
I offer suggestions and suggestions for the Party Congress 丨 The beautiful expectations and suggestions of the People of Yiyang

author:Red Net

Gather wisdom and wisdom to make suggestions and suggestions, and work together to seek common development. Recently, the "Greeting the Party Congress, Writing a New Chapter" suggestion and suggestion activity was carried out in an orderly manner, and Xiaobian found that people from all walks of life in Yiyang actively participated in the enthusiastic speech... There are many good expectations and suggestions for the economy, people's livelihood, etc., let's take a look!

●People's livelihood

On road maintenance

Han Meihong, a discipline inspection commission of The Heshan District Discipline Inspection Commission of Yiyang City, suggested: The party committee and the government should increase capital investment, allocate a certain proportion of maintenance funds according to the mileage of rural roads in the annual budget, give priority to the application of new technologies, new materials, and new processes for conservation-oriented maintenance, reduce maintenance costs, and improve the efficiency of maintenance funds; increase the intensity of law enforcement, set up height limit, width limit facilities, and non-stop overload detection equipment at important entrances and exits and nodes, and increase the intensity of inspection and law enforcement of the phenomenon of overloading and overloading on rural roads; improve management measures, townships, villages, The three levels of the group are responsible for the investigation of hidden dangers, problem reporting, road appearance supervision and other related work in specific road sections, and create rural revitalization model roads with beautiful environment, clean pavement and coordinated style in each village, with points and lines, to promote the standardization of rural road management, no dead ends, and help rural revitalization in the new era.

About creating a green life

Zhu Jinliang of Taomanganese Community in Songmutang Town, Taojiang County, Yiyang City, suggested: In order to create a green life for the people and build a two-type society of "resource conservation and environmental friendliness", it is necessary to decisively say "no" to the white garbage such as plastic, strengthen the legislative enforcement of relevant laws, and carry out comprehensive treatment from the source and circulation chain.

About giving birth to "three children"

Tai Min of the Discipline Inspection Work Committee of Qionghu Street, Yuanjiang City, Yiyang City, suggested: (1) reduce the cost of childbirth, education, and parenting, fully incorporate the cost of childbirth into social security, and issue birth subsidies; (2) promote economic development and actively plan the imbalance of development in each province; (3) establish a social support system for equality between men and women and friendly to fertility; (4) legislate to clarify that women must not be discriminated against in the workplace because of childbirth, and extend women's production leave, strengthen social compensation for women's childbirth value, and enhance women's reproductive welfare benefits. Protect women's fair employment rights and interests; (5) build a preferential, safe, convenient and humane fertility and child-rearing support environment.

About opening up logistics "village to village"

Wu Zhenhua, Supervision Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Heshan District, Yiyang City, suggested: Improve the rural e-commerce logistics system, suggest giving full play to the leading role of the government, comprehensive policies, multi-pronged measures, promote the healthy development of rural e-commerce, and help rural poverty alleviation and revitalization. The first is to improve the county and rural three-level logistics and distribution system; the second is to improve the rural e-commerce public service system; the third is to improve the rural modern circulation service system; and the fourth is to improve the rural e-commerce training system.

On educational development

Deng Shuguang, vice chairman of the Yiyang Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Municipal Committee of the China Democratic League, suggested: (1) increase the intensity of general job diversion, strengthen investigation and research on vocational education and general job diversion, and do a good job in the top-level design of general job diversion; (2) Effectively loosen the basic education, reduce the study burden, reduce the difficulty of examinations, and ease the pressure of further education, so that education can return to the original intention and let the children return to their childlike hearts; (3) Vigorously strengthen higher education, and strive to cultivate more first-class top talents with innovation ability, practical ability, and pioneering ability ;(4) Accelerate the promotion of education legislation, strengthen the construction of rural education, further promote the reform of the college entrance examination, pursue the essence and purpose of education, and return education to its basic position.

Li Huifang, vice president and associate professor of Yiyang Radio and Television University, pointed out that Yiyang lacks government-level coordination and resource integration in the promotion of learning city creation, and the various systems basically "fight alone" when expanding learning channels for citizens by carrying out community education methods, and the city's educational resources have not been well integrated and fully used, and even to a certain extent, it has caused a waste of resources. It is also suggested that (1) Yiyang City's "Implementation Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Community Education" be issued as soon as possible ;(2) increase the construction of community education institutions at the county and below; (3) increase investment in community education in various ways; (4) community colleges (schools) should be equipped with full-time managers and full-time and part-time teachers engaged in community education; (5) scientifically formulate community education evaluation standards, establish and improve community education statistics system, and strengthen the collection and analysis of basic information on the development of community education.

