
The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

author:Han Soul Tang Feng ymy
The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

Peach blossoms are related to love marriage, derived from the "Poetry Classic, Zhou Nan, Peach Dream". The peach is the appearance of vitality, and the scorching of the bride refers to the face of the bride like a peach blossom. This poem opened the precedent of flower metaphor for beauty, such as Yao Jiheng's "General Theory of poetry" in the Qing Dynasty, "Peach blossoms are the most colorful, so it is used to take a metaphor for women, and open ancient words to endow the ancestors of beauty". "Peach Dream" is a hymn to the marriage of the ancient village, Zhu Xi "Peach is gorgeous, and it is also at the time of marriage". "There is a leaf in fact" borrowed the peach tree to have many children and blessings, and wished the newlyweds a good mouth after marriage. "Its leaves are flourishing" and wish the newlyweds prosperity and prosperity in the future. From peach blossoms to peaches to peach leaves, they are all full of yearning for a better life.

The scorching peach blossoms in spring represent the vitality of the whole world, such as Du Fu's "peach blossoms bloom in a cluster without owner", Su Shi's "three or two branches of peach blossoms outside the bamboo". Peach and willow green seem to be the two messengers of spring standard, such as Wang Wei "peach red compound contains su rain, willow green is more with smoke", fish Xuanji "red peach everywhere spring color, Bi Liu family moon bright". "Luoyang City East Peach plum blossom", "peach blossom calendar chaos plum flower fragrance", "peach and plum spring wind a glass of wine", "city peach and plum sorrow wind and rain", "peach and plum before the evil wind", let us also see the classical poetry is also happy and bitter "peach floating Li Fei". Liu Yuxi's "Peach Red and Plum White are all exaggerated, and must be played by the Weeping Yang Phase", which means that the peach and The White Need the Contrast of the Weeping Yang (Bi Liu). Bai Juyi's "LingGong" in "Linggong Peach and Plum All over the World" refers to Pei Du, and "Tao Li" refers to students.

The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

The Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hu, in "Title Capital City Nanzhuang", contributed to us "human face peach blossom", "peach blossom face", "peach blossom smile" and other homologous allusions, people often call the regret of missing a beautiful love "the regret of the peach blossom of the human face". When a beautiful person cries, there is not only "pear blossom with rain" to describe, but also "peach blossom tears" to describe. "Peach blossom shallow depth, self-uniform dark makeup", the makeup of the beauty also has "peach blossom makeup", and then such as Cui Jue's "Gift" "two faces of peach blossoms from the mirror hair, a look of spring water shines on people cold". The fat powder used by beauties is called "peach blossom powder", and the beauty bath is also called "peach blossom bath", and the crimson face of the beauty after drunkenness can also be called "peach blossom drunk".

The chaotic fall of peach blossoms symbolizes the imminent end of spring, the end of the fragrance or the disillusionment of love (the thin feelings of the sweetheart), such as Li He's poem "The situation is that youth is about to fall, and the peach blossoms are falling like red rain", Wang Jian's poem "The bottom of the tree head is red, and a piece of west flies to the east." Since the peach blossom is greedy for the knot, the wrong teaching people hate the five more winds", and then such as Mengjiao "peach blossom thin twilight, tourist girl red pink", Liu Yuxi "mountain peach blossom full of head, Shu River spring water pat the mountain stream. The bonus is easy to decay like Lang Yi, and the water flow is infinite like nong sorrow"

The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

"Peach is another year of spring", although the spring of Tao Yuanming's career in "Peach Blossom Origin" has disappeared, but the spring of the spiritual world under the ideal social form has quietly arrived. The Book of Poetry. The beautiful blessings for the newlyweds' married life in "Zhou Nan TaoYao" and "many children and many blessings" are also Tao Yuanming's ardent expectations for the peach blossom people who have been breeding for generations in a desperate situation in the chaotic world. Since Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Origin", "Wuling" will always be reminiscent of "peach blossom chasing water" and "falling Ying Colorful", such as Pei Di "Mo Xue Wuling people, temporarily visitIng Taoyuanli".

"Wuling" gradually became synonymous with Xanadu, and "Peach Blossom" also became synonymous with transcendent or hidden. For example, Li Bai 'Peach blossoms flowing water, there is no heaven and earth non-human world', Zhang Xu 'peach blossoms' recent flowing water, where is the cave in Qingxi", and shi Runzhang's "wild hydration of various streams, peach blossoms into a village". Among the flowers in Pi Rixiu's "Peach Blossom Endowment", this flower is the most different. To the multitude is to be multiply, to be despised by the multitude. Self is a material feeling, not a spring meaning. If the clan rebukes the su liu, the humble warrior of the rank of the character", with a trace of "you" and "resentment" that are not easy to detect, borrow the peach blossom to symbolize the cold man who is full of economy but does not meet with talent. Yuan Shu verse "two papers of Beijing book linshui reading, small peach blossom tree full of Shangshan", mentioning "Shangshan" We will think of the hermit "Shangshan Sihao", the small peach blossom tree of Shangshan, but also carries the hidden worries and sorrows of Yuan shu "going to the country and leaving Beijing".

The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

Liu Yiqing, a member of the Southern Song Dynasty, recorded a sexual encounter with Liu Chen ruan Zhao, Taoyuan, in the "Youming Record", which gave birth to the term "peach blossom luck", which refers to the luck of men in love. From Liu Chen's ruan zhao taoyuan encounter with immortals, it is not difficult for us to understand that peach blossoms are related to "eroticism", why are peach blossoms later given a very dirty meaning? Such as "peach color incident", "peach blossom offender" and so on.

