
8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

author:8099999 the streets and alleys

A lot of people think

Kunming in autumn

It's the most confusing time to dress

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

When wearing short sleeves and wearing down meet

When smiling

I can't help but "greet" the other party

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

But I never expected it

This is the winter after the winter

How to dress for the winter

Again it overwhelmed everyone

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Kunming a few days ago

It's so cold that you can't wait to wear all the down jackets

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Today, the sun is shining brightly

The wind is blowing

It was as if spring had come

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Look again at tomorrow

This downward curve

The temperature of 20 minus 10 is coming again

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

This winter

How do you dress?

The stationary front repeatedly jumps sideways

Kunming people have trouble getting dressed

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘
8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘
8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

The weather is unpredictable, and it has become difficult to go out and get dressed.

Walking on the street, you can see a variety of pedestrians dressed, some wearing short sleeves, some wearing trench coats, and some wearing down jackets, which is simply a clothing that covers all year round.

So what's going on with the weather?

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Kunming Meteorological Observatory Weather Forecaster Li Xiaopeng: "This temperature is mainly because of the recent impact of weak cold air, especially a stationary front, staying in the area around Kunming, if it sucks a little closer to affect Kunming, Kunming is dominated by cloudy days, the temperature is relatively low, and then it retreats to the east, Kunming will turn to sunny, the temperature will also increase significantly, which is a more normal situation in winter, because the stationary front is swinging around Kunming, indicating that the intensity of this cold air may not be particularly strong. Maybe if you look at it now, there will be this kind of weather in Kunming in the next few days. ”

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

The meteorological station expects that the cold air will strengthen in the next two days, Kunming will turn cloudy, and the temperature will be relatively low.

It is expected that by next week, the eastward retreat of the quasi-stationary front will be more obvious, Kunming will turn to sunny weather, and the temperature will be relatively stable.

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

△ The mouse refers to the "stationary front that repeatedly jumps sideways"

Kunming Meteorological Observatory Weather Forecaster Li Xiaopeng: "So overall, there is still an appropriate amount of clothing to add, Kunming around noon If the weather turns better, the temperature is still relatively warm, but the temperature before and after morning and evening is still relatively low, so one is to pay attention to weather changes, add clothes in time, the other is to keep warm in the morning and evening, we recommend to slightly lighter, coats (mainly), especially in the office can prepare one (clothes). ”

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Look at it this way

Carry a thick coat with you

It is the best way to prevent the stationary front from repeatedly jumping sideways

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

According to the forecast of the meteorological department

Influenced by the La Niña phenomenon

This winter may be colder than usual

And it is more prone to extreme weather

If there is fog and the roads freeze

What should drivers do?

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Encounter foggy roads that freeze

Car owners do not panic traffic police support!

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

The reporter learned from the traffic police department that most of the roads in the city are not prone to road icing and fogging, but there are still a small number of sections that are prone to fogging and icing when the weather conditions are bad.

For example: Jiaochang Interchange Bridge, Yangxianpo North Road Cross-Second Ring Road Bridge, Jinjiashan Hui Cemetery, Xiaocaiyuan Interchange, Chenggong District Dongmenpo Road Section, Liangwangshan Fengkou Community Rural Road.

At 8:00 a.m. on November 9, the Kunqu Expressway Kunming North Section to Tu'erguan Road section began to fog, and at 10 o'clock, heavy fog also appeared at the top of the Kunyu Expressway Thorn Tong Guan slope, with visibility of only 150 meters. For driving on foggy days, the traffic police remind that vehicle inspection should be paid attention to before going on the road.

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Zhang Qifu, deputy captain of the Kunchu Brigade of the High Detachment: "When driving on a foggy day, we must check the vehicle in advance, the device for fogging out of our wind window, and the related water spray, to ensure safety and long-term visual distance." ”

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Due to the high altitude of some sections, the surface temperature will freeze when the surface temperature is lower than 0 degrees, and the vehicles are easy to slip when driving, which will affect the driving safety of the driver, such as the Kunqu Expressway in and out of the city section, the Zhujiacun interchange, the Juhua interchange, the upper layer of the Huang interchange, the airport expressway Tongniu Temple Bridge and other sections.

Traffic police remind that if the fog is very large, you should also turn on the double flashing lights to facilitate the observation and judgment of other vehicle drivers, and avoid the occurrence of rear-end collisions and scratching accidents.

