
Those pioneers a hundred years ago (Guo Liang)

author:He was given the pseudonym Huang Bo

The early 1970s were during the Cultural Revolution, when I was a schoolboy. Once, the teacher assigned homework, so that each student was ready to tell a revolutionary story, so the students in the class prepared one after another, there were many books on heroes during the Cultural Revolution, and the students basically looked for the stories of heroes from small people's books, so the stories prepared by everyone were similar, nothing more than "you talk about Jin Xunhua, I talk about Dong Cunrui, Lei Feng Wang Jie Yang Zirong, heroic deeds shine" and so on. At that time, I had two major advantages over my classmates, one was that the number of literacy far exceeded that of my peers, and the other was that there were a lot of books at home, so I picked a "cold" hero story to tell, and finally the story of the martyr Guo Liang. Therefore, the story of the early revolutionaries I first came into contact with is actually a short biography of Guo Liang.

Those pioneers a hundred years ago (Guo Liang)

Guo Liang (郭亮; pinyin: 郭亮; pinyin: Zhāng Zhāng Zhōng z Because he was not tall, people nicknamed him "Guo Dwarf Gong". His father, Guo Bilin, was a village school teacher, and his mother, Zou Shi, was a dignified and virtuous woman, an authentic rural woman. Guo Liang began to study in his father's academy at the age of 6, he was smart and studious, he knew people well, liked to read the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", especially admired the resourceful Zhuge Liang. In 1912, when he was studying preparatory school at Xihu Temple, he took it upon himself to change his name from Guo Jingdi to Guo Liang, hoping that he would grow up to be as resourceful as Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms. Guo Liang is studious and thoughtful, has great sympathy for poor people, and is strongly indignant about the injustice of society. At the age of 12, he wrote a poem "Ask Society" in the form of vernacular poetry, expressing the feelings of a teenager who was worried about the country and the people. Li Dilin, who was once a teacher at Guo Liang's West Lake Temple, was very fond of him and intended to give him his daughter Li Canying. Li Dilin wrote a letter to Guo Bilin and asked Guo Liang to bring it, saying that there were important matters to discuss. After Guo Bilin received the letter, he also thought that his son had run into trouble again, and rushed to the Li family, the two families had a friendship, Li Dilin did not turn a corner, and told Guo Bilin his thoughts straight away. Guo Bilin also likes the smart and handsome Li Canying, and the two hit it off and got engaged to Guo Liang and Li Canying. After the two were engaged, Guo Liang entered the Jinggang Changsha County High School to study. In the autumn of 1915, he was admitted to the Hunan Provincial Changjun Lianli Middle School. After studying in Changsha, Guo Liang once met Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen for the first time when he went to Changsha First Normal School to visit friends. One day, when Guo Liang was passing by the streets, he saw the revolutionaries being killed by the reactionaries and hung their heads on the street to show the public, and he was extremely indignant in his heart, and he took a song: "The Xiangshui river is endless, how much blood and tears and how many revenge." Snow shame needs to pour water into the cave, and patriotism can not be afraid of hanging his head. "It expresses Guo Liang's fearless revolutionary heroism." In the autumn of 1917, due to family poverty, Guo Liang dropped out of changjun Lianli Middle School and became a primary school teacher at Jinzu Academy under the sponsorship of the old principal Xu Jigui. One day, the inspector of Changsha County inspected the primary school, and Guo Liang treated him with a bowl of "pepper pickles", so he angered the inspector and rebuked Guo Liang for being "arrogant and arrogant, with no respect for his superiors" and "young and ignorant, and unworthy of being a teacher", so he notified the school to dismiss Guo Liang. After Guo Liang was removed from his post, someone advised him to take Li Canying over to complete the marriage and live at home. Guo Liang did not do this, and he wrote in a letter to his classmates: "The matter of consummating the marriage should not be held in these two years. Early marriage is a common problem among young people in our country recently. Although Liang is insensitive, Hu dares to throw himself into a trap and miss it for life? "Making