
FMVP player statistics for every position in the NBA: These are the days of small forwards

author:Silence to see the ball

The NBA is the best basketball league in the world, and basketball is a competitive sport that has always been a hero of success or failure. The final victory in the NBA is the championship, and winning the championship is already a very great achievement, and it is even more a great honor to be able to win the FMVP, because the FMVP is generally to recognize the best performers in the Finals. Recently, foreign media have counted the FMVP winners of each year since the 1969 finals, and classified according to the position of the stadium, let's take a look at it together:

FMVP player statistics for every position in the NBA: These are the days of small forwards

Point guard: 9 times

FMVP player statistics for every position in the NBA: These are the days of small forwards

Winners: Jerry West (1969), Joe White (1976), Dennis Johnson (1979), Magic Johnson (1980), Magic Johnson (1982), Magic Johnson (1987), Isaiah Thomas (1990), Chansi Billups (2004), Tony Parker (2007)

Point guard has always been one of the most important positions on the basketball court, because the point guard is often the offensive organizer of a team, and he combs the team's offense through possession and pass assists. A good point guard can often lead the team's attack and take the team to the next level. That being said, due to the peculiarities of this position, because they are mainly responsible for combing the offense, their data is generally not particularly prominent, so the probability of FMVP appearing at this position will be smaller.

There have been a total of 9 FMVPs in the position of point guard, of which the magician alone has won 3 times, so it is not without reason that the magician is the first point guard in NBA history. The first player to win the FMVP in this position was West in 1969, and although his team failed to win the championship that season, he averaged 37.4 points per game during the Finals, and in recognition of his outstanding performance, he won the first and only defeated FMVP in NBA history. The most recent player to win an FMVP in this position is Parker, who averaged 24.5 points per game in the young Parker Finals that season, and while Parker's FMVP is controversial, there is no doubt about his performance during the Finals, and without his play, spurs would not have won the championship so easily.

Scoring guard: 10 times

FMVP player statistics for every position in the NBA: These are the days of small forwards

Winners: Joe Dumas (1989), Michael Jordan (1991), Michael Jordan (1992), Michael Jordan (1993), Michael Jordan (1996), Michael Jordan (1997), Michael Jordan (1998), Dwyane Wade (2006), Kobe Bryant (2009), Kobe Bryant (2010)

The point guard has always been the most exciting position in basketball, because the best scorers in the game generally come from this position, because the ultimate definition of basketball is based on the level of scoring. There are also a lot of superstars in this position, and Jordan, the first man in NBA history, is the shooting guard, and the position of the shooting guard was once brilliant, but now it seems that some talent has withered.

There have been a total of 10 FMVPs in the position of scoring guard, of which Jordan alone won 6 of them, and Jordan's finals win rate is 100%, Jordan's performance in the finals is a god-like existence, and it is Jordan's existence that led to many stars at that time having no championships for life.

The first FMVP to appear in this position of shooting guard was the Pistons' Joe Dumas, who was able to average 27.3 points and 58 percent shooting per game during the Finals despite being specially defended, leading the Pistons to sweep the Lakers. The last FMVP in the scoring guard position is Kobe Bryant, who won two championships with Gasol after winning three consecutive titles with O'Neal in the early days, and both championships kobe bryant is absolutely core, which also cements his position as the second quarterback in history.

Small forwards: 16 times

FMVP player statistics for every position in the NBA: These are the days of small forwards

Winners: John Havlicek (1974), Rick Barry (1975), Cedric Maxwell (1981), Larry Bird (1984), Larry Bird (1986), James Worthy (1988), Paul Pierce (2008), LeBron James (2012), LeBron James (2013), Cowy Leonard (2014), Andre Iguodala (2015), LeBron James (2016). ), Kevin Durant (2017), Kevin Durant (2018), Kawhi Leonard (2019), LeBron James (2020)

In modern basketball, the small forward is the most important position, because a good small forward can not only complete the score, but also assist and defend, they will be the best players in their respective teams because they have this best combination of height and technique.

