
Yang Changli went to Lingyun County to investigate the designated help work

author:Lingyun released

On November 9, Yang Chang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China General Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd., went to Lingyun County to investigate the designated help work. Wu Fenglei, secretary of the county party committee, and Liu Huagan, deputy secretary general of the municipal party committee, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and deputy county governor, accompanied the investigation.

Yang Changli went to Lingyun County to investigate the designated help work

Yang Changli and his party successively went to Pinghuai Village in Xiajia Town, Hongtan Stone Field in Xiajia Town, and Lanjin Primary School in Sicheng Town to conduct field research on projects such as the "Surabaya Colorful" pastoral complex, industrial assistance, and education assistance.

Yang Changli went to Lingyun County to investigate the designated help work

Lingyun County"Surabaya Colorful" pastoral complex is located in the green development zone of Guangxi Baise Key Development and Opening Experimental Zone, and is the core area of the Baise Northern Ecological New Area under development and construction. During the investigation, Yang Changli fully affirmed that Lingyun County gave full play to its own advantages, relying on landscape endowments and ecological resources, grasped the historical opportunity of the construction of The Key Development and Opening Experimental Zone of Baise, accelerated the creation of pastoral complexes, and promoted the practices and achievements of rural revitalization and development. Yang Changli pointed out that industry is the key to rural revitalization, and it is necessary to make scientific planning, scientific layout, and meticulous planning, so that enterprises from all sides can participate, continuously strengthen the collective economic development of the village while promoting the masses to increase income and become rich through multiple channels, actively extend the industrial chain, so that farmers can increase income, enterprises can benefit, and industries can develop, promote the economic and social development of Lingyun County to be better and faster, and embark on a new path of rural revitalization and development with unique characteristics.

Yang Changli went to Lingyun County to investigate the designated help work

Sicheng Town Lanjin Primary School Egret Class "Rainbow Plan" education support project, is the key education assistance project of China General Nuclear Power Group, in Lanjin Primary School, Yang Changli and his party walked while watching, listening in detail to school construction, teacher strength, etc., Yang Changli pointed out that education is an important cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progress, the relevant departments of Lingyun County should follow the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, from the country and the future of the nation to highly care for the growth of children, to increase the care for left-behind children and other special groups, Make up for the shortcomings of family education with high-quality and efficient school education. On behalf of China General Nuclear Power Group, Yang Changli said that he will continue to care about and support the education cause of Lingyun County, combine "supporting aspirations, wisdom and skills", and help Lingyun education through "cultural classes + holiday skills training courses + summer camps + social practices" and other forms.

Yang Changli went to Lingyun County to investigate the designated help work

Picture and text 丨 Luo Guo Saint Luo Guo Sword

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