
When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

author:Yide Society
When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

In winter, I always feel a lot of depression, and I can't get excited.

Fortunately, the plum blossoms bloomed, and the heavens and the earth were filled with a clear breath, which made people feel a lot lighter physically and mentally.

People in Hangzhou can be blessed, Lonely Mountain, Xixi, Lingfeng, Chaoshan, are all good places to see plums.

Not every city has plum blossoms, if so, in fact, there is no need to be upset, in ancient Chinese paintings, we can also enjoy plum blossoms.

Painted plums on paper

In Chinese painting, plum blossoms are an eternal subject.

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Yuan Wang Mian "Mo Mei Tu"

The people who painted plums in the past, Wang Guan is very famous, once planted a thousand branches of plums, built three huts, and called himself "the owner of the plum blossom house". His "Memetu" is full of fresh air. The phrase "Don't let people exaggerate the color, just leave the air full of dry air" is still sung.

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Part of Ming Jin Junming's "Dark Fragrance Shadow Map"

Jin Junming's "Dark Fragrance Shadow Map" is simple and sprinkled, quite plum blossom charm. On the occasion of the Ding Revolution, drawing this picture, in addition to Aimei, more or less also has the meaning of cleaning oneself and standing tall on the cliff shore.

Travel far to admire the plums

In addition to painting plums in the room, the ancients also liked to travel far to admire plums.

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Song Mayuan's "Meixi Boat Map"

In Ma Yuan's "Meixi Boat Map", the plum blossoms bloom just right. The head of the ship looks back, the space naturally extends beyond the painting, and the Cloud Mountain is also between the ethereal, attracting infinite reverie.

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Ming Zhao Zijun "Stop Boat to Visit Meitu"

In Zhao Zijun's "Stopping the Boat to Visit Meitu", Gao Shidang is a person who travels far away, seeing Mei Kai zhengsheng, sitting under the plum tree for a long time, with a focused look. The shore of the boat is moored, which also means to return. After all, life is like a reverse journey, and you have to find a way back.

Tread on the snow in search of plums

The Song Dynasty Sun Guangxian's "Northern Dream Trivia" records that someone asked Zheng Tang (a saying that Meng Haoran) could have a new poem recently, and said to him, "'Poetry is on the back of a donkey in the snow and wind of Baqiao.". For a while, it was a beautiful talk.

Later Generations of Chinese paintings, often with this title, painted "Treading Snow in Search of Plums".

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Ming Daijin "Treading Snow in Search of Meitu"

Dai Jin's "Treading on the Snow in Search of Plums", the composer Fa Guo Xi, the snow is vast, the layers are towering, but Gao Shi does not hurry to walk, just to see a tree of plum blossoms. Such a state of mind, it is really a gentleman!

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Qing Huang Shen "Treading Snow in Search of Meitu"

In Huang Shen's "Treading Snow in Search of Plums", a Gaoshi rode a donkey across the bridge, looking closely at a guqin in his hand, and the heavens and the earth had been covered with heavy snow, as if in the world.

Hengqin listens to Mei

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Ming Du Yan "Plum Lower Hengqin Diagram"

Du Yan's "Meixia Hengqin Diagram" has the will of Ma Yuan and Xia Gui. The plum tree in the painting is ancient and strange, an old man leaning on the branch of the old plum, while playing the piano, while admiring the plum, the clear breath of the plum blossom, the clear sound of the piano rhyme, the flower and the piano are more "clear" because of each other's existence. This moment seems to be eternal.

Vases for plums

In addition to looking for plums, the ancients also liked to put plum blossom offerings and paint "plum blossom offerings".

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Ming Chen Hongshou "YinMeitu Axis"

Chen Laolian claims that there has been no such ink in the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years, and his "Yinmeitu Axis" is also really ancient. The tables and chairs in the painting are strange stones, the incense vessels are copperware, and the ancient clothes and crowns have a sense of dust. At this time, he had shaved his hair as a monk, and at the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he no longer had any intention of fame and fortune, but only wanted to send love to the landscape.

Shuzhai plays plum

Playing plum in the bookstore is also a great pleasure for the ancients.

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Qing Qiandu's "Meiyue Zhixin Chamber" part

In Qian Du's "Mei Yue ZhiXin Room", the room is surrounded by plum blossoms, and it can be described as a fool to introduce Mei as a confidant.

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Song Mayuan's "Plum Blossom Book House Map"

In Ma Yuan's "Plum Blossom Book House Map", the pavilion is near the water, surrounded by cang pines and ancient plums, which is not a scene in the world, but a scene in a dream. In the middle of this, the heart has a sky to travel.

To the moon yinmei

There are plums, not without a moon.

When the plum blossoms bloom, the ancients in the painting invite you to hi

△ Song Mayuan's "Lin HejingTu"

The Song dynasty Du Qi once said that "the usual window before the moon, only plum blossoms are different", plum and moon can be called confidants. And the same confidant as Mei and Yue is Lin Hejing. He did not go into seclusion all his life, and his wife Hezi also left behind the famous saying of Yongmei that "the shadow is shallow and shallow, and the dark incense floats in the dusk of the moon". It can be described as a first-class figure throughout the ages.

In Ma Yuan's "Lin Hejing Tu", the scene depicting Lin Hejing sitting under a plum tree admiring the moon, between the dark incense and shadows, the moon is hazy, so beautiful and intoxicating.

Such a plum blossom, how can you not love? And when we admire these plum blossom paintings, the ancients in the paintings seem to have traveled through a thousand years of time and space, sitting directly in front of us and talking to us.