
Pigeon herder Bobo: Why choose to raise Yangzhou pip pigeons

author:Pigeon herder Bobo

There are two broad types of fanciers who raise ornamental pigeons:

Pigeon herder Bobo: Why choose to raise Yangzhou pip pigeons

A kind of fancier is the pursuit of pigeons to see closely, so it is required that the details of the head shape, nose shape, mouth, eyes, and feathers should be in place, so that the pigeons are difficult to breed because all parts of the body meet everyone's aesthetic requirements to the greatest extent. Because the mouth is required to be short, it is more difficult for broods to eat, the reproductive survival rate is low, and the price of a single one is relatively high. Therefore, it is suitable for captivity in cages or pigeon lofts, and generally does not fly. Because as long as it is released, there may be losses, crashes and other losses. A pigeon of tens of thousands of large is difficult for anyone to accept if it is lost. There are also pigeons that generally rely on feed control, such short-beaked pigeons are more difficult to eat if the pigeon system is worse and worse if the feed is controlled.

Pigeon herder Bobo: Why choose to raise Yangzhou pip pigeons

There is also a kind of fancier who pursues the frisbee of pigeons, this part of the fanciers believe that pigeons are used to fly, if you raise pigeons without frisbee is as uninteresting as raising chickens. This part of the fanciers do not require the aesthetic of the pigeons' close details, they pursue the pigeon frisbee market tight, the frisbee time is long, the frisbee height is high, and the frisbee obeys the master's command. Because the pigeons need to be controlled with feed, this part of the pigeons often has a long mouth and may have sporadic stray hairs.

Pigeon herder Bobo: Why choose to raise Yangzhou pip pigeons

For these two reasons I thought about raising pigeons for a long time and finally chose to raise 18 Yangzhou high-flying pip pigeons, this pigeon tail feathers in 18-22, the tail feathers look more than other pigeon tail feathers, if the head of the pigeon is down and the tail is upside down, the tail feathers will open 180 degrees like a fan. The black dots on the top of the head are also larger than the small body dot pigeons with short beaks. The upper mouth of the mouth is black, and the lower mouth is sandwiched into a flesh color, which is also called the mandarin duck mouth. The mouth is longer than that of the short-billed pigeon, but we call it the pier mouth if we do not believe that the mouth of the pigeon is much shorter and thicker. So there is no problem with pecking and brooding yourself and the brooding can be done without a babysitter. The eyes are grape eyes, and the purple eyelids are relatively stable if they are not hybridized to other varieties of genes. The frisbee market is small, if the breeding gas and breeding are good, the training can fly properly for 3 to 5 hours continuously, some fanciers say that they can fly for about 7 hours, and the online information shows that it can fly for about 12 hours, but I have not seen it. And this pigeon can fly at night. The Yangzhou Pip is slightly smaller than the carrier pigeon but larger than other ornamental pigeons. It can be said that this pigeon combines the ornamental pigeon, the flight of the carrier pigeon and the size of the meat pigeon.