when he woke up, his father kept begging his mother for forgiveness.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

After seeing his daughter's musical talent, his father finally captured a first-line "business opportunity", he sent his daughter to New York to study and audition, hoping that her daughter would earn money in the future to buy him a big ship.

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Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

I don't know if it is fortunate or unfortunate, at the age of 17, Britney with a song "... Baby One More Time became famous in one fell swoop, wearing a cropped student outfit and combing two ponytails, her face was pure and good, hot and sexy, and full of vitality.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

At that time, when the Internet, streaming media and other means of communication were not yet widespread, the trend led by Britney swept the world. In the following years, Britney's albums were a hit.

But while becoming a superstar, Britney has also sparked more and more controversy.

In 2001, Britney was a guest performer at the MTV Music Video Awards, dancing with snakes while singing "I'm a Slave 4 U."

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

But what pushed her into the abyss may be the one she had with "Jia Boss" Justin Timberlake. At that time, the two were regarded as the golden children and jade girls in the music world.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

But after the breakup, farce and hurt came and went. The heroine of Boss Jia's new song MV resembles Britney, suggesting that it was because she cheated and broke up. In an interview, he also revealed many details of Britney's private life.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Britney's image has since plummeted and she has become a slut in every population. On the other hand, Britney, from beginning to end, she did not say a bad word about Boss Jia.

The frenzied voyeurism and discussion of Britney is full of objectification and denigration of women. They invariably believe that britney's fault for breaking up, openly ask her if she still retains her virginity, and talk about her body.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Maryland Governor's Wife even said, "Shoot Britney if you get the chance" because she's going to bring bad teens with her.

Wave after wave of public opinion made her unable to breathe, men fornicated her, women blamed her. I don't know if Britney was stimulated by this, or maybe her flawed original family made her desperate to seek love and care, and since then, her personal life has become more and more "amazing"——

In 2004, she married Jason Alexander in Las Vegas and applied for cancellation 55 hours later. Eight months later, she married Kevin Federline, who had known her for only three months.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Speaking of this Kevin, it is really the ultimate representative of "soft rice and hard eating". In order to marry Britney, he desperately abandoned his pregnant girlfriend. During his marriage, he spent Britney's money and often broke bad news. After divorcing due to "irreconcilable contradictions", the two fought for custody of their children.

It was during this dramatic year of 2007 that Britney produced and released one of her albums, Blackout, which is considered to be the best album to date. But at this point, media audiences cared far more about her private life than about her musical work. According to statistics, in the 2007 Hollywood gossip, 20% of the reports were related to Xiao Tiantian. At its craziest, one of her black photos could even sell for $1 million.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Under tremendous pressure from public opinion, Britney began to behave in an aberrant manners. On the second night of her hospitalization for taking too many sedative medications, she shaved her head in front of everyone in a nearby barbershop. To avoid the intractable paparazzi, she would even speed and run red lights on the road.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

The outside world believes that she has mental problems. But in fact, she was just panicked, she needed help like a normal person. After all. She was only 26 years old.


After Britney divorced, she failed to obtain custody, and she needed to pay the man $550,000 a month to visit her son once. On January 4, 2008, Britney locked herself and her two sons in the bathroom and refused to hand them over to her ex-husband, at which point Britney was taken to the hospital for compulsory mental isolation treatment.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Just when Laney was vulnerable, sensitive, and needed to be cared for. Her biological father, however, "fell into the well" at this time and quietly applied to the court to become Britney's administrator.

Originally, this kind of custody was only used for the elderly who could not take care of themselves, but the court finally awarded this guardianship, and it was permanent, which was simply incredible.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Later, Britney's custody and all of her property were fully taken over by her father, and she could not even contact her former friends. After that, she was forced to perform on stage by her father, and all the income she earned was taken away by her father, leaving only 2,000 yuan a month as living expenses.

Life, which was already bad, was led to a darker abyss because of his father's intervention.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Britney, however, was relieved that her son had always supported her. In order to help Britney gain her freedom, her son launched a live broadcast on the Internet to accuse Grandpa, saying that he was "a complete bad guy" and calling on fans to help his mother.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

After 13 years, Britney finally officially took back her own life and regained her freedom. She had her first iPad in her life, looking haggard, but she couldn't hide her joy.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Friend Paris Hilton also sighed: "Britney is finally free!!!! Your good days are yet to come! ”

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Yes, Britney is also ready for the next relationship and is already engaged to her boyfriend Sam.

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

Congratulations Britney! Hopefully it will be a good day in the future!

Freedom again! Who is responsible for Britney's 13 years of puppet life?

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