
Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?

author:Lig Lee Bin
Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?

Tang Qiusheng, a friend who is a doctor's agent, asked me: What does the policy of banning blocking external links mean for the medical beauty industry? Can the medical beauty industry usher in a wave of small traffic dividends under the situation that advertising and marketing are strictly controlled?

To be honest, I am not very clear, but one thing is clear, after the major giants are forced to cancel the blocking link, whether they can do a good job in medical beauty marketing in the future, all depends on themselves, the platform seems to be not very dependent, and medical beauty institutions may have to spend more energy on the private domain.

Why is the platform unreliable?

Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?

1. Alibaba and Baidu

In 2008, Baidu began to crawl Taobao data in the era of "entrance theory", wanted to establish shopping entrance habits, and did bidding rankings, but was blocked by Taobao. Taobao went with the flow, invented the "sperm sucking method", used "Taobao" to reduce the dimension, and played CPS accounts with major websites, although on the surface it seems to feed countless websites, in fact, Taobao also obtained huge traffic. The traffic "sucked" by Taobao constitutes the foundation of Taobao's unparalleled assets.

2. Ali and WeChat

In 2013, Taobao said it was not safe to open Taobao on WeChat and blocked WeChat under this pretext; after that, Tencent blocked all requests for Taobao domain names, and it still stands today. It has been unclear who sealed whom? In fact, they are mutually sealed, because each has its own interests to protect.

3. WeChat and Byte

In 2018, due to Douyin stealing the WeChat relationship chain, WeChat blocked Douyin, and Douyin cannot be shared with WeChat so far. The more important purpose may be to curb the development speed of Douyin short videos while supporting WeChat's own short video business.


Just as the United States suppresses and sanctions Chinese high-tech enterprises on the grounds of national security, Internet giants often block external links in the name of security, in essence, in order to limit the development of competitors and contain their development strategies.

Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?
Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?

1. Executive order-style industry guidance

On September 9, 2021, the relevant business departments of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held an "Administrative Guidance Meeting on blocking URL links", and the companies participating on the day were: Alibaba, Tencent, ByteDance, Baidu, Huawei, Xiaomi, Momo, 360, NetEase, etc., and the traffic giants all attended the meeting. The meeting requested that on September 17, 2021, each platform should unblock URL links according to the standard. From meeting to execution, only 8 days were given.

2. What are the compliance standards?

Instant messaging software with external URL link access, the display and access form of the same type of product or service shared by the user should be consistent. Users send and receive legitimate URL links in instant messaging, click on the connection, and open directly within the app as a page.

You can't attach additional action steps to a specific product or service URL link, and you can't ask the user to manually copy the link and go to the system browser to open it.

3. How to implement the policy?

Zhao Zhiguo, director of the Cyber Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that the platform opens the URL link and will be solved step by step and in stages, and Internet security is the bottom line.

The interconnection and opening up between the platform economy is the trend of the times and is irreversible; the specific policy implementation will be implemented in batches, it is gradual, and it will not adopt a one-size-fits-all time setting.

The first is to strengthen administrative guidance and supervise the implementation of enterprises that are not in place for rectification and reform; second, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection and ensure that problems are rectified and reformed in place through various means; third, enterprises that are not thoroughly rectified and reformed will be punished.

Policy conjecture

Maybe sharing content across app is just the beginning of interconnection, and in the future, it may not only be possible to share Taobao links in WeChat, or even alipay, or it may be that after the circle of friends has placed an advertisement, clickers can jump to Taobao APP to place orders. This will be a step closer to connectivity.

The final adjustment to be achieved is to let small and medium-sized enterprises have more development opportunities, get rid of the platform bundle, the long-term goal is to interrupt the strong closed-loop ecology of the big platform, form a truly interconnected ecosystem, and provide fair development opportunities for everyone; cracking down on monopoly will stimulate the market to return to innovation and competition.

Is the internet big platform a infrastructure such as coal, hydropower and heat, or a private company? The current policy is not yet explainable, but we suspect that there will be newer definitions and gameplay in the future. Just like a private person pays to build a big road, can investors decide who can walk on it and who can't?

Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?
Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?

It's really hard to say which platform can outperform in the future pattern. But for the majority of users, it is definitely good news.

