
The Zazo Judicial Institute organized village (neighborhood) people's mediators to concentrate on studying the "Several Provisions on the Honest Performance of Duties by Rural Grassroots Cadres (Trial Implementation)"

author:Judicial knowledge and action are one

Recently, the Zazuo Judicial Office of the Xiuwen County Bureau of Justice took advantage of the opportunity of the Zazuo Subdistrict Office to organize cadres and workers to concentrate on studying the "Several Regulations on the Honest Performance of Duties by Rural Grassroots Cadres (for Trial Implementation)" and organized the people's mediators of various villages (residences) to participate in the centralized study together.

This concentrated study, mainly combined with the cases of cadres violating discipline in recent years, centered on the specific content of the "Several Provisions on the Honest Performance of Duties by Rural Grassroots Cadres (Trial Implementation)", the issues that everyone is concerned about in the implementation and supervision, and interpreted the significance, methods, steps and precautions for the implementation of the regulations from a theoretical height and the overall perspective, as well as the "19 prohibitions" put forward in the regulations on the integrity of members of township and town leading bodies and responsible persons of grass-roots stations. The "22 prohibitions" proposed by members of the leading body of village party organizations, members of villagers' committees, and people's mediators' codes of conduct for honesty in performing their duties were explained in detail.

Through concentrated study, the participants are required to study, comprehend, and implement the "Several Regulations on the Honest Performance of Duties by Rural Grassroots Cadres (for Trial Implementation)"; in their future work, they should always remind themselves of "who I am, for whom I am, and who I rely on"; we should strictly exercise self-discipline and keep our original intentions, set an example by being honest and honest, further build a solid ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration, and improve our ability to perform our duties honestly and honestly. (Drafters: Wu Rong, Guo Wei)

The Zazo Judicial Institute organized village (neighborhood) people's mediators to concentrate on studying the "Several Provisions on the Honest Performance of Duties by Rural Grassroots Cadres (Trial Implementation)"