
1,045 left-behind children received love school uniforms
1,045 left-behind children received love school uniforms

The children happily put on their new uniforms

On the morning of the 9th, the China Welfare Social Foundation and the Hong Foundation jointly donated 1,054 sets of new school uniforms to Yujixin Primary School in Funan County.

On November 22, 2010, the Weihong High-end Education Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Hong Fund), initiated by CCTV host Chen Weihong, was established, and a press conference was held in Beijing shortly after, officially becoming a special fund under the China Social Welfare Foundation. Hong Foundation advocates the public welfare concept of "doing what is within its reach, nourishing with love", focusing on the care and development of left-behind children, public welfare support and innovation, the main public welfare projects are Smile 1+1 Education Assistance, Love Library, Growth Journey Summer Camp, Love Four Seasons Package, Public Welfare College, and continue to provide material direct funding services to poor and remote areas of distressed (left-behind) children, schools and families, and the project implementation areas are all over the country.

Zhao Xiaohui, a member of the Hong Foundation, and Yu Jili, deputy director of the Yuji Township Education And Customs Work Committee, are friends. In the exchange with Yu Jili, Zhao Xiaohui learned that Yuji Township in Funan County is located in the Mengwa Xinghong District, the local economy is relatively difficult, most of the young people go out to work, most of the left-behind children, many students do not even have a set of school uniforms, she decided to do her best to help these children. Therefore, with the help of Ji Li, Zhao Xiaohui first collected the height size of 1,045 left-behind children in Yuzhixin Primary School, and then actively mobilized some caring merchants in Beijing to donate new school uniforms to the children. Last weekend, 1,045 sets of new school uniforms with a total value of more than 179,000 yuan were transported to Yujixiang Central Primary School.

Reporter Ren Gang Correspondent Tian Xunsheng Text/Photo