
The back wave on the stadium The 17-year-old girl in northern Shaanxi won the runner-up in the international competition Netizens liked: The most beautiful little girl Zhang Muyan, you are the next Pan Xiaoting

author:Huashang Daily
The back wave on the stadium The 17-year-old girl in northern Shaanxi won the runner-up in the international competition Netizens liked: The most beautiful little girl Zhang Muyan, you are the next Pan Xiaoting

For high school students, dreams and reality, the college entrance examination has become a barrier that no one can avoid, and Zhang Muyan, a 17-year-old student in Dingbian County, Yulin City, is no exception. However, in the face of the international open tournament sponsored by the Chinese Billiards Association, she still signed herself up without hesitation. Although she has not touched the club for many days, in this competition, Zhang Muyan won the runner-up with her excellent performance as always, setting a new personal best.

Interested in his own billiard hall

Parents entrust people to find their daughters

Like billiards world champion Chen Siming, Zhang Muyan was also raised in the ball room, and her father ran a billiard hall in Yulin Dingbian. According to Zhang Muyan's father, Zhang Shiyu, Zhang Muyan was exposed to billiards when she was 3 years old, and when she was young, she followed herself to touch billiards and pick up clubs. After discovering that she was interested in billiards, Zhang Shiyu began to teach her to play billiards.

"I didn't expect that when I taught her to play billiards, I liked it and insisted on it for so many years." Yesterday, Zhang Shiyu told reporters that the operation of the billiard hall in those years was not very good, but the child's interest made him ignore the real problem and insisted on opening the billiard hall. As she grew older, Zhang Muyan's ball skills were invincible all the way, and it was gradually difficult to find opponents in the local area. Zhang Shiyu began to realize that maybe his daughter could also become the "next Pan Xiaoting".

In order to find a suitable coach for their daughter, Zhang Shiyu and his wife looked for a long time, and finally found "Bo Le", a professional coach with guangdong ancestral home, Luo Sui. At the age of 11, Zhang Muyan embarked on the road of professional golfer.

At the age of 15, he became the first nine-ball player in our province

It also set a record for the youngest player in the team

According to Coach Luo Sui, she was only 9 years old when she first met Zhang Muyan, and she held her father's hand when she was small. After trying to get her to play a few balls, I found that the child was very talented, more accurate, and more "domineering" when playing. Since then, every winter and summer vacation, his father will take Zhang Muyan to his own billiard hall in Hangzhou to train, and after a long time, he has also taken her to participate in large and small competitions, and has achieved good results.

"This kid is usually more naughty, and sometimes we have to coax us to buy ice cream if we win, and then she jumps and goes to the game." Coach Luo Sui said that because of her young age, Zhang Muyan began to absorb incomplete explanations of knowledge, and the training time was only winter and summer vacations, so that the competition at that time could often only sprint to the top four and could not break through.

Until the age of 15, Zhang Muyan received the first "gift" of her billiards career, and became a member of the American nine-ball Chinese national training team through selection, not only the first player in Shaanxi Province to enter the national training team of the project, but also created the record of the youngest player in the team.

He has won many competitions in China

At present, he is preparing for the college entrance examination in Xi'an

Under the continuous guidance of Coach Luo Sui, Zhang Muyan quickly overcame difficult problems and honors poured in: 2020 CCTV5 Lunar New Year Cup World Women's Nine-Ball Championship Champion; 2019 Hainan Sanya World Women's Nine-Ball Championship Best Newcomer Award; 2019 CBSA China Youth Chinese Billiards Fushun Open Champion; 2019 Northwest Five Provinces and Regions Chinese Billiards Team Invitational Tournament Champion; 2019CBSA Global Anshan Chinese Billiards China Championship Fourth Place 2019 Shanghai Pudong Tangcheng World Nine Ball China Open fifth place; 2019 won the American Nine Ball International Championship runner-up; 2018 CBSA Chinese Billiards International Open Third Place, etc.

However, just when Zhang Muyan was looking forward to winning glory for the country, the sudden epidemic made the event press the pause button. Unable to compete, her studies have become Zhang Muyan's "top priority", and she is currently studying in a school in Xi'an to prepare for next year's college entrance examination.

For the first time in more than a year, he won the second place

"Some accidents and some regrets"

In October, when the Chinese Billiards Association decided to host the Pengzhou Chinese Billiards International Open, Zhang Muyan, who learned of the news, secretly signed up and later told her family and teachers. "My parents and teachers didn't want me to take time off to go out to play, first, I was nervous about my studies, and I was worried about the epidemic, but I really wanted to fight this time, and finally they all agreed." Zhang Muyan said.

Pengzhou Chinese Billiards International Open is also Zhang Muyan's "blessed land", she was 14 years old in this tournament won the third place, but this time to participate, she did not set herself too high a goal, but also did not want to end the game early, in her own words: "More than a year has not participated in the game, and has not touched the club for many months, so there is no luxury to expect too good rankings, but still hope to enter the top 8, after all, this opportunity to participate is very precious." ”

There were more than 40 players in the women's group of the competition, and from the first stage, Zhang Muyan showed a good state and reached the final all the way to the final. In the final, her opponent was the first seed Tang Chunxiao, zhang Muyan once led in the first half of the final, but finally lost 5:9, although missing the first individual championship, but the runner-up still refreshed the best result. "Some surprises and some regrets, because at the beginning I didn't expect to get the runner-up, unfortunately, the final didn't play very well, and there were some mistakes. It is related to the lack of systematic training in recent times, and there are also factors of lack of experience. ”

I hope to be able to successfully enter the university

Then win the world championship for the glory of the country

"After she finished runners-up in the competition, she told me that she didn't have much time to train during school and that it was a pity that she had too many mistakes in the final." Zhang Shiyu said that seeing the loss of his child, he as a father can only tell her to let her study and prepare for next year's college entrance examination with peace of mind, and then train billiards well after the college entrance examination is over.

For the results of the competition, Coach Luo Sui said that although Zhang Muyan did not win the championship in this competition, her results were also good, and after Zhang Muyan's college entrance examination was over, she looked forward to returning to the team.

After the international open tournament hosted by the Chinese Billiards Association, Zhang Muyan hurried back to Xi'an before she could celebrate. She told reporters: "Although billiards is a road that I will continue to walk, the college entrance examination is the most important thing at the moment, I hope I can successfully enter the university, and then go to realize my 'billiards dream'." What is a "billiards dream"? Zhang Muyan's answer is very crisp: take the world championship and win glory for the country.

A short sentence has attracted many netizens to praise: "The most beautiful little girl on the edge" and "the pride of the edge, cheer for you!" "You are the next Pan Xiaoting!" Huashang Daily reporter Yang Huyuan

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