
Ride on the mountain vagina

author:Fragile reeds

Mountain vagina

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Many people think that I am a veteran of the cycling world, and I can say responsibly, no!

In fact, my riding only started in May this year, as evidenced by the May tung flowers. So what it's like to ride in winter and what it's like to ride in the snow, I don't know too well! In fact, the continuous winter rains of the past few days really scared me, coupled with the gastritis for several days, it made me even more afraid. However, my inner desire for riding always beckoned me ahead, so I chose a winter baking day, and I gladly started.

The dachshund is particularly conspicuous in the sun, the newborn bathing in the foot basin is lively, splashing with joy, and the loving woman lifts her white dangling breasts to feed the child under the eaves, all of which are given by the sun!

I think the scenery after this will also be very charming, because there is a winter sun, the landscape on the dam, bathed in this winter sun, beautiful and charming, beautiful and dignified. I stared at her and felt a dream wrapped in a light veil in her silky arms. The faded chestnut tree has no bustling green leaves, only one tree with branches, but it is more flavorful and more powerful, is this also a poetic revelation? There is no plow yoke on the back of an ox, just as the brushed stubble does not have a heavy ear of rice, but cleverly you say, is there good or not good in this world?

Or be a flowing reed, this mountain dweller, let the southeast and northwest winds, can still maintain the poetry of blood, I admire the reeds of white flowers, just like admiring another self.

As long as I come to this river, I may not wait and see. The green water that flows, the jadeite, the jadeite, the agate, because the addition of golden ingredients is the immortal brilliance. Unconsciously riding for more than three hours, the sunset is infinitely better, and the jackdaws fly! yes! Riding on the mountain vagina, my heart flies!