
It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

author:Universal Science Cats

It's Yunnan again! Since 2021, the scarce animals and plants in Yunnan have appeared, there are really too many, what "five-clawed golden dragon", what "Indian bison", what "holly silkworm moth", etc., let us see that the biological population of Yunnan is really too much, otherwise it is unlikely that there will be so many species groups.

This also directly shows that the biological population in Yunnan is indeed relatively large, and at the same time, the environmental state also provides a basis for their survival, and only in line with the basis of the survival of these wild animals and plants will they survive and see more. Therefore, the two can be said to be "closely related".

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

Indeed, the ecological environment of Yunnan is very good, which is undeniable. The province is called the "kingdom of animals and plants" and is also an affirmation of the ecological environment of Yunnan. Many people may have only heard of the Yunnan Asian elephant, after all, in 2021, it is also "hot world".

However, this can be said to be only the "tip of the iceberg" of Yunnan wildlife, and Asian elephants are only a very small part. According to the plant type, Yunnan is a plant type that includes tropical, subtropical, temperate, cold temperate and other plant types, and there are 30,000 species of higher plants in the country, and Yunnan accounts for 60%, so the number is very large.

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

The number of animal populations is also very large, the number of animal species is the highest in the country, vertebrates reach 1737 species, accounting for 58.9% of the country, 366 species of fish, accounting for 45.7%, 143 species of reptiles, accounting for 37.6% and so on. These are all direct data – indicating the number of wild flora and fauna in Yunnan.

This all shows that Yunnan is indeed a "treasure trove of animals and plants", there is not much, only more cases, and many domestic animals are only distributed in Yunnan, what musk, red panda, green peacock, python and other key protected species, in Yunnan is also more, other provinces are relatively few.

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

Therefore, if any province in the country wants to compare the number of wild animals and plants with Yunnan, it may be "ganbai downwind". No, from here, the frequent occurrence of scarce wild animals and plants in Yunnan in 2021 has become a normal situation, of course, only if the environment in Yunnan has changed, it is possible to see more scarce animals and plants.

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

Yunnan's forest coverage rate has also reached 65.04%, the forest area has increased to 424 million mu, and the forest stock has increased to 2.067 billion cubic meters, which shows that Yunnan has become "greener", which is the basis for the survival of animals and plants, and it is really happy for Yunnan.

And this has another piece of news, that is, Yunnan Nan rolling river national nature reserve ushered in a rare scene, found a large creature, that is, found a 5-meter long adult python, and also took a video of the picture, recorded, confirmed that this is true, which once again shows the problem of Yunnan's environment getting better.

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

According to speculation, the snake age of this large python is about 20-30 years, that is, the highest snake age is 30 years, the body length is about 5 meters, and the thickest part of the python's body is about the same as the adult thigh.

So it's so big! If a single person encounters this giant python, it may be frightened, not to mention this giant python, many people are very scared when they see a small snake, this is still a big python. So, it's a rare scene again. Python belongs to China's second-class protected animals, belongs to large reptile species, mainly concentrated in Southeast Asia, but the value of this species group is very high, so many people are "hunting", according to statistics, in the 10 years from 2002 to 2012, parts of Southeast Asia, the stock dropped by more than 80%.

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

From the perspective of global distribution, the number of snakes is conservatively estimated to have dropped by at least 30%, so the number of pythons is not much, and everyone hunts pythons mainly because of the artificial harvest of snake skins, traditional drugs and pet trade and natural habitat degradation, and China is increasing the protection of pythons, so we have seen the footprints of large pythons, and the common python body length is 3-5 meters, and the body length found this time is about 5 meters, so it is really rare. As long as we continue to protect it, we may see more pythons in the future.

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

The new problem is coming again, the python is becoming more and more numerous, and the probability of entering the circle of human life is also getting bigger and bigger, so the future is definitely easy to encounter.

Can you fight a python when you encounter it, and will you take revenge on people?

Encounter python certainly can not fight, first of all it is a protective species, at the same time encounter python you can not win, the strength of the python is very strong, it hunts the prey, is slowly crawling close to the prey, quickly bite after the body wrapped to death, and squash the long strip, and then secrete saliva, so that the food lubrication swallowing.

If it is a person, as long as it is entangled with the python, it is almost impossible to escape, and as long as the python moves more strongly, the greater the force of its entanglement, so it is unlikely to break free.

It's so big! Yunnan photographed a 5-meter python, speculating that it is 30 years old, can it be beaten when it encounters a python?

Of course, under normal circumstances, the python will not attack people, just like the big python found in Yunnan this time, it did not attack it, it also went away on its own, so we can't stimulate the python, can't fight. Standing on both of these angles is "going to be the best policy". And the problem that everyone said that snakes may be retaliated against has no scientific basis. There is no research to prove it, so don't misunderstand it.