
Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

author:Hello Coptics

Humans have been exploring the existence of life on other planets within the solar system, but have found that Earth is unique in the solar system, and no similar organisms have been found to be similar to life on Earth. This is also the secret of why human beings keep going to space. In the process of exploring the planets of the universe, human beings have found that these planets are either not high in oxygen content or full of flame magma, either extremely cold or extremely hot, and it is very difficult for living creatures to survive in such a difficult environment.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

space exploration

The water of life is the foundation of survival, as long as the water of life appears on the planet, then it is only a matter of time before life is produced. After the unremitting efforts of human beings, it was finally discovered in the solar system that a few planets may be inhabited by organisms, and the existence of the ocean was found in the depths of this planet, which is one of the moons from Jupiter, Europa. So did europa really have creatures on it?


Europa is a little smaller than Earth's moon. The early Galileo passed by Europa, and since the mission at that time was not aimed at Europa, it was not surveyed in detail, but traces were found around it, and scientists speculated that there were living objects on the planet Europa. To test such claims, scientists have proposed further research on Europa. It even mentioned the life hypothesis about Europa, which was successfully listed in National Geographic magazine and was named one of the top ten discoveries in space.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

See Jupiter from Europa

Through telescope observations, it can be concluded that Europa is 670,000 kilometers away from Jupiter, and the diameter is about 3,000 kilometers. Among the many moons of the solar system, only Ganymede, Europa, Titan and Triton, where humans have found atmospheres. Among them, europa contains very different oxygen from that on Earth, not through plant transformation, but through water vapor produced oxygen. Sunlight forms water vapor on europa's ice surface, which breaks down and leaves only oxygen.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real


Europa is one of the brightest moons in the solar system. Nearly a hundred years has not diminished the level of fascination scientists have become. Due to the thick ice shell on Europa's surface, it looks particularly bright and moving after being illuminated by the sun's rays, and the lines left by meteorite impacts are even more dazzling. As a result, scientists speculated that beneath this gorgeous façade lurked a huge ocean of liquids, and perhaps there were living objects.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

Lines on Europa

Early images transmitted back to Europa by the probe showed that Europa's surface ice was remarkably similar to ice on Earth. Researchers speculate that there is a phenomenon of liquid water under the ice, if it is really as the researchers say, then the liquid water in Europa is stored in the solar system, so it is very likely that the ocean of liquid water can be found under europa's ice.

There is a marine world deep in Europa

As mentioned above, when the Voyager probe was exploring Jupiter, it found the figure of Europa, and what humans saw was a moon with crisscrossed lines. Scientists have analyzed through photos and detection data that europa's surface ice is covered with an ocean world with a depth of up to 50 kilometers, and if you want to explore the world under the ice, you must solve the ice layer as thick as 5000 meters deep.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

Europa's ice

Europa is an icy shell with cracks on its surface that are shaped like ice floes at the poles of the Earth. The ice can form such a shape because europa produces such cracks through the action of tidal forces, and through the cracks, it can be found that there is indeed liquid water under the ice. The probe also captured the flow of liquid water. The probe then hovered around Europa, recording its changes at all times.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

Simulates water eruptions

Scientists believe that Europa erupted, producing a large amount of heat, which surrounded the ice layer, and the ice fell little by little under the heat attack, and the ice became liquid. Later, it was found that under the action of gravity, the water under the ice did not freeze, but remained liquid, gradually forming a huge ocean. The first life on Earth originated from the ocean, so is it possible that life can exist in the ocean under Europa's ice?

Is it possible to live in the ocean?

The long-term survival of organisms is inseparable from water sources, and where there is water sources, microorganisms, bacteria and other substances will breed. Since Europa has a water source, it will naturally breed life forms. By observing the cracks on Europa's surface, the appearance of organic molecules was discovered, and organic molecules are colored, just enough to correspond to the color on the cracks. The emergence of organic molecules proves that there are very likely to be bacteria, microorganisms and other substances in the ocean.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

Matter in the oceans

It is known that the water under the ice is melted by heat, and there is also a phenomenon of water flow. So since Europa found the basic elements of the existence of heat, water, organic matter and other three kinds of life, including the environment is also very in line with the biological survival standards. Some microorganisms can thrive in extreme environments without sunlight and oxygen, not to mention three favorable conditions for growth.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real


Judging by the environment, scientists believe that there are living objects on Europa, but these objects belong to low-level marine life. And by the action of gravity, the volcanic activity on Europa is more frequent, and similar compounds will erupt during volcanic eruptions, creating a warm environment, which is more conducive to the survival of life. Scientists have also received squeaks from under the ice in the recovered information, like the cries of some kind of creature.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

Volcanic scene

In the movie, there is a storyline in which a spaceship boards Europa. Humans wanted to know whether there were any creatures on Europa, so they sent astronauts to successfully board Europa I. While exploring the ocean beneath the ice, they discovered an unidentified object, a mutated octopus that took a huge shock. Through exaggerated techniques, people feel that the life forms in the universe are incomparable to the earth.

Three thousand kilometers in diameter, but there are oceans larger than the earth, and the creatures that Europa sees may be real

Discover Europa

Although Europa has the environmental conditions in which life appears, humans have not fully mastered it now, and there are still many places that need to be studied in depth.


In the future, with the rapid development of science and technology, human beings believe that they can finally realize the plan of space migration. Europa has also become one of the choices of humanity. The earth also experienced a great explosion of life to reproduce, and now Europa has discovered the most basic organisms, and one day Europa will be filled with a variety of life, just like the current earth.