
Liwan | single-minded! "Double 11" Many newlyweds have obtained certificates and experienced traditional marriage customs

author:Micro community e-home communication
Liwan | single-minded! "Double 11" Many newlyweds have obtained certificates and experienced traditional marriage customs

The annual "Double 11" is not only a shopping festival, but also has the beautiful meaning of "one life" and "one heart", which is a good day for many young people to choose to register for marriage. In order to increase the sense of ceremony of newlyweds and enhance their good memories of marriage registration, the "Mei Li Jia Yuan" project of Fengyuan Family Service Center in Liwan District and the Marriage Registration Office of the Liwan District Civil Affairs Bureau jointly carried out a unique "traditional wedding" outdoors at the registration office.

Liwan | single-minded! "Double 11" Many newlyweds have obtained certificates and experienced traditional marriage customs

The decoration of the event site was very festive, and many newlyweds experienced under the guidance of social workers and volunteers to experience the traditional wedding culture. The red carpet printed with the red "囍" is covered with the bag of "five generations in the same hall", which means that "five generations are in the same hall in a neat and tidy manner". The newlyweds stepped on the carpet that symbolized "five generations in the same house" and came to the front of the "pot throwing", and the two could jointly hold the feather arrow to throw the pot, indicating that they were of one heart and one mind and worked together to create a harmonious family.

After completing the previous interactive session, the newlyweds came to the arch to wear costumes and take fun photos. In addition to the traditional marriage culture experience, the scene also set up a civil code publicity display board, civilized marriage customs publicity display board and 3D small scene photo area, etc., the newlyweds can learn about the relevant information through the exhibition stand or take photos in front of the 3D small scene.

Liwan | single-minded! "Double 11" Many newlyweds have obtained certificates and experienced traditional marriage customs
Liwan | single-minded! "Double 11" Many newlyweds have obtained certificates and experienced traditional marriage customs
Liwan | single-minded! "Double 11" Many newlyweds have obtained certificates and experienced traditional marriage customs

It is understood that today a total of 51 newlyweds registered their marriages at the Marriage Registration Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Liwan District. Ms. Su and her husband and wife are one of them.

"The traditional wedding culture experience is very interesting, I like the fun interactive part of "uncovering the hijab", and I feel very ritualistic at that moment! Ms. Su said that in order to register for marriage on the day of double 11, she and her husband had made an appointment online early, and today's registration process was also smooth and emotional.

Cantonese marriage culture is the main component of Guangzhou's marriage culture. Excessive gifts, dowry removal, bed placement, upper investment, kissing, going out, entering, and returning to the three dynasties are the main components of Canton's marriage culture, and these traditional marriage customs pay attention to "good intentions" and the transmission of love between relatives and friends, which is an important embodiment of the inheritance of family style.

It is understood that the "Meili Family" project will also successively launch the theme activities of multi-marriage culture, carrying forward the marriage concept of "being in the same boat through thick and thin, shouldering responsibility, mutual respect and mutual love".

【Photo reporter Chen Danting】

Source: Fengyuan Street Social Worker Service Station

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Source: Micro Community e Jia Tong Xi Guan Feng Yuan (WeChat: xxsbejtxgfy)