it clear that early marriage will bring a drag on the family and delay one's future." Later, he heard from his classmates that Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen and others were organizing a group of enthusiastic young people to go to France for work-study. He went to his father and said, "Nothing can be done without transforming this country." If you want to reform, you must combine comrades and learn from Mr. Mao. So he left Tongguan and went to Changsha to look for Mao Zedong. However, at this time, Mao Zedong had already gone north because of the organization of work-study in France, and he returned to the Tongguan countryside in disappointment, engaging in agricultural labor while painstakingly studying on his own. In 1919, after the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, Guo Liang invited a few good classmates to connect patriotic teachers and students from several primary schools near his hometown to carry out anti-imperialist patriotic propaganda in the area of West Lake Temple, Tongguan and Qinggang. Guo Liang read articles such as "The Great Unity of the People" from patriotic leaflets and tabloids, knew that Mao Zedong had returned to Hunan, and was determined to look for Mao Zedong again. This time, he found Mao Zedong in a small room at the Luoxingtian Commercial School in Changsha. At that time, Mao Zedong and others were preparing to launch a campaign to expel Zhang Jingyao, the governor of beiyang warlords and governors, so Guo Liang also actively participated in the expulsion of Zhang. During the driving movement, Guo Liang ran around the Tongguan area. He Maiquan, the head of the local regimental defense bureau, known as "He Eight Butcher", led Tuanding to arrest Guo Liang. After hearing the news, Guo Liang transferred to the home of his fiancée Li Canying. After that, Li Canying helped Guo Liang to dress up as a woman, Guo Liang pretended to be Li Canying's cousin, Li Canying carried a small bamboo basket, and Guo Liang took a foreign cloth umbrella and disguised himself to avoid the sight of He Ba's butcher. In June 1920, Zhang Jingyao fled Changsha in a hurry under the pressure of national public opinion. After the victory of the Zhang-driving movement, Guo Liang was admitted to the second department of the Hunan Provincial First Normal School in the autumn of the same year. At that time, Mao Zedong served as the chief of the First Division Annex, and Guo Liang often went to Mao Zedong for advice, and the two of them repeatedly urged a long conversation. Soon after, through Mao Zedong's introduction, Guo Liang joined the "Xinmin Society" with the purpose of "transforming China and the world", and joined chen Chang, Xia Xi, Xiao Shufan, and others in the Hunan Marxism Research Association organized by Mao Zedong, He Shuheng, and Fang Weixia. With the help and influence of Mao Zedong, he began to read Marxist works and periodicals such as the Communist Manifesto, The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science, and the Communist Party, which was organized and published by the Shanghai Communist Party in the early days. At the same time, he often accompanied Mao Zedong to the workers' night school, and through the study of revolutionary theory and the teaching practice of the workers' night school, Guo Liang initially accepted Marxist ideas. In October 1921, Guo Liang joined the Changsha Socialist Youth League and the Russian Research Society. In the same month, the Hunan branch of the Communist Party of China was established, and Mao Zedong served as the secretary of the branch. In the winter of the same year, Guo Liang joined the Communist Party of China under the introduction of Mao Zedong. In order to express the revolutionary romantic feelings of joining the party, Guo Liang wrote a poem: "The trickle of water merges with huge currents, and thousands of twists and turns do not stop." The back wave pushes the front wave and flies over the mountains to get free. During this period, 19-year-old Li Canying also came to Changsha to learn sewing at the Autonomous Girls' Vocational School. Under the influence and help of Guo Liang, Li Canying, in addition to studying, also actively and enthusiastically threw himself into the vigorous student movement at that time. In May 1922, the Hunan branch of the Communist Party of China was changed to the Xiang District Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Mao Zedong as secretary and Guo Liang as a member, and organized and participated in the early workers' movement in Hunan. In the autumn of 1922, Guo Liang graduated from the First Normal