
The drama version of "The Three-Body Problem" is about to come out A large wave of science fiction film and television works have struck

author:Bright Net

Qilu Evening News Qilu one point

Reporter Liu Yuhan

Happy Twist and Chen Sicheng aim at science fiction comedy

In the world's first trailer released by the domestic drama version of "Three-Body", people finally saw the film and television appearance of this science fiction big IP: Wang Miao played by Zhang Luyi, Shi Qiang played by Yu Hewei, Chen Jin and Wang Ziwen played Ye Wenjie's old age and youth respectively, and Chang Weiqiang played by Lin Yongjian... The atmosphere of the sense of age and the sense of the future of the science fiction world are intertwined, as well as "don't answer", "the whole universe will flash for you", "the world belongs to the three-body" and other classic lines of "Three-Body", all of which make the fans of the original work excited, "Can't wait to see the film!" ”

The "Three-Body" trilogy written by writer Liu Cixin is a benchmark work of Chinese science fiction, and when the domestic drama version of "Three-Body Problem" is broadcast online, I don't know what new expansions will be brought to Chinese science fiction films and television. In addition, Liu Cixin also has a large number of short and medium-sized science fiction novels to join the ranks of film and television adaptations. "Village Teacher" was adapted by Ning Hao into the film "Crazy Alien"; the film "The Wandering Earth" was a great success; "The Wandering Earth 2" has also started filming some time ago, and the film is expected to meet the audience in the Spring Festival of 2023; and the film "Full Frequency Band Block interference" and "Bring Her Eyes" adapted from Liu Cixin's novel of the same name have been officially approved.

Not only Liu Cixin's science fiction works are popular, but other science fiction elements or themes of film and television works are also about to be launched, and next year or will usher in a wave of science fiction boom. The web drama "Fatal Wish", which is currently being broadcast, revolves around a "Wishing App" and creates a fresh suspense drama genre of "science fiction + suspense". Happy Twist's new film "Super Family" will be released in the Spring Festival of 2022, which is positioned as a science fiction comedy, and the protagonist is a family who obtains superpowers through meteorites falling from the sky.

Chen Sicheng's new film "Mozart in Outer Space" announced that it will be released next summer, which is also a science fiction story. In the film, Huang Bo and Rong Zishan play a father and son who quarrel constantly, and with the arrival of the mysterious alien Mozart, their lives have undergone unexpected changes. Chen Sicheng is quite confident in this science fiction theme, he said that he will create an "outer space trilogy", together with Huang Bo, Rong Zishan and alien friend Mozart, narrating the protagonist's growth from junior high school, high school to college.

The film "LoneLy Moon" starring Shen Teng and Ma Li has been filmed and is in the process of post-production. The film tells the story of how a hapless space maintenanceman lives on the moon as the "last human being in the universe", which is another sci-fi comedy created by Happy Twist. The producer revealed that the total investment of "Lone Moon" is 500 million yuan, and the degree of hardcore science fiction is comparable to "The Wandering Earth".

More important than technology is the content

Domestic film and television works have a "mysterious" creative tradition, but the "science fiction" field has always been a creative shortcoming. In fact, the start of domestic science fiction films is not too late, as early as 1938, there was "Sixty Years later on the beach", in the 1980s there was a children's science fiction film "Thunderbolt Babe", in the 1990s there was a children's science fiction film "The Atmosphere Disappeared", and later "Yangtze River Seven" directed by Zhou Xingchi was released in 2008. However, compared with the "2001 Space Odyssey", "Star Wars", "E.T. Alien", "The Matrix", "Avatar", "Interstellar" and other foreign science fiction "gods", the lack of domestic science fiction film and television works in quantity, rough quality and low content are still very obvious.

In 2015, Liu Cixin won the Hugo Award, known as the "Nobel Prize of science fiction", with "The Three-Body Problem", which brought a great boost to the film and television adaptation of science fiction works, and more than a dozen science fiction film and television projects were put on the agenda that year. But it wasn't until the release of the movie "The Wandering Earth" directed by Guo Fan in 2019 that the audience cheered the arrival of the "first year of Chinese science fiction". "The Wandering Earth" not only proves the possibility of domestic science fiction films rivaling Hollywood in terms of technology and visual effects, but also increases the enthusiasm of investors for science fiction works at the box office of 4.686 billion yuan. "The Wandering Earth" suffered a divestment during filming, and the whole crew only had three spacesuits, one of which was borrowed from the "Crazy Alien" crew. Unlike the stretching of the previous game, "The Wandering Earth 2" producer Gong Geer said that this time "enough money to support our vision."

In the more than two years after the release of "The Wandering Earth", the domestic science fiction film and television works have been weak. Hardcore science fiction with high cost, high investment and high technical content like "The Wandering Earth" has become an orphan product, and the audience's expectations for science fiction film and television works are different from the past. The reputation of the 2019 science fiction movie "Shanghai Fortress" encountered Waterloo, and the audience complained, ""The Wandering Earth" opened the door to Chinese science fiction films, and "Shanghai Fortress" closed the door again. ”

Science fiction works not only depend on the progress of technology and talents in the film and television industry system, but also on the growth of science fiction authors and science fiction screenwriters. Liu Cixin previously said that there is a tendency in domestic science fiction films and television to emphasize special effects and light scripts, which belongs to the inversion of the cart before the horse. He said, "A really good story can be successful even without first-class special effects." Kubrick's 1968 film "2001: A Space Odyssey" is still a classic of science fiction films, with arthur Clarke's novel of the same name, showing concepts such as black obelisks, circular spaceships, artificial intelligence, etc., even if the audience has become accustomed to dazzling special effects, it can still be deeply shocked by the science fiction world created by "2001 Space Odyssey".

In October this year, the film "Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department" invested by Guo Fan Studio won three major awards at the Pingyao International Film Festival, a small-budget, pseudo-documentary style science fiction film featuring Tang Zhijun, the editor-in-chief of the dying science fiction magazine, through the story of this down-and-out middle-aged man looking for aliens, combining multiple elements such as absurdity, black humor, and road movies, representing another possibility of Chinese science fiction. Gong Geer, screenwriter and producer of "The Wandering Earth", said that Chinese science fiction films take two paths, one is the "expensive, big, and many" route, represented by "The Wandering Earth", and the other is the "small, ingenious, and fine" route, such as "Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department". Whether it is tall, or small and fine, as well as the addition of "soft science fiction" such as science fiction + suspense, science fiction + comedy, the road of domestic science fiction film and television works in the future will definitely become wider and wider.

Recently, the domestic drama version of "Three-Body Problem" released the world's first trailer, triggering expectations. Since the movie "The Wandering Earth" showed the light of Chinese science fiction in 2019, for more than two years, domestic science fiction film and television works have dimmed slightly. Now, a wave of science fiction is brewing again: the web drama "Fatal Wish" that is being broadcast focuses on "suspense + science fiction"; the new film "Super Family" is a science fiction comedy, scheduled for release on the first day of the Chinese New Year in 2022; Chen Sicheng's new film "Mozart in Outer Space", which is interpreted by Huang Bo and Rong Zishan, will be released next summer; and the hard-core science fiction movie "Lone Moon" starring Shen Teng and Ma Li is in post-production, and the movie "Wandering Earth 2" has begun filming...

Source: Qilu Evening News