Let's take a few examples to see the benefits and disadvantages of the new policies for platforms.

1. Ali

Benefits: From now on, you can get transactions from the WeChat social scene; you can also enter the WeChat ecology and fully compete with Pinduoduo and; Taobao can also enter Douyin, which will constrain the development of Douyin e-commerce itself, and may force Douyin to abandon e-commerce? It is also unknown, after all, the homogeneous replication of major platforms is a waste of social resources.

Disadvantages: If more in-depth interconnection is achieved in the future, such as WeChat and Douyin, the address of Taobao stores can be put when they are delivered, which will weaken Ali's business model; once Taobao merchants obtain traffic from outside Taobao, it will become the biggest pain of Taobao.

2. Tencent

Benefits: If the platforms open WeChat QR code, the enterprise WeChat will take advantage of the situation to become the largest private domain winner, there will be no opponent in the 2B Internet field, which is worthy of the attention of the majority of medical and aesthetic peers; if Tencent advertising can put the link Taobao, millions of Taobao merchants will get huge revenue; by attracting Taobao merchants to enter Tencent advertising to obtain customers, it is possible to shake the existing foundation of Taobao business model.

Disadvantages: Tencent's social traffic will be supplied to competitors for free, although it is interconnected, but does WeChat need to add new users? Obviously, it doesn't matter, so the landing point of Tencent in the future must be the enterprise WeChat. WeChat video accounts, live broadcasts and WeChat small shops, which are still in the early stages, will encounter the impact of Douyin and Taobao stores, losing the original exclusive social traffic. Tencent's, Pinduoduo and other e-commerce companies will lose Tencent's protection and directly engage in close hand-to-hand combat with Taobao, that is, competition in social scenes.

3. ByteDance

Benefits: Douyin and Toutiao, whose user volume is still in the development period, will be the biggest beneficiaries, and they can quickly obtain new users from WeChat; if advertising can link Taobao stores, there will be a large number of advertisers pouring into the byte system.

Disadvantages: If Douyin opens the WeChat QR code, IP will more quickly establish its own private domain traffic pool on WeChat. If the IP can be linked to the URL of its own Taobao store, it will have a huge impact on the Douyin e-commerce that is still in the development stage.

This is particularly worthy of the attention of medical aesthetic peers, those who have begun to establish personal IP entrepreneurial doctors, or want to become Internet celebrity doctors of medical beauty peers, will be able to vibrato and WeChat through, with the douyin formed personal IP, affecting the choice of private domain users.

4. Others

Visually monitoring the release of this new regulation, there is nothing about Baidu, unless there is a special policy for Du Niang, so that it can search the content of each APP at will, otherwise it can only be watched from the side.

There are Zan, Weimob and other little brothers, SAAS who started based on the WeChat social scene, after losing the protection caused by the shield, may be affected by Taobao's entry into + WeChat small shop to quickly respond to Taobao.

The Internet will usher in a new wave of uncertainty.

From the perspective of the policy keyword "instant messaging software", in the short term, it seems that WeChat has suffered losses, but in the long run, if the policy can really promote interconnection and interconnection in a more in-depth way, it is mixed for major platforms, and opportunities and crises coexist. On the face of it, it is difficult for others to really shake social, but there are variables in the e-commerce industry.

For merchants, the overall is good, but there is still a look at whether the next policy can be truly implemented. Theoretically, the policy should not be kidnapped by the platform in the future.

In the future, no matter who it is, it will change from the era of single-choice questions to the era of multiple-choice questions.

Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?
Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?

This is an opportunity to let go of private domain traffic.

In the PC Internet era, medical beauty institutions are stuck in the neck of Baidu; in the mobile era, medical beauty institutions have got rid of the pain of not being able to live without Baidu, and their lives are much better than Taobao merchants. The good news of the new regulations is that there should be no more platforms that can heal the neck in the future.

Big platform fights, there may be a new round of traffic dividends, or due to the impact of Internet interconnection policies, the platform may change the idea of charging, because customers are privatized by institutions. This requires close attention from marketing promoters.

