
What breed of dog is in Hachiko the Loyal Dog? The Shiba Inu owners all repented

author:Wang A-fu

The Akita Inu, from Akita Prefecture, Japan, is a confident, docile dog, very loyal to you and your family, a very stable personality, as a family dog, the Akita indie is a particularly popular dog, popular all over the world.

Akita's head is large but in good proportion to the body, the neck is thick and muscular and short, the coat is double-layered, and the bottom hair is thick, soft, and dense. And Akita is a dog breed that likes sports, so everyone should pay attention to taking it out more to exercise so that he can get exercise.

What breed of dog is in Hachiko the Loyal Dog? The Shiba Inu owners all repented

Akita's loyalty is well described in "Hachiko the Loyal Dog", but it is not necessarily for outsiders, so everyone should take it to contact other animals or people when Akita is young. Let him develop the habit of not attacking people indiscriminately.

Regarding the care and feeding of Akita dogs, let xiaobian take you to understand it.

What breed of dog is in Hachiko the Loyal Dog? The Shiba Inu owners all repented

Clean up the coat:

Helping the Akita dog clean up the coat is very simple, just help him comb it every few days, and you can also help him wipe the coat with a warm towel. Combing the coat can not only help it clean up the stray hair, but also help it promote blood circulation, so we must pay attention to the care of the Akita dog.

The feeding of Akita dogs is also very critical, so what do you need to pay attention to when feeding Akita dogs, the following is taken by Xiaobian to take you to see it together.

What breed of dog is in Hachiko the Loyal Dog? The Shiba Inu owners all repented

Pet dinner plate must be cleaned and disinfected frequently, if not cleaned often, it will be easy to breed bacteria, summer to pay special attention, because summer is a high incidence of parasites and diseases, so be sure to clean the kennel and dinner plate regularly.

The food problem of Akita dogs is also very critical, sweet potatoes, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, etc. in vegetables, apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, etc. in fruits. Beef, fish, rice, eggs, and milk (yogurt) in staple foods can enrich the Akita dog with protein.

What breed of dog is in Hachiko the Loyal Dog? The Shiba Inu owners all repented

Akita inu is a kind of dog that is relatively easy to train, as long as you insist on training reminders every day, over time he will remember that when training Akita dogs, pay attention to the calm tone and do not scare it. He will definitely be a good dog.

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