
The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and he must see what "current affairs" are.

author:Red Net

Text/Chen Qinggui

The original meaning of the current affairs is Junjie, which is basically to say that those who have the ability to recognize the wisdom of the trend of the times and grasp the objective laws are expected to become outstanding figures in a certain field. Although the words are universal, it is necessary to see what "current affairs" are.

Let people become the "current affairs" of "Junjie", of course, should be the trend of the times and objective laws. As a famous strategist in the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan Zi had a strategic vision and political wisdom beyond ordinary people, and his assistant Qi Huangong became a generation of overlords, undoubtedly worthy of a generation of Junjie. According to "Yanzi Chunqiu And Hegemony Born of Time", the Qi state of Qi Xiang Yan Infant sent an envoy to the Chu state to be humiliated by the country's doctor, and Yan Infant sneered at each other with more eloquent facts and witty and clever language, which not only made the other party unhappy, but also defended the dignity of the State of Qi. Yan Bao's becoming a Junjie is not attributed to his eloquent "three inches of uncorrupted tongue", but rather he is well versed in the true meaning of "current affairs" and can use it freely.

In Hamlet, Shakespeare praises humanity as "the essence of the universe, the primate of all things." Seeking profit and avoiding harm is an animal instinct, and man naturally cannot be an exception; although man is the "primate of all things", this instinct should of course be premised on the attainment of the "current affairs" samadhi. Mencius Li Lou Shang Yun: "The lady will insult herself, and then the people will insult her; the family will destroy itself, and the people will destroy it; the kingdom will cut itself, and the people will cut it down." Tai Jia said: 'Heaven does evil, but it is still possible to violate it; if you do evil to yourself, you must not live.' After Wang Jingwei defected to the enemy and became a traitor, Lin Sen, then chairman of the National Government, rebuked him bitterly: "Although this kind of person temporarily saved his life and gained small benefits, he was left behind for thousands of years, insulting his ancestors and harming his descendants." When the enemy does not need to commit adultery, he still cannot avoid death, or his spirit is punished, and he is in pain every day, and he will never be able to do anything. "Wang Zhi's " human design" could have become a handsome master of current affairs; however, his cleverness was mistaken by cleverness, and he regarded the fly camp dog based on personal calculation as a "current affair", and naturally from the very beginning he was doomed to "collapse of human design" and went to the road of no return of humiliating himself and "cannot live". I can only send him in the words of Mr. Lu Xun's "On the Fall of Leifeng Pagoda": "Deserved." ”

Yan Zi believes that "those who know the times are Junjie", and also advocate that "those who change the machine are heroic", which agrees with the proverb of "Poor is changed, change is general, and general rule is long" in the "Zhou Yi Zhi Xia". In the context of that time, it meant that in order to achieve a hegemonic career, in addition to having insight into the current situation, it was also necessary to learn to adapt in a timely manner, so that it could establish merit in the chaotic world; the current expression was that in order to achieve a career, it should not be rigid and should know how to be flexible. However, whether it is as big as the establishment of social merit or as small as the achievement of personal causes, it is necessary to grasp the essentials of "current affairs" and is "not the same as seeing the wind and making the rudder opportunistic". In the face of the "unspoken rules" of the workplace and society, many "scholar-type" and "academic-bully" elites have been assimilated into "exquisite egoists", just as Professor Qian Liqun analyzed it bitterly: "They are highly intelligent, secular, sophisticated, good at performing, know how to cooperate, and are better at using the system to achieve their own goals." Once such a person holds power, he is more harmful than ordinary corrupt officials. "Professor Qian's knowledge of the world is to the point, and has been repeatedly verified by countless corrupt officials who have fallen from power. Seeing the wind speculator flow fatal wound lies in "a leaf obstruction, do not see Taishan", mistakenly regard the power of the master or the team with people as "current affairs", jump out of the cycle law of not becoming "Junjie" but becoming "scum", it is "unexpected, in reason".

In the cognition of some Chinese people, going with the flow is to know "current affairs". Those who follow the tide have no personal position and opinion, and the habitual people tend to blindly follow others. The true meaning of "current affairs" is aimed at the pursuit of truth, and the truth is often in the hands of a small number of people, and it is obvious that "eight rods cannot be beaten together" with it. Le Pen found in the book "The Rabble: A Study of Mass Psychology" that when individuals are isolated individuals, they have their own distinct personality characteristics, and when individuals are integrated into groups, all their personalities will be annihilated by groups, and individual ideas will be quickly replaced by group ideas. And when a group exists, it has the characteristics of "emotional", "no objection", "low IQ" and so on. Le Pen explains why groups often exhibit the characteristics of "blindness", "impulsiveness", "fanaticism" and "credulity", and how rulers use it "in the middle" to establish and consolidate their own rule. Wang Xiaobo lamented in the famous article "A Maverick Pig": "Except for this pig, I have never seen anyone dare to ignore the setting of life so much." On the contrary, I have met many people who want to set up other people's lives, and people who are comfortable with the lives that are set up. The so-called "maverick" is, to put it bluntly, almost the appearance of normal people in an abnormal society, and going with the flow can be regarded as the peace of normal people's abnormal social settings.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and he must see what "current affairs" are. Mr. Sun Yat-sen took "the trend of the world, the mighty and mighty, the good fortune of the world, the prosperity of the good, and the death of the contrarian" as the current affairs, stressing the need to "examine the situation in China internally, observe the trend of the world from the outside, absorb the strengths of all, and benefit from new creations." To return to the original appearance of "current affairs" guided by Mr. Sun, it is necessary for individual citizens to consciously introspect and exert efforts, and it is also necessary to externalize the social environment and ecology. I ask you, if there is no "independent spirit, free thought", what is the understanding of current affairs? Time-conscious people run into walls everywhere and this road is not clear, how to become Junjie?

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