
Yin Qiguo investigated party building and led the new rural community governance work

author:Information News

On November 11, Yin Qiguo, secretary of the district party committee, led the heads of relevant departments to investigate the party building and lead the governance of new rural communities. District leaders Wen Shicai and Zhang Xianyong accompanied the investigation.

Yin Qiguo and his party successively went to Shuangheli Community in Caoji Township, Zhuoshuihe Village in Guanmiao Town, bailuhu Community in Lailong Town, and other places to listen to relevant situation reports and learn in detail about the construction of grass-roots party organization positions and the service of the party and the masses in Suyu District.

In recent years, the Shuangheli community in Caoji Township has adhered to the leadership of party building, focused on grass-roots social governance, further deepened the organizational structure of "one committee, two stations and five posts", innovated and created a grass-roots autonomous brand of "small courtyards to say things", and comprehensively promoted the construction of the "double-heart linkage" project of the party and mass service center and the happy neighborhood center, effectively improving the level of community service for the people.

Yin Qiguo stressed: The party committees of Shuangheli communities should give full play to the important role of grass-roots party organizations in social governance, further grasp the work of resolving contradictions and disputes, improving the living environment in rural areas, and building a civilized rural style, and work hard to solve the problem of "urgency, difficulty, and anxiety" around the masses, so as to truly let the masses have a sense of gain, security, and happiness. During the investigation, Yin Qiguo demanded that all relevant departments and townships should adhere to the guidance of party building, further strengthen the awareness of the overall situation and the sense of service, continuously improve the construction of grass-roots party organizations, actively explore new paths for new rural social governance, improve the quality of party building in new rural communities, and transform the achievements of party building into measures and results for grasping grass-roots work; it is necessary to establish and improve the organizational implementation mechanism, standardize the procedures for mass participation, fully mobilize the masses to participate in grass-roots social governance, and comprehensively stimulate the vitality of mass autonomy. Further create a new pattern of rural social governance of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. (Shi Yang)

(Source: Suyu District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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