
The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

By happy every day lxku

One steak

1 piece of ginger

2 tablespoons of lard

Star anise, fennel a little

Cinnamon one piece

Laurel leaves four or five pieces

A little peppercorns

Dried chili peppers seven or eight

Half a green onion

3 coriander

2 scoops of cooking wine

Extremely fresh, 3 scoops each of rock sugar

Chili sauce and bean paste are 3 scoops each

3 scoops of oyster sauce

The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

1. The steak bought back fell off the water

The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

2: Wash the steak after the water is dropped, wash all the above condiments aside, and prepare the chili sauce and watercress sauce to stir-fry together

The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

3: Pour sesame oil into the pot and heat it up, stir-fry various spices, stir-fry the aroma and add the steak

The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

4, steak stir-fry evenly, stir-fry out the aroma, cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, continue to stir-fry a bit to boiling water

The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

5, boiling water over the steak, be sure to put more water because the steak is not easy to rot, braised meat to open the water to boil the meat to be more delicious, about an hour to burn, first burn for about 20 minutes in the turn of the small fire for thirty or forty minutes, so that the steak is more flavorful, more fragrant

The most reliable and delicious braised steak recipe! Zero failures

6, when I was about to come out of the pot, I added some radish, because my daughter loves to eat, today's steak. The taste is great again!

Beef taste sweet, flat, return to the spleen, stomach meridian, has the effect of tonifying qi, nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening the muscles and bones, dissolving phlegm and breathing, quenching thirst and salivation, suitable for people with sagging qi, shortness of breath, weak muscles and bones, anemia and long-term disease and yellow face and dizziness.

Steak: Beef should not be eaten with chestnuts, snails, brown sugar, leeks, white wine, and pork.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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