
The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

By LilyCorner

High gluten powder 100 g

Low gluten flour 100 g

Warm water 120 ml

Yeast 2 g

Butter 10 g

Sugar 8 g

Salt 2 g

Mozzarella cheese to taste

Tomato sauce to taste

Oil to taste

Onion to taste

Green peppers to taste

Shrimp to taste

Secret pork belly to taste

The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

1, warm water melt yeast for later, butter melt and cool for later, mix high gluten powder, low gluten powder, salt, sugar mixed and stirred evenly, pour yeast water, butter stir into a ball, grease the hands to prevent stickiness, knead the dough round and knead smooth.

The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

2. Fermentation at room temperature.

The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

3, the fermented dough inside is honeycomb-shaped, cloud-like soft feel, hand flour choose corn flour, sprinkle corn flour to lay the bottom (or oil on the hand), knead for a while, knead the exhaust, average divided into two parts, knead the circle and roll it into a circle.

The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

4. Because I want to eat it tomorrow, put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes after piercing the hole.

The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

5: Brush the pizza with oil, spread tomato sauce in the circle, lay a layer of mozzarella cheese, put on the secret pork belly, onion, green pepper, shrimp, sprinkle some mozzarella cheese, put in the oven at 200 degrees for 12 minutes, turn 140 degrees for 5 minutes.

The most important thing about authentic pizza preparation is to learn it in one go

6. The amount of cheese is added according to their own taste, and the ingredients can be mixed according to their own taste.

The ingredients on the pizza are fried first and more fragrant.

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