There are a total of 16 FMVP in the position of small forwards, of which nine FMVP players in the past decade are small forwards, which shows how important small forwards in modern basketball are. James, who has won 4 FMVPs, is also considered the best small forward in NBA history for his individual ability and on-court impact.

The first FMVP player in the small forward position was Hafrichek, the Green Army star who defeated the mighty Abdul-Jabbar and Bucks in the 1974 Finals to win his first FMVP. The most recent FMVP for a small forward player was James in 2020, when James led the Lakers to a championship, which was also his third team championship and his fourth championship, and James won the final FMVP in all four championships.

Big Forward: 8 times

FMVP player statistics for every position in the NBA: These are the days of small forwards

Winners: Willis Reed (1970), Willis Reed (1973), Wes Unseld (1978), Tim Duncan (1999), Tim Duncan (2003), Tim Duncan (2005), Dirk Nowitzki (2011), Giannis Antetokounmpo (2021)

The position of the big forward is often underestimated, because although they do dirty work on the court, the data and contributions are not outstanding, but there have been many superstars in the NBA history of the big forward position.

There have been a total of 8 FMVPs in the big forward position, and Duncan alone has won 3 of them, so he has also become the number one forward in NBA history. In 2011, Nowitzki also completed one of the greatest single-core championships in NBA history, and this championship and FMVP also gave Nowitzki a significant rise in its historical status.

The first player to win the FMVP in the big forward position was Willis Reed, who defeated the Lakers with Chamberlain, West and Baylor in seven games in the 1970 Finals, and he averaged 23.0 points and 10.5 boards per game, which also gave him his first championship and FMVP. The most recent player to win an FMVP is Alphabet Brother, who won last season's championship, helped the Bucks win their first championship in 50 years last season, and he scored 50 points in game six to set the record, and he also rated this championship and FMVP to make his historical status rise significantly.

Center: 10 times

FMVP player statistics for every position in the NBA: These are the days of small forwards

Winners: Karim Abdul-Jabbar (1971), Wilt Chamberlain (1972), Bill Walton (1977), Moses Malone (1983), Karim Abdul-Jabbar (1985), Hakim Olajuwon (1994), Hakim Olajuwon (1995), Shaquil O'Neal (2000), Shaquil O'Neill (2001), Shaquil O'Neill (2002)

Keep in mind that basketball has always been a giant sport before, and center players have a natural advantage, they are closer to the basket, which also makes it easier for them to score. The NBA has always been under the rule of super centers, but with the development of modern basketball, the position of center players has changed dramatically, and they are no longer just needing to score on the inside, but are required to be more versatile and versatile.

There have been a total of 10 FMVPs in the center position, and the first player to win the FMVP is Abdul-Jabbar in 1971, he and the Bucks are invincible in the regular season, they are equally invincible in the playoffs, and finally swept the opponent in the Finals to win the championship, and Abdul-Jabbar won his first FMVP. The most recent center player to win the FMVP was O'Neal during the Lakers' triple titles in 2002, when O'Neal dominated the inside line, winning the FMVP three times in a row, and O'Neal became the last super center to win the FMVP.

As can be seen from the FMVP development process above, the beginning of the NBA was ruled by interior players, that is, those super centers, who had a natural advantage on the inside, which helped them succeed; then entered the era of point guards, that is, the beginning of Jordan's rule; then duncan and O'Neal and other interior players began to take over the game, they defended the last glory of interior players; to the last decade began to be the era of small forwards, James, Durant, Leonard and other players completely dominate the finals, they use their talents and techniques to take the game into their own hands, which also means that modern basketball is not just a sport of big men, modern basketball has become more and more close to the fast pace, those bulky interior players have not been able to keep up with the current rhythm, so this is one of the reasons why the inside players are now withering.

Which of these FMVPs do you think are the most powerful? Which players have a chance to win the FMVP this season? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.


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