In theory, after the policy is implemented, medical beauty institutions can vigorously divert users on Weibo, Dianping, New Oxygen, Baidu and other platforms to their own WeChat private domains in the launch of various platforms, efficiently operate customers, and privatize them.

Fully embracing the enterprise WeChat, absolutely representing the future! Of course, it is also possible, and even inevitable, to be routine, but it is much safer to structure your own private domain operation on a platform with a big enough dream than on an industry vertical platform.

brief summary

Medical beauty institutions pay close attention to private domain operations, there are three indicators: old with new, customer lifecycle management and customer privatization, therefore, digital tools + operation methods, all need rapid iteration.

Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?
Ban on blocking external links, is the medical beauty industry another wave of dividends?

Go is down to the middle game, the pattern has been determined, and the important way to change is: "Chess is born from the broken place".

As the old saying goes: poor is changing, changing is general, and general is long.

Banning Internet platforms from blocking backlinks on apps and related products will be a big deal and the beginning of a big change.

The Internet came to the world with the slogan of openness, freedom and sharing, and finally went to the situation of giant monopoly, the earliest HTML language is called "hyper-text markup language", you can click on the web page, a web page can add a number of external links, this is the most attractive function, but also the sign of openness, and later was closed for "safe" reasons, the big platform became an information dammed lake, some platforms although the mouth is bright and great, but the bones are full of obscenity and nostalgia.

Banning the blocking of external links is a good start, but it does not mean smooth, the internet manufacturers get the benefits in their hands, will not easily spit it out, they have many ways to resist, such as:

▪ Black and white list system, I do not block you, but to create a blacklist, a white list, it is possible to enter the white list is business, out of the blacklist or business;

▪ Create several "security incidents" to prove that they have correctly forced government decrees in the past to go unsmooth.

These may be in the expectations of the relevant departments, we hope that the Internet will return to the state of openness, once upon a time enterprises have their own websites, now European and American enterprises can open their own e-commerce platforms, we are facing the situation of "can but the threshold is super high", do not know how to crack.

Tao Te Ching Chapter 40: The Opposite, the Movement of the Tao; the Weak, the Use of the Tao. All things under the heavens are born of being, and some are born of nothing.

All positive changes and policies conducive to creating a more fair and just business environment should be valued and welcomed. "The dragon slayer teenager of that year became the evil dragon", this metaphor is often taken out by Internet people to compare themselves. Social pluralism, business environment diversification is the trend, unstoppable, but dialectical materialism is our mainstream world view and methodology here, the extreme of things must be the opposite of simple cognition, the transformation of strength and weakness is often overnight, the world's everything has no symbiosis, difficult and easy to become, high and low, long and short, sound and sound, before and after the truth is still in the ear.

Maybe we need to rebuild three things:

1. The personal website of the doctor who uses it as the content output base of the personal IP matrix. Put all the content on social platforms, that's not your private domain, that's someone's dish;

2. Medical aesthetic institutions should vigorously build non-marketing websites, not involving business, but only talking about science popularization, compliance, international dynamics, lifestyle, and patient safety;

3. Own private domain platform. Since the external link is not blocked, then our own private domain platform can lead to the social platform, only the private domain is truly privatized, such as the customer's chat data, the customer's authorization database information, the customer's big data vector computing basic data, which is really a private domain in its own structured and unstructured database.

The above 1 and 2 items are relatively easy, and 3 items have thresholds, and large institutions and large chains can be considered. If there are a few more policies such as "prohibiting the blocking of external links", it is foreseeable that the channel entrance of the medical beauty industry will be re-decentralized, rather than being tightly bundled with several large platforms, the needle cannot be inserted, the water cannot be spilled, and only honestly pay money to buy traffic.

The policy of prohibiting the blocking of external links is a dividend for medical beauty marketing and even the medical beauty industry. Since the bidding ranking became the climate, and then the era of vertical platforms and large e-commerce portal platforms dominating the eyes of mobile phone screens began, this is the best news for medical aesthetic marketing.

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*This article is original content, the author Li Bin, reproduced please indicate the source, may not be distorted or modified to the original meaning of this content. If the content and pictures published in this article involve intellectual property rights and other issues, please contact the relevant rights holders and the platform account, and I will cooperate to take protective measures.