School. In July, Guo Liang was instructed by Mao Zedong to work among railway workers. In August 1922, Guo Liang arrived in Yuezhou by train from Changsha Xinhe. He took off his robe, put on civilian clothes, went deep among the workers, established the Yuezhou Workers' Club of the Cantonese-Han Railway, and decided to start a workers' newspaper. Guo Liang wanted to run a newspaper, but he was penniless, and just when he was suffering and had no way out, it happened that his second sister-in-law Qu Shaoqing took Li Canying and took a boat transporting Mashi to Yuezhou to see him. After Li Canying heard that Guo Liang was worried about running a newspaper without money, she took the initiative to take out a gold necklace given to her by her mother from her arms and stuffed it into Guo Liang. In order to buy paper to publish "Workers' Road", Guo Liang had to endure the pain of sending his fiancée's gold necklace to the pawnshop, changing it to 15 pieces of Guangyang and running the newspaper. At that time, due to the warlords in the north and south, the Guangdong-Han Railway was divided into two sections: Xiang and Hubei. Wang Shiyu, director of the Hubei Railway Bureau, was very hostile to the workers' movement and did not hesitate to suppress the workers' movement. Guo Liang convened a meeting of the members of the workers' club, sent a telegram to all the staff and workers of the Guangdong-Hankou Railway and all sectors of society, exposed Wang Shiyu's crimes, put forward eight conditions, such as lifting oppression, improving treatment, protecting personality, and severely punishing murderers. Guo Liang returned to Changsha overnight and reported the situation to the district party committee and Mao Zedong in the Qingshuitangxiang District Party Committee. Mao Zedong instructed Guo Liang to immediately contact the Wuhan party organization, mobilize the railway workers at Xujiapeng Station to respond, and quickly unify the Guangdong-Han railway workers' organization. At the same time, it is necessary to take advantage of the contradictions between the warlords in the north and the south to keep Zhao Hengti, the governor of Hunan Province, neutral, and at the same time actively explain to the railway workers the importance of winning the support of public opinion for the strike. Three days later, Wang Shiyu still refused to respond to the eight conditions put forward by the workers' club. He colluded with the British governor Carmel to tighten his control over the workers of the "Workers' Institute", a royal trade union organization, and ordered them to start the train as usual when they went on strike at the club; on the other hand, he reported to Xiao Yaonan, the overseer of Hubei, preparing to suppress the strike. In the early morning of September 9, under the specific organization and leadership of Guo Liang, the long (Sha) Wu (Chang) section of the Guangdong-Han Railway went on strike. On September 10, under the leadership of Guo Liang, all the striking workers held a demonstration holding a demonstration holding a demonstration under the banner of "not agreeing to the eight conditions and never giving up" and shouting slogans such as "punish the murderer" and "expel the worker thief". Wang Shiyu bribed two companies south of Xiao Yao, the overseer of Hubei Province, to carry out a bloody suppression of unarmed workers, killing and wounding more than 70 workers on the spot, and Guo Liang and more than 30 other workers were also arrested on the spot, and were taken to Wuchang and sent to Wuchang Army Prison. Immediately after the massacre, Mao Zedong rushed to Xinhe Station to hold an emergency meeting, and personally drafted the "Letter to all workers of the Guangdong-Han Railway to the People of the People", sent a telegram to the whole country, exposed the crimes of Xiao Yaonan and Wang Shiyu, and strongly demanded that the first evil Wang Shiyu be punished. After Guo Liang was taken to the Wuchang Army Prison, he continued to complain and expose the persecution of workers by the railway authorities and the atrocities of the warlords' bloody massacre of workers, which effectively cooperated with the struggle outside the prison. On the 19th of the same month, Yi Peiji, a well-known figure in the educational circles, and Xiao Yaonan sent a letter to Wu Peifu to rescue him. Forced by public opinion, the overseers of E Province handed over bail and released Guo Liang on the same day. Due to the unremitting struggle of Guo Liang and others, as well as the vigorous assistance of various labor groups of the Beijing-Han Dynasty and other road bureaus, Wu Peifu