Tang Jian, director and associate professor of the Lifelong Education and Scientific Research Department of Yiyang Radio and Television University, suggested that the Federation of Social Sciences join the construction of a lifelong education system. Give play to the role of the Federation of Social Sciences in building a lifelong education system and promote the construction of a learning society in Yiyang.

Zheng Tuo, officer of the Lifelong Education and Scientific Research Department of Yiyang Radio and Television University and a teacher specializing in primary school education, suggested that: (1) black tea, as a world-class business card in Yiyang City, should focus on creating cultural and creative products around black tea; (2) black tea culture practice classes can be carried out among primary and secondary school students in Yiyang City; (3) Actively explore the combination of childcare services and elderly education in Yiyang community to create a number of typical and promote.

With the continuous advancement of quality education, the teaching conditions and teaching quality of primary and secondary schools in rural areas have been continuously improved, but relevant functional departments, schools, parents, etc. do not pay enough attention to and understand the work of students' mental health education, and cannot timely discover and deal with students' psychological problems.

Jiang Wei, Discipline Inspection Commission of Nanjin Township, Anhua County, Yiyang City, suggested: (1) strengthen publicity and guidance; (2) strengthen the guarantee of elements; (3) build a professional platform.

About the development of TCM

Zhang Tao, deputy chief physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Physiotherapy of Yiyang Central Hospital, suggested:

Traditional Chinese medicine is a great creation of the Chinese nation, which has gone through thousands of years of historical testing and has made great contributions to the reproduction of the Chinese nation. In the prevention and treatment of the new crown epidemic, Chinese medicine has been deeply involved in the whole process and has played an important role. It is recommended that the party committee and government continue to increase support and support for traditional Chinese medicine and inject living water into traditional Chinese medicine.

(1) Make full use of the modern hospital management system to strengthen the standardized management of the Traditional Chinese medicine industry; (2) Further standardize the traditional Chinese medicine health care service industry; (3) Vigorously publicize the concept of "treating diseases before they occur" in traditional Chinese medicine; (4) Guide Chinese medicine practitioners to further understand and read through the classic works of traditional Chinese medicine.

● Economical

PCB (printed circuit board) plays a vital role in the electronic information industry chain, Yiyang Changchun Economic Development Zone brings together more than 100 PCB enterprises inside and outside the province, has to undertake the transfer of coastal industries, build China's PCB industry "third pole" many advantages.

Liu Fangjun, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the China Democratic Progressive Party Committee and director of the Yiyang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, suggested: establish a Hunan PCB Industry Development Leading Group, start the provincial overall coordination to promote the development of the PCB industry; formulate a special plan for the development of the "14th Five-Year Plan" of the HUNAN PCB industry, incorporate the PCB industry into the "three highs and four new" development planning and policy cage, clearly put forward the goal of building the "third pole" of China's PCB industry, and introduce specific measures to support the high-quality development of the PCB industry. Support the renaming of Yiyang Changchun Economic Development Zone as Yiyang Economic Development Zone and declare it as a state-level economic development zone to build a higher platform for the development of PCB industry.

●Current politics

Petitioning work is a platform for the party and the government to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses. Party committees and governments at all levels have always insisted on taking the petitioning work as an important task for understanding the people's situation, concentrating the people's wisdom, safeguarding the people's interests, and rallying the people's will, and have tried every means to help the masses solve their worries and difficulties. However, due to the transformation of major social contradictions, grass-roots governance, policy handling, and other reasons, grass-roots discipline-related petitions have shown the characteristics of pluralism and complexity. At the same time, due to the asymmetry of information, some petitioners often have the phenomenon of not knowing what is going on and blindly guessing, and there are still doubts about the impartiality of the handling organs.

Fu Zengpeng of Malu Town, Anhua County, Yiyang City, suggested: (1) Do not cover up the problem of petitioning that the masses have strong reactions to, go to places where the contradictions between petitioning are prominent, and go to places where petitioning is relatively weak. Periodically hold public feedback meetings, respond face-to-face from the perspective of evidence facts and discipline and law, and remove the fog in the hearts of the petitioning masses layer by layer. Make the results of the investigation "sunny" public, enhance the transparency and recognition of the handling of petitions and reports, and resolve contradictions at the grass-roots level; (2) establish a weekly petition reception day "party and government leaders package case resolution system" ;(3) create a group of high-quality petitioning cadres.

"Greeting the Party Congress, Writing a New Chapter" will continue until November 15, and the majority of netizens are welcome to continue to provide suggestions and suggestions for the Provincial Party Congress.

I offer suggestions and suggestions for the Party Congress 丨 The beautiful expectations and suggestions of the People of Yiyang