
The four points of the letter are essentials with a pen, and after mastering it, it is much simpler to write a good book, do a good job of starting and closing the press, and it is very important to use the edge is the key gesture to be coherent

author:Calligraphy bootcamp

The Ming Dynasty scholar FengFang said in the "Learning Calligraphy" that to learn calligraphy, it is necessary to first write the law, and the writing must first be large characters. Learning calligraphy before familiarizing yourself with the calligraphy method is helpful for correcting the concept and thinking of learning, and many friends have left a message saying that Jia Qiang should write the skills of writing the letter, so today Jia Qiang will especially share the four key points of the pen of the letter, these four can be said to be the basis of the pen method of the letter, and it is much simpler to expand after understanding and mastering.

The four points of the letter are essentials with a pen, and after mastering it, it is much simpler to write a good book, do a good job of starting and closing the press, and it is very important to use the edge is the key gesture to be coherent

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > do a good job</h1>

Calligraphy with the pen is to say that the starting line to close the three actions, the key is to do the details of the fine, the more rich the action of starting and closing, of course, the richer your pen.

The secret of starting and closing is to start the pen clearly, not sloppily; the pen should be rhythmic, not to be taken over; the pen should be decisive, not hesitate.

There are two kinds of starting pens, one is the reverse edge of the pen, one is the straight edge of the pen, the line of the counter-edge of the pen is round, and the point of the pen is square.

The same is true at the pen finish, in addition to decisively handling the pen, it is necessary to predict in advance whether your circle is still a square fold, and the same as the starting pen, the round turn closing pen is of course also round, and the square fold closing pen is in the form of a sheet.

No matter how to start and collect, there is one thing that must be remembered, that is, to explain clearly, not to be vague.

The four points of the letter are essentials with a pen, and after mastering it, it is much simpler to write a good book, do a good job of starting and closing the press, and it is very important to use the edge is the key gesture to be coherent

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" > is important</h1>

The calligraphy is mainly square and neat, so most of the strokes are written in a relatively regular manner, but if the strokes of the calligraphy are written in a regular manner, then the work written must be boring and dull.

Therefore, the press action is very important, the press presents the priority, then it is like a musical sense of rhythm, so the training of the press is to train the rhythm of the lines of the script.

The pen is generally to adjust the front, the pen is to show the sense of strength, the key to writing is to explain clearly, the mention is mentioned, the press is pressed.

The four points of the letter are essentials with a pen, and after mastering it, it is much simpler to write a good book, do a good job of starting and closing the press, and it is very important to use the edge is the key gesture to be coherent

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > is key</h1>

The ancients said that using a pen is expensive to use a sharp edge, to put it bluntly, the calligraphy pen is actually the ability to master the pen edge, just as you have a whip in your hand, your ability is to use the front part of the whip to make it work.

The principle of the brush is the same, the place of the nib is the key to our use of the pen, just as Mi Fu said that the pen is soft and strange, if you want the brush to play an unexpected performance, you must know how to control the pen edge.

The use of the letter is Zang Feng and Lu Feng, there is a sentence that uses the pen, especially the need to hide the front, if the front is not hidden, the word is sick. The pen in italics needs to understand the mysteries of Hidden Feng and Lu Feng in order to be able to write brilliant words.

The four points of the letter are essentials with a pen, and after mastering it, it is much simpler to write a good book, do a good job of starting and closing the press, and it is very important to use the edge is the key gesture to be coherent

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" > gestures should be coherent</h1>

Su Dongpo said that the difficulty of writing is to write smoothly. Indeed, the script must be written in a vivid and vivid manner, and it is impossible to complete it with a single stroke of a board and a glance.

Therefore, the secret of the letter is on the gesture, and the secret of the gesture is coherence, the letter seems to be disconnected on the surface, but in fact, the strokes are secretly connected, that is, the pen is broken, and the potential is invisible and needs to be experienced with the heart.

But we must also understand that the letter is not necessary to break the pen, it can be properly written, such as Chu Suiliang's letter, there are many strokes used, and Zhiyong's letter is the same, everyone can refer to their letter, learning their letter can effectively train the coherence of their pen, can better understand and grasp the meaning of the gesture. (Chen Jiaqiang/Text)

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The four points of the letter are essentials with a pen, and after mastering it, it is much simpler to write a good book, do a good job of starting and closing the press, and it is very important to use the edge is the key gesture to be coherent

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