had to order Wang Shiyu to properly solve the problem, and asked Xiao Yaonan to strictly supervise and promptly handle it. In the end, Wang Shiyu acknowledged eight conditions to the workers. On September 28, Guo Liang and all the released workers arrived at Yuezhou Station by special car and were solemnly welcomed by the workers' brothers. On November 1, Guo Liang convened the congress of workers' clubs at each station of the Guangdong-Han Railway at Xinhe Station to establish the Guangdong-Han Railway Federation of Trade Unions, and Guo Liang was elected as the chairman. Subsequently, Mao Zedong and Zhu Shaolian presided over two meetings of deputies of the Xinhe Guangdong-Han Railway Federation of Trade Unions, decided to establish the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and elected Mao Zedong as the director general of the Bureau of Officials and Guo Liang as deputy director general. At the same time, a declaration was issued, the whole country was announced, and the establishment of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was solemnly announced, and the meeting site was located in Baonan Street, Changsha. In 1923, Mao Zedong left Hunan to work in Shanghai. Guo Liang succeeded him as the director general of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. In the Xiang District Committee of the Communist Party of China, he served as the minister of agricultural transport. At that time, shortly after the "February 7" massacre of the Beijing-Hankou Railway, the national workers' movement temporarily turned into a low tide. However, under the leadership of the Xiang District Party Committee, Guo Liang continued to persist in the struggle, and the Hunan workers' movement did not decline. On February 5, 1923, Guo Liang's father, Guo Bilin, consulted with his family and decided to let Guo Liang and Li Canying complete the marriage. The wedding was from simple, did not sit in a palanquin, did not send posts, only invited Zou Shoutong, Xu Jigui, Li Dilin 3, they are Guo Liang's teachers, plus the whole family, they used the food and vegetables they often eat, set up a "pin" word seat, everyone sat down, while eating and congratulating, it is guo liang and Li Canying's wedding ceremony. At the wedding, Guo Liang redeemed the gold necklace that was sent to the pawnshop for the newspaper and returned it to Li Canying. In this year, Li Canying was introduced by Luo Xuezhan and Xia Minghan to join the Communist Party of China. In March 1923, Japan forcibly leased Lushunkou and Dalian, and the anti-Japanese movement of the whole country was on the rise. On March 27, Guo Liang led the Federation of Trade Unions, united more than 70 units of the Student Union, the Education Association, the Chamber of Commerce, and more than 60,000 people from all walks of life, held aloft the banners of "Recovering the Brigade University," "Canceling the Twenty-One Articles," and "Down with Imperialism," held a huge demonstration, and submitted a "Warning Letter" to the Japanese consul in Changsha. On April 5, initiated by the Federation of Trade Unions, the Hunan Diplomatic Support Association from all walks of life was established, and Guo Liang was elected as the chairman. The Support Association published and distributed the "Weekly National Salvation Weekly", calling on the people of all strata to resist the acts of Japanese imperialist aggression and carry out economic severance with Japan. Guo Liang, Luo Xuezhan, head of the Hunan Provincial Youth National Salvation League, and others often led students and workers to confiscate and burn Japanese goods. On June 1, the Japanese Nissin Company's "Wuling Maru" ship shipped Japanese goods to Changsha, and patriotic people went to Xiaoximen Wharf to boycott. On the pretext of so-called legitimate defense, Japanese sailors shot and killed workers Wang Shaoyuan and primary school student Huang Hanqing, seriously injuring more than 20 people and creating the "June 1 Massacre." When Guo Liang heard the news, he immediately notified the "Perak Newspaper" to issue a number. At the same time, together with Xia Minghan, Xiao Shufan and others, he led the demonstrators to petition the Zhao Hengti government. Unexpectedly, the Zhao Hengti government issued a "martial law order" to disband the Hunan Diplomatic Support Association by force, and ordered the military and police to arrest Guo Liang, Xia Xi, Xia Minghan, and other responsible persons. Guo Liang went underground on the instructions of Mao Zedong and the Party organization and continued to wage a complex and ingenious struggle against the reactionaries.

