
Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

author:Yangtze River Delta TIME

"Those who forget history will repeat the mistakes of history, and only by drawing lessons from history can there be future peace."

——Zhang Chunru

Gold medal director Tong Ruirui's masterpiece

Dancer Lee Yi Ran starred

Douban score 9.3

Shake people's hearts and hit the soul

An excellent work that must not be missed, "Deep in Memory"

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

| show times |

2021.11.24 Wednesday 19:30

| venues |

Suzhou Yinshan Lake Grand Theater Grand Theater

| the | of the show ticket price

480/380/280/180/100/50 yuan

| early bird discount |

Early Bird Ticket: 50% off 480/380/280/180/100

(50 yuan does not participate)

Promotion period: 2021.11.11-2021.11.18

| scan the code to purchase tickets |

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

One person, one ticket, admission with a ticket

Children under 1.2 meters are not allowed

In the past few years, the most remarkable thing about the Nanjing Massacre is the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in 2014 to designate December 13 as the National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, and since then, the annual mourning activities at the local level have been upgraded to the national level; in 2015, the Nanjing Massacre Archive was included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Heritage List, and the memory of Chinese 1.3 billion has since become the common memory of all mankind. The Nanjing Massacre is more deeply engraved on the historical column.

Against this backdrop, Deep in Memory chooses to look to those who witnessed the Holocaust, presenting memories buried deep in the soul. The whole drama starts from the perspective of the Chinese-American writer Zhang Chunru exploring the Nanjing Massacre massacre, taking the exploration of the 1937 "Nanjing Massacre" tragedy as the clue, taking the memories of the witnesses of the tragedy as the theme, the screenwriter forms an interlocking script with relatively independent and mutually corroborating chapters, although the vision and original intention of each character are different, but in the end they all refer to the same truth: in the name of peace, with this work, to pay tribute to the suffering and pain experienced by our nation. In the days of devastation and hell, we can find a lot of love from people watching out for each other, giving up their lives, and being tenacious and brave. After the baptism of the Holocaust, these loves transcend personal emotions.

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

"Deep in Memory" is strictly based on historical materials and contrast, combined with documentary and artistic, and created and presented with new ideas and techniques. Taking Zhang Chunru as the clue, taking the rescuers (represented by Rabe and Wei Telin), the survivors (based on Li Xiuying and others), and the Japanese soldiers (based on Toshiro and others) as the main line, the memories of those who witnessed the nanjing massacre are elicited. Each chapter in the dance drama is a dialogue, not only a dialogue with Zhang Chunru, but also a dialogue with the past, with human nature, with conscience, and ultimately boils down to a contest between good and evil.

"Deep in Memory" does not take "beauty" as the premise, but takes "truth" as the premise, takes "truth" as the soul, uses a contemporary perspective, has the stage texture of modern aesthetic concepts, and the most direct and powerful dance vocabulary captures the strongest explosive point of character emotion and the most sensitive point of psychological contradiction. All the characters in the play have really existed, real history, real human nature. In the choreography, the main characters and the soul of the group are also sought to express the most authentic expression.

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

The dance of the soul of the great opening and closing has a strong sculptural nature, and the main characters' vocabulary is tense and nuanced, which not only expresses multiple levels of emotion, but also leaves a deep historical imprint on each character. In addition to retaining a small amount of necessary narrative, the choreography of the dance focuses on the environment in which the characters are located and the complex psychology of their human nature, those that are respectable, pious, brave, honest, persistent, and of course abominable, pointing to the unforgettable parts of the memory, showing the different forces of the dance drama that reach the hearts of the people.

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

"Deep in Memory" is written and directed by the famous choreographer Tong Ruirui, performed by the Opera and Dance Theater of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, Jiangsu Youth Song and Dance Troupe, and Jiangsu Performing Arts Group Dance Center, and Zhang Chunru is played by dancer Li Yiran.

The creative team includes famous composer Guo Sida, choreographers He Tao and Li Hongjun, Ren Dongsheng, chief designer of national first-class stage lighting, A Kuan, Li Yuduo, famous costume designer, Hu Tianji, multimedia designer, and Xu Bin, chief stylist of the National Ballet of China. "Deep in Memory" also invited Zhu Chengshan, former director of the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, and Luo Huaizhen, a famous playwright, to serve as historical and literary consultants respectively.

Screenwriter, General Director / Tong Ruirui

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

He is selected as a cultural master of the Propaganda Department and a "four batches" of talents, a special choreographer of the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe, a special choreographer of Guangxi Performing Arts Group, a tutor of the Art Committee of the "Supporting Young Artists" Program of the Shanghai International Arts Festival, a special expert of the Art Expert Committee of Shanghai Wenguang Group, and a special researcher of the China Contemporary Dance Drama Center of Nanjing University of the Arts.

Graduated from the Choreography Department of Beijing Dance Academy in 2000, he has been committed to dance and dance drama creation for many years, and his works adhere to the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese dance, explore cultural expression in body language, and form a unique language style and the ultimate aesthetic pursuit. Dance works: "Fan Dance Danqing", "Root Carving", "Green Belt When the Wind", "Dotted Lips" and dozens of other dance works; dance drama works "Nanjing 1937", "Water Moon Roselle", "Dance Together!" "Crested Ibis", "Deep in Memory", etc.; dance theater "Tang Shiyi Dance"; dance collection "Earth", and more than ten stage works.

