
Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

author:Ranger Net

In recent times, the postponement of the expected European and American movies, the fluttering of the street, it is better to revisit the short American drama, classic or newer. This time will take stock of 10 high-rated multi-theme excellent American dramas, ranking in no particular order, 10 can not cover all, the space is limited, you may wish to revisit.

1. "Game of Thrones Season 1"

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 9.4

Reasons for taking stock: Medieval epic fantasy themes exceed expectations.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: A fictional world set in the background of the story, divided into two continents: Westeros, the "Sunset Kingdom" to the west, and a similar Eurasian continent to the east. The discovery of creatures that have long since gone extinct in ancient legends has begun to be found on the border of the continent of Westeros, and the danger is gradually approaching here. The continent's Winterfell lord and ruler of the North, the Eddard Starks, also welcomed a visit from their old friend and King Robert Baratheon. The king wants Eddard Stark (Sean Binn) to take on the position of Prime Minister against the rebels trying to seize the Iron Throne. The crisis is about to erupt, but under the seemingly peaceful surface of the entire kingdom, there are waves and undercurrents. The powerful Baratheon family, the brave and kind Stark family, the Targaryen family trying to seize the throne, and the Lannister family with hidden secrets. These families are pregnant with ghosts, and the country will be in a scuffle.....

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

2. "The Wind Lawyer Season 1"

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 9.3

Take stock of the reasons: the effort of black humor.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: This drama is a prequel to Breaking Bad, which tells the story of lawyer Saul Goodman. The show uses a non-linear narrative. Saul Goodman was not called Saul Goodman when he first appeared, his name was Jimmy McGill, and he was just a small lawyer working with investigator Mike and living a family support. The show will depict Jimmy's transformation into Saul Goodman.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

3. Homeland Security Season 1

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 8.4

Reason for taking stock: The further back you go, the better it looks.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: While CIA Counterterrorism Agent Carrie (Claire Denise) is on a mission in the Middle East, her line reveals to her a surprising secret: A captured U.S. soldier has defected and is now working for al-Qaida, preparing to plan a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. A few months later, the U.S. Marines found Sergeant Nicholas Brody (Demyn Lewis), who had been captured for nearly nine years in Afghanistan, according to a tip, and Brody was treated heroically. At the same time, Carrie was also transferred back to the country by the CIA, and believed that Brody was the soldier who had defected, so he secretly launched an investigation. Brody discovers that his wife, Jessica (Morena Bacarin), is in love with a good friend, and the jealousy of him has a relationship with Carrie. Carrie is in love with the man on the one hand, but still suspicious of him. Exactly is Brody apostatistic? His relationship with Carrie will be like that

What is the development?

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

4. The Walking Dead Season 1

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 8.6

Reason for taking stock: The plot and special effects are better.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: Town Sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) is shot during an operation, and when he wakes up from his coma, he finds the town gloomy and full of dead bodies. What is even more terrifying is that some dead bodies wander the streets and alleys, bloodthirsty and life-threatening, and have long been turned into terrifying zombies. From a surviving father and son, it is known that a large number of survivors have long been evacuated to a shelter in Atlanta. In order to find his missing wife and children, Rick only went on his way. However, Atlanta has long since fallen into the state of the Dead, where zombies have an absolute dominance. Besieged by zombies, Rick is rescued by several survivors, and after some hard fighting, they eventually return to their camp in the wilderness. In the days that follow, they will not only face the threat of zombies, but also endure a huge test from the depths of their souls...

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

5. "The Big Bang Theory Season 1"

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 9.5

Take stock of the reasons: Laughter is the end of the matter.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) are a pair of mad scientist otaku with an IQ of over 360 combined. Their scientist friends also include the mercurial Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) and the Indian, who never speaks to women. Recently, the scientist otaku's opposite door moves in to a beautiful playwright and restaurant receptionist, Penny (Kaley Cuoco). The otaku began to stir, so many ridiculous stories "exploded" among several friends.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

6. Modern Family Season 1

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Reason for inventory: Very mean and very loving.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: Full-time housewife Claire (Julie Bowen) and her husband, Phil (Ty Bullier), a real estate agent, raise two adolescent daughters and a ten-year-old son. Claire's sixty-year-old father, Jay (Ed O'Neill), marries his beautiful young wife, Gloria (Sophia Vergara), and a new family of three, along with Gloria and her ex-husband's ten-year-old son. Claire's younger brother Mitchell (Jesse Taylor Ferguson) and his same-sex lover Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) have just adopted a baby girl from Vietnam and are eager to be a good father. Each of these three families has their own troubles to face and solve, and the frequent exchanges between them have also produced some unpleasantness. When the problems are constantly in front of them, how can they resolve conflicts and maintain a harmonious and joyful atmosphere in the family?

