
The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

author:Uya Society

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Little spinach!

Uncle Bo has bought rice wine and hairy crabs, and is ready to enjoy the moon on the balcony at night.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

From the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, Chinese there was a tradition of autumn moon sacrifices, and mythical stories such as Chang'e Running Moon, Wu Gang Fa Gui, and Jade Rabbit Pounding Medicine slowly appeared.

The Mid-Autumn Festival, in the hearts of all Chinese, is a day of family reunion.

However, Uncle Bo would like to remind you that the Mid-Autumn Festival is a "love robbery"!

01. It's all the moon's bane

Do you think that during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the state stipulates that you can look at the moon, look at the stars, and talk about poetry and songs and life philosophy with your lover sweet and sweet, greasy and crooked?

You're wrong! Because the big, round moon not only brings "hazy beauty", but also may add a "manic" negative state to you.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

For a thousand or two thousand years, people have been observing the correlation between the moon's yin and yang and human behavior.

For example, the English word "Lunacy" comes from the Latin word "Luna", which means the goddess of the moon. In the eyes of many Westerners, the night of the full moon is not a good sign, and it is often accompanied by various terrifying werewolf legends.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

In fact, there are indeed many studies that point out that when the full moon is full, people are easily agitated, emotionally unstable, and most prone to accidents.

In 2017, a study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) reported that motorcycle fatalities occur more often when the full moon appears. Compared with the ordinary full moon, the super full moon is more associated with motorcycle fatalities.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

A sleep experiment conducted in Switzerland in 2013 found that people had more difficulty falling asleep on the night of the full moon and had lower melatonin concentrations. On full moon days, people spend an average of 5 minutes more sleep than usual, and overall sleep is 20 minutes shorter than usual, even if they don't see any moonlight at all.

In 2007, the British police published a research report showing that the night of the full moon is often the most frequent period for various criminal activities, especially outdoor criminal activities, which have increased significantly on the night of the full moon.

Even cats, dogs and cats seem to be affected by the moon, and around the full moon, the number of cat and dog first aid cases increased by 23% and 28% respectively compared with usual days. Animal bites also see twice as many people as usual.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

Lack of concentration, poor sleep quality, large mood swings, coupled with the busyness of the festival together, the Mid-Autumn Festival is easy to break up.

Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival, a young couple had planned to get married on "Eleventh", but in the early morning of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the fiancée suddenly proposed to break up and turned away.

The bride-to-be was also confused and drove thousands of miles to chase his wife overnight, but because he forgot to bring his driver's license, he was detained by the traffic police on the highway. The bride-to-be who was caught wanted to cry without tears, thinking that this time he was really going to break up.

Who knows, when his fiancée learned that he was detained, she immediately took a taxi to pick him up. A young couple is happily preparing to get married again, as if the previous breakup was like a joke.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

(Bride-to-be who is paying a fine)

However, the "moon effect" is also controversial, and some scientists do not agree, because correlation does not equal causality.

But most of the view is that moon phase changes do have an effect on the human body, as does the moon's effect on the lunar cycle of most marine life, but this effect is weakening because human activities no longer rely on moonlight.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

02. Festivals are a barrier

Whether it is Western Valentine's Day, Christmas, or even April Fool's Day, or China's Qixi, Dragon Boat Festival, Chongyang, in short, once it is a holiday, the breakup rate will soar rapidly.

The wave of breakups is not only in China, but also in other countries. For example, the head of the Divorce Acceptance Office of the Korean Family Court said that after the Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year and summer vacation, the number of people applying for divorce will increase.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up


Because, breakups are often cumulative, not overnight.

Sometimes, I want to break up and don't know how to talk about it;

Sometimes, feeling like you're about to be broken up, you try to escape reality;

Sometimes, it is clear that everyone wants to break up, and there is a lack of a fuse;

However, spending the Mid-Autumn Festival together has become the most appropriate break-up fuse.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

Dissatisfied with the arrangement of the holiday, the promised gifts were not received, the promised things were never fulfilled, who went to the house on holidays...

Anyway, there are various reasons for it.

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, a couple had a fierce quarrel because of paint on the bed board, and then that night, the wife committed suicide by throwing herself into the river under the witness of Mingyue, fortunately rescued by the police on duty.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

(Police rescued the woman who jumped into the river)

Coincidentally, last year, a couple in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, also detonated gas during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and came to a "Mid-Autumn Festival" sound.

The man was suspected of arguing with his girlfriend, the girlfriend ignored him, the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion night was even more touching, he could not control his emotions for a while, he actually carried the gas barrel to the room and detonated, resulting in serious burns on his hands and feet.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

(Man was taken to hospital by ambulance personnel after being injured)

Perhaps, the Mid-Autumn Festival really has a magical Debuff, but Uncle Bo believes that love is not easy to take with him.

Whether it is the friction caused by the festival or the agitation brought about by the full moon, it is actually a weak impact.

People who love deeply turn the Mid-Autumn Festival into Valentine's Day; people who don't love take the full moon as a sign of breaking up.

Love can not be casual, if it is really not suitable, you do not love him enough, or he does not love you enough, or separate early, stop the loss in time, there is no need to waste this round of bright moon.

The night of the full moon is a "love robbery", and the Mid-Autumn Festival is more suitable for breaking up

(The moon indicates that you don't want to carry the pot)

Mood today Blessings May people be long-lasting, and thousands of miles will be cherished together.

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