The works have been staged in many countries in the world, and the response is strong everywhere, "Crested Ibis" has been praised by foreign mainstream media as "Swan Lake of the East", and has won various national and international dance and dance drama competition gold awards, "Five Ones Project" excellent work awards, Wenhua Excellent Works Award, Wenhua Director Award, Lotus Cup Dance Drama, Dance Poetry Works Gold Award, Choreographer Gold Award, and the works have been selected as national stage art quality projects.

Lead actor / Li Yiran as Zhang Chunru

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

Li Yiran, a member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the Dance Department of the People's Liberation Army Art Academy of the Chinese, and was formerly the main actor of the Song and Dance Troupe of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission.

He has won the Gold Medal of Classical Dance of the 10th Tao-Lee Cup Dance Competition and the Silver Medal of the All-Army Dance Competition.

His masterpieces include "Neon Dream", "Training Day", "Long Fragrance", "LongIng Space", "Eternal Elegy", "And Tilian", "What did you do last night?" and so on. She has served as the heroine in many large-scale dance dramas such as "The World of Flowers", "Marco Polo", "Princess Chuansi" and so on.

Qin Xi as Li Xiuying

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

Major works: "Spring Dream", "Farewell to the Drifting Clouds", "The Day of the Awarding"

Dance Drama: "Princess Wencheng", "Fat Tang Skinny Song", "Lotus", "Copper Drum Girl", "Deep memory", "Tang Shiyi Dance"

Awards: Second Prize of the 8th Tao Li Cup Junior Group A Performance, Excellent Performance Award of the 4th CCTV Dance Competition, Second Prize of the 8th Lotus Cup Modern and Contemporary Dance Performance, Special Award of the 9th Lotus Cup Dance Drama Dance Poetry Individual Organizing Committee Special Award, 10th China Drama Festival Individual Performance Award, 10th All-Army Literary and Art Performance Individual Performance First Prize.

Qu Jicheng as Dong Shilang

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

Outstanding young actor of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group Opera and Dance Theater.

The works created and performed won the Best Choreographer Award of the CCTV TV Dance Competition and the Silver Award of choreographer of the Chinese Dance "Lotus Award".

The works starring him won the Gold Medal of the Chinese Dance Lotus Award, the Silver Award of the All-Army Literary and Art Performance, and the Silver Award of the CCTV TV Dance Competition.

Masterpieces: "A Red Scarf", "00:00", "Soldier"

Hu Xingdong as Rabe

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

Outstanding young actor of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group Opera and Dance Theater. Played Zhou Ping in the dance drama (Dancing Thunderstorm). Played Rabe in the dance drama (Deep in Memory). Played Hou Fangyu in the dance drama (Peach Blossom Fan). In 2012, he participated in the World Classic Musical Theatre Gathering (Song and Dance Online) and participated in the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2nd Asian Youth Games in 2013. In 2014, he participated in the musical (Splendid Cloud Tower), in 2015 he participated in the opera (Yunzhihe) toured Europe; in 2016, he participated in the opera (Zheng He), in 2017, he went to Japan to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan to participate in the opera (Jian Zhen Dongdu) tour; and visited Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa and other countries for cultural exchanges and cultural performances.

Song Fei as Weitlin

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

Outstanding actor of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group Opera and Dance Theater.

In 2019, it was rated as a zijin cultural outstanding youth.

In 2018, he participated in the dance drama "Deep in Memory" and won the Individual Award for Outstanding Performance at the Zijin Culture and Art Festival.

Participated in the 2018 Zijin Culture and Art Festival and won the Outstanding Repertoire Award, the 20th Upcoming International Arts Festival. Shanghai "Lotus Award" dance drama final evaluation.

The dance drama "Xiangjun's Pipa" plays Li Zhenli. The dance drama "Dance • Thunderstorm" plays Xuan Yi.

Participated in the opera "Grand Canal" and won 7 gold awards in China.

He was interviewed and published by Nanjing Local Products Yangtze Evening News's professional pure character introduction "The Glory of the Dancer is Respected".

Pan Chun as Japanese right winger

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"

2007 Jiangsu Province's first "Lotus Cup" young dancers (professional academy group)

The dance competition won the Outstanding Performance Award

In 2008 and 2012, the group dance "Windward" and "Son of the Wind" in the professional dance competitions of six provinces and one city in East China won the third prize for performance

In 2013, he participated in the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2nd Asian Youth Games

He has served as a dancer in the operas "The River of Luck", "Zheng He", and "Jian Zhen Dongdu"

In 2018, he participated in the dance drama "Peach Blossom Fan" as Hongguang Emperor

I would like to dedicate this drama to the compatriots who were killed and to those who saved their lives

People who expose the truth and defend justice

Ticketing 丨 Tong Ruirui x Li Yiran Dance Drama "Deep in Memory"