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

7. "Bankrupt Sisters Season 1"

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 9.0

Reason for taking stock: Great comedy.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: The dark-haired Max (Kate Dylins) works at a low-end restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, where colleagues include Han Lee, a small Asian-American owner, Oleg (Jonathan Kite), a meat-talking cook, and Earl, an elderly cashier. The restaurant's new waitress, Caroline (Beth Bales), is tall blonde and full of celebrities, and is out of step with the restaurant's grade. Max questions Caroline's identity, learning that Caroline was once the real Miss Qianjin in Manhattan, and that her father went bankrupt and went to work in the store to survive. The soft-mouthed Max takes in the homeless Caroline, and despite his different backgrounds, the same penniless situation makes the two girls good friends. Although Caroline is in trouble, she is still always thinking of using her business acumen to make a career. She stumbles upon Max's talent for cupcake making and encourages Max to partner with her to open a cake shop. But to realize this dream, they have to manage to raise $250,000 in start-up capital, which seems like a challenge for the shy sisters...

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

8. "Friends Season 1"

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 9.7

Reason for inventory: Never get tired of watching.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: Monica (Cortney Cox), Chandler (Matthew Perry), Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Phoebe (Lisa Cudjol), Joey (Matt Ribland) and Rose (David Hume) are each other's best friends through the decades. Although old friends have their own personality characteristics, there will be contradictions and disputes, but for each other, they will always have for you. The story begins at the Central Perk Café, where Rachel, who has run away from the wedding, breaks in to find her old classmate Monica. Monica's brother has just been divorced, and the person he has had a crush on since childhood is this runaway bride Rachel. Rachel lived in Monica's house, decided not to be a father's girl, and really entered the society, so with the help of other old friends, she went on the road, from the beginning of the society in her twenties to the establishment of a family in her thirties, they left for ten years. In the past ten years, in the midst of laughter and scolding, in the parting reunion, they have told us about friendship, love and life. Let's laugh or be sad with them.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

9. "Black Pickets Season 1"

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Reason for taking stock: Interesting perspective.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: This is a world where superpowers and ordinary people coexist, the motherland (Anthony Starr), locomotive (Jesse Usher), the Lord of the Deep (Chase Clover), Queen Maeve (Dominique McEligot), the Transparent Man (Alex Hassel) and The Dark (Nathan Mitchell) belong to the World's largest superhero company, the Walter Group, while helping the government punish evil and maintain world peace. They also helped the company make countless profits as idols. Huey (Jack Quaid) is an ordinary boy whose girlfriend dies in an accident that was caused by Locomotive. Unwilling to accept a sloppy apology and compensation from Walter's company, Huey decides to avenge his girlfriend.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

10. "Breaking Bad Season 1"

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Douban score: 9.1

Reason for inventory: extraordinary high quality.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas

Synopsis: New Mexico's high school chemistry teacher Walter M. H. White (Brian Cranston) is the only source of income for a struggling family. He spent most of his life in peace and self-discipline, but on his 50th birthday, he suddenly learned the bad news that he had advanced lung cancer, and his life, which was not very smooth, suddenly made worse. In order to ensure that his pregnant wife Skyler (Anna Gunn) and his disabled son Walter Jr. can live without worry after his death, Walter is determined to take the risk. He takes the initiative to talk to Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), a former student and now a drug dealer, and uses his skillful chemical skills to extract high-purity methamphetamine and sell it to the latter. Unexpectedly, the development of events takes a sharp turn after Pinkman brings back the drug supplier Crazy Little Eight and his cousin, and Walter's life is completely out of control. He was forced to start a dual life of teaching and drug production, and gradually fell into the abyss of eternal doom.

Idle to see the short drama Inventory 10 high-rated multi-genre excellent American dramas