
You draw the sun, I paint the national flag, the motherland and the motherland we love you

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Wang Jun

Correspondent Huang Han Liu Yu

"Through this activity, I learned a lot about the national flag and made me love my great motherland even more." On November 9th, the Xichangkou Community of Yellow Crane Tower Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, carried out the red theme hand-copied newspaper painting activity of "Painting the Motherland in the Heart".

You draw the sun, I paint the national flag, the motherland and the motherland we love you

At the beginning of the event, a magic performance by the volunteers attracted all the attention of the children present, how did a fork change from straight to curved and then restored? The children stared intently, afraid of missing a little action of the volunteers, and raised their hands to perform with the magic teacher. The magical magic show opens up the children's emotions, and the atmosphere gradually becomes lively.

You draw the sun, I paint the national flag, the motherland and the motherland we love you
You draw the sun, I paint the national flag, the motherland and the motherland we love you

Subsequently, the volunteers led the children to learn the story of the Chinese flag together, introduced the origin of the Chinese flag, and the children listened carefully and carefully. After listening to the lecture, they picked up paper and paintbrushes and began to create their own handwritten newspapers of the Chinese flag. "The red flag is as warm as the sun, so I painted it in the shape of the sun!" "I have been to Tiananmen, and the flag of Tiananmen is flying high, and it is the most beautiful national flag." Children, you say a word, I a word, in their own way, draw the five-star red flag in their hearts.

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