
Personal branding is the printing machine of today's society

author:Book master Perón

Mr. Luo Zhenyu, a well-known contemporary entrepreneur scholar, said: Whether in the workplace or society, the most important asset is influence, and the best way to build personal influence is to write. From ancient times to the present, writing is the support and carrier of personal influence, whether it is a literati or a politician, through the writing of works, it can not only widely disseminate the author's creativity and thinking, but also carry the culture, which has a long history and is endless.

In the view of Mr. Wang Kongbin, the master of books, writing is an inevitable trend to build personal brands, especially in the context of the era of mobile Internet globalization, building personal brands is the best channel for more personal appreciation.

Personal branding is the printing machine of today's society

Mr. Kong Bin said: Nowadays, even the smallest individual has its own brand, but the difference lies in the way and what way to carry out sustainable development and wide dissemination. As a leader in the field of professional book planning and publishing, Mr. Kong Bin has built the book master network into a personal growth platform for authors as the core business philosophy, and has successively developed advanced media methods of the times such as the integrity book author platform, the author's IP image shaping, and the author's book club, starting from the multi-platform visual placeholder, and creating personal influence in an all-round way.

In fact, these ways are effective carriers of advertising, but in today's self-media information age, writing is one of the best carriers of advertising. Mr. Kong Bin added: For early entrepreneurs, the nepotism between writing and advertising should be clear, so as to complement each other and develop synergistically.

Personal branding is the printing machine of today's society

In summary, whether it is personal branding or writing, their output terminal is advertising. As an investment of entrepreneurs and celebrities, in Mr. Kong Bin's view, a long-term mechanism should be established around it, and it should be invested in the author's story creation and external brand value promotion.

This view has been well verified in the book "Redefining Personal Brand", which says: Personal brand is a personal trademark, representing its own competitiveness, that is, value, when others mention what kind of person, what are the label characteristics, the trust of others, how many people are concerned, and even trust, under such a trend, the achievement is the personal brand.

Personal branding is the printing machine of today's society

These are mr. Kong Bin's deep feelings after reading this book, he said: Advertising investment needs to establish a long-term mechanism, and personal branding is the printing machine of the current society. He also hopes that with the help of the huge resource integration platform of the Book Master Network, it can effectively help customers to use the self-media arsenal in the new era to establish their own IP, their own personal brand, and develop together with the Book Master Network, going hand in hand!