In 1924, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated for the first time, and according to the instructions of the Party, Guo Liang joined the Kuomintang in his personal name, and was elected as a member of the Kuomintang Hunan Provisional Provincial Party Department and an executive member of the Kuomintang Hunan Provincial Party Department, responsible for the workers' and peasants' movement. After the May Thirtieth Massacre in Shanghai, he contacted all walks of life to set up the Hunan Snow Shame Association for the Qinghu Massacre, and was elected as the chairman, organizing more than 20,000 people in Changsha to hold a general demonstration during the Summer Festival (the fifth day of the fifth month of the fifth lunar month) and announcing five economic renunciation pacts against Britain and Japan. In this campaign, Guo Liang used the form of "lotus flower trouble" to call on the revolutionary masses to boycott Japanese goods: "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the Japanese goods cannot be bought." Chinese women, Chinese men, patriotic do not take Japanese ships. Foreigners use goods as knives and guns, killing me and harming me without showing my face. Compatriots, compatriots, quickly change their hearts and minds, and advocate domestic goods to foreign merchants. In August, after he saw Zhao Hengti's notice that he was wanted on the streets of tongguan in his hometown, he also wrote a notice in the form of "lotus trouble" and posted it on the streets of Tongguan. In December, Guo Liang joined forces with representatives of various public corporations to set fire to Japanese merchant ships and demand the recovery of The Dajin Wharf in Changsha. The anti-imperialist patriotic movement of the people of Changsha has risen again. In the spring of 1925, Mao Zedong returned to Hunan from Shanghai and instructed Guo Liang to carry out a peasant movement. Guo Liang went to the Tongguan area to mobilize the peasants and carry out the struggle against pingjing. One day, Guo Liang, dressed as a farmer, was talking to the farmer in the field, when suddenly two men came, saying that they had heard that Guo Liang's family had pigs and wanted to go to his house to buy pigs. At that time, Guo Liang saw that these two people had come to arrest him, but he couldn't leave if he wanted to. Therefore, Guo Liang took the initiative to introduce himself, saying that his surname was Zhou, and Guo Liang was a neighbor and was willing to take them to find Guo Liang. Guo Liang took these two men to the door of his house, saw the second sister-in-law and his mother standing in the doorway, afraid of showing the horse's feet, Lao Yuan shouted, "Second sister-in-law, is your family Guo Liang at home?" The two guests came from the township and said that they were Guo Liang's friends and had come to find Guo Liang. The second sister-in-law was a clever person, and when she heard Guo Liang say this, she understood what was going on, and hurriedly replied: "Guo Liang is on the back mountain, please help to shout." Then he let the two "pig dealers" into the house, made tea and gave up their seats, and stabilized them. After Guo Liang climbed up the mountain, he shouted, "Sister-in-law, you let the guests sit down, guo Liang will be back immediately!" Shouting, he whistled and left. Since then, the Tongguan area has spread these two smooth words: "Guo Liang led the soldiers to arrest Guo Liang, and the person who bought the pig was the pig." In 1925, after the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the party organization decided to send Li Canying to join the Kuomintang and serve as the women's minister of the Changsha Trade Union. She set up a sewing machine to help Guo Liang with her work under the cover of opening a ready-to-wear store. On June 22, Li Canying gave birth to a son in the Guo family, and the family rushed to send Guo Liang's seventh sister Guo Guiying to Changsha to find Guo Liang. At that time, Guo Liang was organizing a march of 20,000 workers to boycott Japanese goods. Guo Guiying told Guo Liang the news, and Commissioner Li Weihan heard that Guo Liang had become a father and allowed Guo Liang to go home for a day off. Guo Liang said: No, tomorrow's parade is too important, wait until the parade is over. The day after the parade ended, Guo Liang hurried back to Wenjiaba's hometown, and Li Canying asked Guo Liang to give his son a name, and Guo Liang said: "Our son came to the human world when the Chinese nation was in many disasters and difficulties, so let's name it 'how difficult'." In May 1926, at the Third National Labor Conference, Guo Liang was elected as an alternate executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Shortly after the meeting, Guo Liang returned to Hengyang and, together with He Shuheng, Xia Xi, Zeng San, Xiong Henghan, and others, formed a special committee of the Kuomintang Hunan Provincial Party Department to vigorously support the Northern Expedition. After the provincial federation of trade unions was officially reorganized into the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Guo Liang served as the chairman of the committee, and he wrote the article "The Past and Present of the Hunan Workers' Movement" to guide the Hunan labor movement at that time. In order to defend the victorious achievements of the workers' and peasants' movement, on December 1, 1926, Guo Liang and Yi Lirong, a member of the Provincial Agricultural Cooperative, jointly presided over the first workers' and peasants' congress in Hunan Province. Guo Liang was elected as one of the chairmen of the presidium. At the welcome and closing meetings held on December 20 and 26, Mao Zedong delivered important speeches such as "The Great Alliance of Agriculture, Industry, Commerce, Students, and Soldiers," clearly pointing out that the central issue of the national revolution was the peasant question.

