
Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

author:Cover News
Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08


Continue to struggle and take the road of catching up with the examination in the new era

The total number of votes for the "New Landmark of Chengdu-Chongqing Cultural Tourism" exceeded 2.51 million

"Li Dong" encountered a cold wave, and now the sun returns to Rongcheng

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▶1st Edition (Introduction)

From November 8 to 11, 2021, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will be held in Beijing. The meeting focused on comprehensively summing up the major achievements and historical experience of the party's century-old struggle.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 2 (Highlights)

Continue to struggle and take the road of catching up with the examination in the new era - written on the occasion of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 3 (Highlights)

Today is the 22nd Chinese Journalists' Day. The Propaganda Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of the Provincial CPC Committee, the Provincial Radio, Film and Television Bureau, and the Provincial Journalists Association sent letters of condolence to the vast number of journalists throughout the province.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 4 (Highlights)

The Ankang to Chongqing section of the Yuxi high-speed railway is expected to receive the approval of the feasibility study report by the end of the year. A few days ago, some NPC deputies and provincial people's congress deputies carried out centralized inspections of the progress of the Yuxi high-speed railway (Sichuan section) project.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 5 (Highlights)

As of 17:00 on November 7, the total number of votes for the "Looking for the Top Ten New Landmarks of Chengdu-Chongqing Cultural Tourism in 2021" has reached 2516606. As you can see, voting is growing at an alarming rate.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 6 (Highlights)

Recently, the opera "electrocution" fire of the metaverse. Mei Lanfang, who has been digitally restored, has appeared on the stage again after more than 60 years: "I didn't expect us to be reunited again." ”

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 7 (Sichuan)

With a total investment of 320 million yuan, the Maikindi (Pyeongchang) Central Kitchen Industrial Park was officially opened in the Economic Development Zone of Pyeongchang County, Bazhong City.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 8 (Sichuan)

Born in Nanfang County, Nanchong City, abducted at the age of 4, grew up in Qingliu County, Fujian Province... After 38 years of absence, he returned to middle age, and on November 5, the man returned to his hometown to recognize his relatives.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 9 (Tianxia)

A moment in history! Female astronaut Wang Yaping took the first step in China's female extravehicular spacewalk.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶10th Edition (Tianxia)

Overnight quick freeze, the north to meet a wide range of rain and snow, under the cold tide of Hebei epidemic prevention and control line directly hit.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶Version 11 (Tianxia)

Assassination attempted! Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Khadimi dodged drone strikes.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶12 editions (cover character)

Lv Xiaowei is the founder of Chengdu Hantang Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. The entrepreneurial history of "returning to Hantang" is almost a microcosm of the history of changes in the domestic Hanfu industry.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶13 editions (cover character)

For Lin Daye, director of the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, how to use symphony as a world language to tell our own Chinese story is the most important.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶14th Edition (Cover Character)

Xing Minshan starred as the male Dan Ding Julie in "The Mystery of the Octagonal Pavilion", and he hopes that through this TV series, more young audiences can understand the traditional national art.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶15th Edition (Human History)

Sun Quan was the latest emperor in the Three Kingdoms of Wei Shu and Wu, and Chen Shou believed that he "bent down to endure humiliation" and "had the strangeness of treachery".

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

▶16th Edition (Human History)

In this imperfect human world, guarding a perfect standard in my heart, and writing it out one by one, this is Yan Zhenqing.

Morning reading Huaxi 丨2021.11.08

Read Huaxi in the morning and know the world early

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