
Implement school actions to empower students to grow

author:China Education News

■ Experts of the Education steering committee talk about "double subtraction"

To implement the "double reduction" work well, as far as schools are concerned, it is necessary to give full play to the role of the main front of school education, give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of teachers in teaching and educating people, and focus on the "three improvements", that is, improving the level of classroom teaching, improving the level of homework management, and improving the level of after-school services.

1. Improve the level of classroom teaching. One of the core links in the implementation of the "double reduction" work in the school is to improve the efficiency of classroom education and teaching. To build an effective classroom, teachers should break through the limitations of thinking and create a flexible learning atmosphere for students. This is not only the self-realization of teachers' professional growth, but also based on the irreversible responsibility of children's growth every day, so that the concept change and action implementation can be seamlessly docked, and the implementation of daily classrooms should be used to promote the implementation of "double reduction" work.

We advocate that the classroom be moved, the problems alive, and the classroom warm. The classroom moves to activate the internal drive of learning. Create classrooms where students actively participate and develop. Change students' passive acceptance of knowledge to active discovery and construction of knowledge, and complete knowledge construction at the same time in the learning process of students' active inquiry and in thinking training. The problem comes alive and stimulates students' thinking. Create classrooms that move from passing on knowledge to inspiring students' wisdom. Only by improving the ability of teachers to design classroom problems can the classroom play a role in cultivating "thinking, thinking, and expressing well". The teacher asks to get the students to ask, and several students ask so that all the students can ask. Only when you can ask questions can you think, and only when you can think can you gain knowledge, master methods, and feel ideas, so as to effectively cultivate students' thinking ability. The classroom warms up and surges students' cognitive abilities. Create warm, vibrant, and creative classrooms. Such a classroom requires teachers to truly establish a sense of lifelong learning, and teachers who constantly improve themselves in learning will stay away from the professional "comfort zone" and constantly challenge themselves. Teachers who constantly break through themselves will have a full motivation to innovate and constantly innovate their classrooms; teachers who constantly innovate their classrooms will treat students in a new state every day and ignite their enthusiasm for learning.

To improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching, the fundamental thing for teachers is to implement the conventional teaching requirements strictly, meticulously, and from the full, standardize the teaching process, innovate classroom management, change the teaching method, strengthen the guidance of learning the law, and truly promote the systematic optimization from teaching to learning in practice, research and reflection.

Second, improve the level of operation management. An important aspect of the "double reduction" work is to reduce the excessive burden of homework on students, which requires teachers to deal with the relationship between the "quantity" and "quality" of homework, and the reduction is the "quantity" of students' homework, which is mentioned as the "quality" of the homework assigned by teachers. Our school has established an operation management system according to the school conditions and student conditions. The homework management system clearly requires teachers to achieve "three excellent" homework arrangements: optimize the amount of homework, optimize the design of homework, and optimize the function of consolidation and inspection of homework.

3. Improve the level of after-school services. According to the school's after-school service plan, build an after-school service curriculum system, improve the level of after-school service, and ensure that after-school service work has rules to follow, rules to follow, and high-quality development. The development of after-school service work should be based on "four concerns": pay attention to the situation, pay attention to the service content and service form innovation, pay attention to collaborative co-education, and pay attention to evaluation and assessment.

Doing a good job of "double reduction" requires the joint efforts of families, schools and society, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education clearly requires the establishment and improvement of a mechanism for the collaborative education of families, schools and society. School education, out-of-school education, and family education should perform their respective duties to build a new education ecology of collaborative education.

The family is the child's first classroom, and parents should earnestly fulfill their family education responsibilities. It is necessary to actively give play to the leading role of family education, close communication between home and school, and strengthen family education guidance. Home-school synergy is an important component of promoting the implementation of the "double reduction" work, and the elimination of "educational anxiety" requires parents to establish a correct concept of education, talent and growth. Parents should understand the essence of education, follow the laws of education, change the concept of education, rationally help children determine their growth goals, do not blindly follow, do not compare, and attach importance to the development of children's good moral character, necessary physical fitness and various basic skills to adapt to future social development. Parents should clarify their role positioning, achieve the all-round development of their children, fundamentally keep the bottom line of children's physical and mental health and sound personality, cultivate a good family style, and use their own words and deeds to paint the spiritual background of life growth for their children.

Society is a big classroom for students' growth practice, and it is everyone's responsibility to create a good atmosphere for students' comprehensive and healthy growth. It is necessary to strengthen public opinion propaganda and guide the whole society to establish a scientific concept of education. It is necessary to make overall use of social resources, provide support for strengthening practical education, give full play to the role of students in the big classroom for growing and practicing, and better cultivate students' sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability.

(Author: Cui Jing, member of the Foreign Language Teaching Committee of the Basic Education Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, and principal of Donghu Road School in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province)

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