In 1927, at the time of the victorious development of the Great Revolution, Chiang Kai-shek launched the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup d'état, and the Reactionaries in Hunan were encouraged, and reactionary organizations such as the "Preservation Party" and "Supporting Chiang Kai-shek and Drinking the Regiment" came out one after another and launched a rampant counterattack against the revolution. In this regard, the people of Hunan gave a timely response. At a critical juncture in the revolution, the Party Central Committee held its Fifth National Congress in Wuhan in late April 1927. As a representative of the Hunan Party, Guo Liang attended the congress and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee. At the meeting, he resolutely supported Mao Zedong's correct proposal to strengthen the agrarian revolution, vigorously arm the peasants, and establish peasant power. In May, he acted as the secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in response to the dangerous situation in Changsha after the Ma-Ri incident. At the end of May and the beginning of June, after instructions from higher authorities and a series of preparatory arrangements, Guo Liang, Liu Zhixun, and other deployments launched the peasant armies of the counties near Changsha to attack Changsha and counterattack the enemy. This move shocked the enemy. According to records, the counter-revolutionary regime panicked and exclaimed: the Communist Party "wanted to make a big move" and "the attack of 100,000 peasant troops on Changsha is not an exaggeration." After the defeat of the Great Revolution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Outline of Peasant Revolts in the Four Provinces of Xiang'e, Gansu, and Guangdong." At the same time, Mao Zedong drafted the Hunan Work Plan. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted Mao Zedong's opinion in the "Plan for the Autumn Harvest Rebellion of the Peasants in the Four Provinces of Xiang'e, Gansu, and Guangdong" and prepared to establish a Shonan government in Shonan. To this end, the Central Committee issued a circular appointing Guo Liang, Mao Zedong, Xia Xi, and Ren Zhuoxuan to form the XIANGNAN Special Committee of the CPC. After the Ma Ri Incident, Guo Liang attended the Fourth National Labor Congress and was elected as an executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. On the eve of the Nanchang Uprising, the Yangtze River Bureau of the CPC Central Committee sent him to helongbu to do political work and participate in the formulation of the battle plan for the armed uprising; in August, Guo Liang was appointed as a member of the Peasants' and Workers' Committee and participated in the Southern Expedition of the Nanchang Uprising. After losing the Chaoshan region of Guangdong, he went to Shanghai via Hong Kong to find a party organization. In early November 1927, the Party Central Committee appointed Guo Liang as the secretary of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. As soon as Guo Liang arrived in Hubei, he used all his energy to organize the uprising in the three towns of Wuhan. This month, He Long, Zhou Yiqun and others arrived in Hankou and met Guo Liang, who asked He Long to serve as the commander-in-chief of the uprising in the three towns of Wuhan. However, the plan of the rebellion was leaked and the enemy hunted for it, so the party organization decided that He Long, Zhou Yiqun, Guo Liang, Liu Zhixun, and Xu Teli would form a five-person group to open up the base area in western Hunan and Hubei. In January 1928, Guo Liang had not yet completed the trip, and was appointed secretary of the Xiang'e-Gan Special Committee, and Li Canying and other 5 people were members. Li Canying took his son to live in Hankou for the time being. Guo Liang, alias Li Cai, took Zhou Shangwu, Zheng Boxiang, and Zhou Ma to Yuezhou to carry out work. One day in late January, Guo Liang disguised himself as a wealthy merchant, and Zhou Shangwu dressed up as his servant, under the arrangement of underground traffic officers, stayed in a hotel by the Ximen River in Yuezhou County, and opened a "Li Ji Coal Stack" as a cover. At that time, the enemy posted a notice in Changsha, offering a reward of 10,000 yuan for guo liang. After arriving in Yuezhou, he immediately held a meeting of the special committee in Yuezhou and decided to mobilize the masses of employees and peasants to establish a revolutionary base area. In early March, six cadres working for the New Special Committee were caught and killed by reactionary authorities in a hotel on YueyangHe Street. Subsequently, the enemy slaughtered more than 30 people in Yuezhou, and the communists in the army stationed in Matang in Yuezhou also revealed their identities. Therefore, Guo Liang decided to revolt in advance. But at this moment, Su Xianjun, a member of the CPC Xiang'egan Special Committee, was arrested in Changsha, and he could not withstand He Jian's soft and hard hand, and confessed Guo Liang's address in