Crimson refers to the red color of peach blossoms, and gossip is also known as "peach news". Xue Tao, a famous prostitute in Shuzhong in the Tang Dynasty, broke the traditional tone and used bright peach blossom red as the main color of the letter paper to highlight her independent personality and free spirit. This kind of letter paper is called red letter, peach blossom note, Xue Tao note or Huan hua note, such as Li Shangyin's poem "Huan Hua Note Paper Peach Blossom Color", Yan Several Words and Sentences "In the depth of this love, the red note is colorless".

The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

"Peach" and "apricot" are often used as imagery in ancient poems, such as Zhang Xian's "deep hatred and careful thinking, not as good as peach apricot, and like marrying the East Wind". "Red apricot out of the wall" was gradually given the meaning of "dirty", and after the Song Dynasty, "Peach Blossom Path" was the same as "Willow Lane", implying that the women who advocated the door leaned on the door and laughed. Such as Yan several "dance low willow lou heart moon, sing the peach blossom fan bottom wind", and then such as Liu Yong "Xiu Xiang live in the peach blossom path, count the gods, talent can be combined. Layers of fine eyes, greasy jade round rubbing neck". It is not difficult for us to understand the legendary story of Li Xiangjun, one of the eight Yans of Qin Huai, why he was associated with the "peach blossom fan".

Later, people often referred to "sexual encounters" as "peach blossoms". It is not difficult for us to understand why Bai Juyi only wrote a sentence "Spring (East) Wind Is Like Across Wuling Creek", which was "over-interpreted" by posterity to reveal the "super friendship relationship" between him and Xue Tao. Not only because Xue Tao's identity is a prostitute is also related to "Peach Blossom Notes", but also because since Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Origin", "Wuling Creek" always reminds people of "peach blossom chasing water". It is not difficult for us to understand why yan Rui, a female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, borrowed "two-color peach blossoms" to compare themselves, "white and red, not the eastern style." Zeng Ji, Zeng Ji, people in Wuling were slightly drunk. Yan Rui is a prostitute, as mentioned earlier in the Song Dynasty," the "Peach Blossom Path" has alluded to the residence of prostitute women, and she mentioned that the word "Wuling" does not exclude the suspicion of emphasizing that she is out of the ordinary.

The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

There is a similar era name in the "Youminglu" and the "Peach Blossom Origin"- Jin Taiyuan, and there are also mountains and rivers and peach blossoms. At present, the author of the "Internal Biography of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty" has no certainty, and the author is pretending to have Ban Gu and Ge Hongzhi. The Siku Quanshu believes that it was written by scholars during the Wei and Jin dynasties, and Qian Xizuo in the Qing Dynasty believes that it was written by scholars after the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The "Internal Biography of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty" records that the peach blossoms of the Western Queen Mother bear fruit once in three thousand years, and Li He's poem "The peach blossoms of the Queen Mother are red a thousand times" is to describe the changes in the world over time.

We see that before Tao Yuanming or the authors of his time, their peach blossoms are almost all communicating with the immortal world, rather than communicating with the ghost house. Tang Dynasty Lang Shiyuan "Listen to the Neighbor's Spring Sheng" "Phoenix blowing like a rainbow, I don't know whose house is outside the wall? The heavy door is locked deep and there is no place to be found, and there is a poem of "Peach Thousand Trees and Flowers", he knows that the music is in the neighbor's house outside the wall, but he wants to "find the sound and secretly ask" - I don't know whose house is outside the wall? A place separated by a wall, he did not say "heavy door deep lock nowhere to find", to emphasize "Xianle wind fluttering". Under the background of "Peach Blossom" and "Cai Xia", it has become a real "heaven and earth".

The symbolic meaning of peach blossoms in classical poetry

In spring, peach blossoms chase water is called peach blossom water, peach blossom flood, peach blossom wave or peach blossom wave. For example, Bai Juyi "March River is wide, leisurely peach blossom waves", and then Du Fu has a poem "Spring bank peach blossom water, Yunfan maple forest". However, Du Fu also crowned the words "light and thin" in front of the "peach blossom chasing water" to compare it to a villain, "the topsy-turvy willows dance with the wind, and the light peach blossoms flow by the water". Yang Hua in Du Fu's "Li Ren Xing" "Yang Hua Snow Falling Over White Ping" refers to the adulterous Yang Guozhong, Yang Hua's nickname is Liu Shu, Yang Hua and Liu Shu Zuo and other concepts are interchanged, Liu Shu often fights with peach blossoms in poetry, so it is not difficult to understand why peach blossoms refer to villains!

Liu Kezhuang's "Dream moved left because of the number of peaches, and Changyuan was in power for Liu Chen". Dream is Liu Yuxi's character, he continued Du Fu's tradition, comparing the villain who went with the flow to the trend of the tide to "light and thin peach blossoms", and wrote two peach blossom poems related to XuanduGuan. From the 10th year of Yuan He (815) to the second year of Yamato (828), the background of the creation of two peach blossom poems separated by fourteen years makes us understand that the burning peach blossoms in the Xuandu Temple are metaphors for the small people who are gaining momentum, the peach Taoists are metaphorically controlling the hot nouveau riche forces in the dynasty, and the Xuandu Temple is a metaphor for the imperial court that allows the nouveau riche forces to flourish. Changyuan is the character of Li Bi, who wrote the verse "Qingqing Dongmen Liu, The Age Yan Will Be Haggard", borrowing Liu to scold Yang for offending the traitor Yang Guozhong, so he was demoted from the capital.