
What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?

author:Little couple love app
What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?
What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?

In high school, I liked a boy

Deliberately stood next to him when doing the exercise

The sun was too big, and I said to the girl in front of me

You go taller to help me block the sun

And then he said come to me and I'm higher

What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?

The apprentice rode his motorcycle to take me to see the fireworks

Because it's not particularly cooked either

Just put your hand on his shoulder

He was ready to open and sat up straight

Then put my hand around his waist and it was fast

I could only grab his clothes around his waist And the fireworks that day were also very beautiful

What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?

On the train home, I met a boy who looked handsome to me at first sight

I also secretly took photos to share my heart with my sisters

As a result, the train came to a standstill halfway through because of the flood

Gave me a reason to speak to him

And then this handsome brother became my boyfriend

(After knowing each other, I learned that I was four years older than my brother...) )

What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?

It rained heavily the first time we went out together

The road was slippery but he didn't dare to hold hands because he was shy

So I took him by the hand

After walking for a while, he suddenly took my hand off and said, "Let me hold your hand."

I haven't been willing to let go

Finally he tried to close the umbrella with one hand

What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?

There was no money when I fell in love in my third year of junior high school

But he would buy a bottle of Yakult every day and put it in my drawer

Later I asked him: Do you have enough pocket money to spend?

He said: My parents only gave me money for food

But I could have breakfast cheaper

You can't have more than no less

I want to grow up faster

Always prepare Yakult for you in our home

Now what he said came true

What are some sweet love stories | couples in love daily?

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