Yuezhou. On the night of March 27, just before the Matang uprising, He Jian sent Gong Shu, the chief of the Investigation Department of the Police Department, to lead the two companies of the pistol team, and under the guidance of the traitor Su Xianjun, the regiment surrounded the "Li Ji Coal Stack". Zhou Shangwu fought bravely against the enemy and died heroically, and Guo Liang was immediately arrested and escorted to Changsha on March 28. After capturing Guo Liang, the Kuomintang reactionaries in Hunan were very afraid of Guo Liang's great influence among the people, and at the same time they continued to receive reports from secret agents that "thugs" in Yuezhou, Tongguan, Changsha, and other places "had the tendency to immediately riot and rob prisons." Horrified, they did not have time for a retrial, so that after midnight on March 29, they killed 27-year-old Guo Liang in the forecourt of the "Shovel Communist Court" in front of changsha and hung his head in public. Before the righteousness, Guo Liang wrote a great pen to his wife Li Canying: "Canying Andying, I love: Liang runs east and west, homeless and countryless, I am finished." Hope to caress Wu'er, in order to continue Yu Zhi. This advice, Guo Liang. On March 30, the "Shoveling Communist Court" escorted Guo Liang's head back to Tongguan and prepared to show his head to the public for 3 days at the Dongshan Temple Theater stage in Tongguan Town. After Guo Liang's death, he returned to his hometown of Tongguan many times before his death, organized a strike of Tongguan pottery workers, and carried out revolutionary activities; after his sacrifice, his body was separated, and after the revolutionary masses in his hometown snatched the corpse from Changsha, a local cobbler in Tongguan sewed his head and body together with his brother Guo Yanzhang, hiding from the destruction of the reactionaries. When Li Canying learned of Guo Liang's martyrdom, he decided to take his son, who was less than 3 years old, to Shanghai to find the Party Central Committee. After arriving in Shanghai, she was first assigned to work in the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. In April 1929, the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China moved back to Wuhan, and she transferred to the Shanghai Mutual Masonic Association, and soon entered the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. In November 1937, when Li Canying learned that Xu Teli had established the Eighth Route Army Office in Changsha, he rushed from Yiyang to Changsha and made contact with them, and soon went to the Eighth Route Army Office in Hankou, No. 67 Changchun Street, and met the party leaders Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao, who specifically told her that the party organization had made arrangements and decided to send the son of the martyr Guo Liang to the Soviet Union to study. In February 1938, Li Canying changed his name to Li Ying after sending his son away, and was arranged by the organization to work in wartime children's nurseries in Wuhan, Changsha, Guilin and other places. In July 1939, Li Canying returned to Tongguan under the arrangement of the organization as the principal of the Jinde Girls' School, and she was blacklisted by the Kuomintang for assassination, and the situation was extremely difficult, so she had to endure the pain and leave her hometown again. In August 1940, the party organization sent her to work in Hengyang, where she persisted in underground struggle for 10 years. On October 8, 1949, Hengyang City was liberated, and Li Canying was appointed as a member of the Hengyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the director of the Hengyang Democratic Women's Federation, and the organizing committee of the Preparatory Committee of the Hunan Provincial Democratic Women's Federation. Due to the long-term underground struggle, Li Canying died of a heart attack at 4:00 a.m. on April 6, 1950, at the age of 47. Her coffin was transported to Tongguan Wenjiaba and joined the tomb with Guo Liang.

After Guo Liang's sacrifice, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Ren Bishi, He Long and others mourned bitterly, and cared for the descendants of the martyrs. In early 1950, Mao Zedong met with Guo Duonan, a descendant of the martyr Guo Liang, at the Chinese Embassy in Moscow. He clenched Guo Duonan's hand, closed his eyes slightly, and deeply recalled his revolutionary comrade-in-arms Guo Liang for a long time before he opened his eyes and said, "You look as tall as your father!" After saying that, he took out his pen and wrote an inscription for Guo Duonan: "Serve the people."

By the way, Lei Feng and Guo Liang are fellow countrymen. Guo Liang is one of the martyrs most admired by Lei Feng, and on the eve of Lei Feng's northward journey to Angang, he also crossed the mountains and mountains to worship this martyr in front of Guo Liang's tomb.

Those pioneers a hundred years ago (Guo Liang)

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