
He chose a way that no one could have imagined to leave

author:Li Shuang LiShuang

Recently, the major hot searches are appearing a person's name - Yu Minhong, this appearance is no longer new oriental various reputations, but after the "double reduction" policy, New Oriental was swept by the torrent of history, and ended in this society.

CCTV famous mouth Zhang Quanling has a saying that is very good: When the times abandon you, they do not even say hello.

He chose a way that no one could have imagined to leave

Beginning to pay attention to Yu Minhong is a must-read book in his daughter's school requirement list, "Never Say Never Die". The book records in detail some of Yu Minhong's own summaries and insights about inspiration, success, and life along the way.

Using four simple words as the title of the book, it is best to explain the fundamental reason why Yu Minhong has come to this position today.

From the point of view of birth, Yu Minhong is not a rich second generation born with a golden spoon, his parents are authentic and simple farmers. In terms of learning, he is not a seed player, and he only went to college after three college entrance examinations, and his grades during college were mediocre.

There is a lot of brilliance in his body, stemming from his persistence, in order to make up for his lack of English level, he is stuck with himself, finding confidence by memorizing textbooks, and the content of the new concept books can be memorized backwards like a stream.

Long-term deep ploughing has helped him accumulate knowledge reserves, "The cultivation of spring will make the harvest of autumn inevitable." ”

He chose a way that no one could have imagined to leave

Later, new Oriental School was established, and gradually it sprung up like a "mushroom" school throughout the country, with a hundred flowers blooming.

Now, after the "double reduction" policy has landed, New Oriental's business has slowly pressed the pause button.

"The era of education and training is over." When Yu Minhong wrote this sentence in the circle of friends and announced the donation of 80,000 sets of desks and chairs to poor areas, he may not have thought that he and New Oriental would be on the hot search again.

On November 4, Yu Minhong forwarded the article of the New Oriental public account on the same day "When a red truck, drive to the far side" in the circle of friends, with the above text.

He chose a way that no one could have imagined to leave

 The era that belongs to New Oriental has passed, and what makes the story "more perfect" is that New Oriental will withdraw 1500 teaching points, donate new tables and chairs after retirement to rural schools, and lay off employees in an orderly manner, settle employee wages; and "unconditionally and proportionally refund" for consumers.

When the industry recedes and enterprises go bankrupt, some of the entrepreneurs with unlimited scenery in the past run away with money, and some become old lai, and it is not common for businessmen like Yu Minhong to "finish" relatively perfectly.

He is already full of difficulties, when he saves himself, he does not forget to exert his residual heat and help children in poor areas, Yu Minhong's good deeds show great love in the world.

Yu Minhong is a responsible entrepreneur, drenched in rain, but also think of holding an umbrella for people, simply handsome!

Yu Minhong, 59 years old, has reached the age of ear shun, worth tens of billions, and has long been rich and free.

But Yu Minhong has no intention of retiring so far, and he still bears the responsibility of finding a way out for New Oriental.

He chose a way that no one could have imagined to leave

Recently open the live broadcast can see this face that has been through the vicissitudes of the years and written full of life stories, he recently played a live broadcast of self-media, and when netizens were off work, he opened a live broadcast in his own study.

Yu Minhong revealed during the live broadcast that in the future, he will integrate upstream and downstream resources to set up a large-scale agricultural platform, and he will work with hundreds of teachers of New Oriental to create modern agriculture through live broadcasting of agricultural products.

Yu Minhong quit the education and training industry and now chooses an unexpected way to exit, not only decent, but also very elegant.

I hope that New Oriental can successfully transform this time, and hope that Yu Minhong will recreate a new Oriental.