In addition, high beams cannot be turned on on foggy days, because in such weather, high beams will cause a white expanse in front of the eyes, which is not conducive to observing road conditions.

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Zhang Qifu, deputy captain of the Kunchu Brigade of the High Detachment, said: "When driving on a foggy day, we must turn on the fog lights, and pay attention to weather changes and weather-related data in advance. ”

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Kunming Meteorological Observatory Weather Forecaster Li Xiaopeng: "Sometimes the altitude is relatively high, may be more than 3,000 meters above some areas, there will be some lower temperatures, may be close to 0 degrees, especially ground temperatures, easy to appear road ice, especially some mountainous and high-altitude sections, pay special attention to the early morning this time period, may have some impact on the road, mainly foggy weather and road ice conditions." ”

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Traffic police remind the public that into the winter, vehicle inspection is essential, at the same time, when driving a motor vehicle on a rainy, foggy and ice day, it is necessary to keep the front windshield and rearview mirror clear and clean, and pay attention to controlling the speed when driving on the easy-to-freeze road, maintaining a large safety distance, so as not to cause traffic accidents caused by a long braking distance.

In particular, drivers who are about to enter the highway should pay attention to the fact that if the weather conditions affect the traffic, the traffic police department will temporarily control the road section.

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Zhang Qifu, deputy captain of the Kunchu Brigade of the High Detachment: "Fog visibility is below 50 meters, the traffic police will close the road, carry out relevant tips, guide the vehicle to stop driving in the nearest service area, and then drive into the highway after the fog dissipates and the visibility is restored." ”

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Kunming Meteorological Observatory Weather Forecaster Li Xiaopeng: "Please pay attention to the local weather conditions, as well as the early warning issued by the local meteorological department, arrange the travel section, especially in the morning and evening, and pay special attention to the weather conditions on the local roads." ”

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Knock on the chalkboard to draw the point

Tomorrow Kunming temperature drop May rain

Tomorrow there will be showers or snow showers in the north of northwestern Yunnan, and light rain in the south of northeast Yunnan, eastern Yunnan, southeastern Yunnan, central Yunnan, southwestern Yunnan, and western Yunnan. There was heavy fog in the early morning in southwestern Yunnan, central Yunnan and eastern Yunnan. On weekends, there are moderate rains in western Yunnan and southwestern Yunnan, and localized heavy rain or torrential rains.

From 20:00 on November 11 to 20:00 on November 12:

There are light rains in the south of Zhaotong, Qujing, Kunming, Chuxiong, Yuxi, Wenshan, and Hongheyin, there are light rains and local moderate rains in the north of Diqing, cloudy and snow showers in the north of the Nu River, Dehong, Baoshan, southern Dali, Lincang, Puer, and Xishuangbanna, and cloudy in other areas.

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

From 20:00 on November 12 to 20:00 on November 13:

There is light rain in the south of Zhaotong, Qujing, Kunming, Chuxiong, Yuxi, western Wenshan, and Hongheyin, cloudy and snowy in the north of Diqing, and cloudy in the northern part of the Nu River, Baoshan, Dehong, southern Dali, southeast of Lijiang, Lincang, Pu'er, and Xishuangbanna.

From 20:00 on November 13 to 20:00 on November 14:

Southern Dehong, southern Baoshan, Lincang, Pu'eryin have moderate rain or heavy rain, zhaotong south, Qujing, Wenshanyin have light rain, northern Diqing cloudy snow showers, nu river north, dehong north, baoshan north, dali south, southeast Lijiang, Kunming, Chuxiong, Yuxi, Honghe, Xishuangbanna cloudy showers local moderate rain, other areas cloudy.

Recently, it has been affected by the advance and retreat of the stationary front

Temperatures fluctuate greatly in central Yunnan

Friends need to add or subtract clothes at the right time

Beware of colds

8℃↗20℃↘10℃! Recently the temperature has jumped up and down like the stock market, and tomorrow it will be again ↘

Weather forecast for the city

Baoshan: Sunny and cloudy, 10 ~ 20 °C

Chuxiong: Cloudy to light rain, 12 ~ 21 °C

Dali: Sunny and cloudy, 7 ~ 20 °C

Mangshi: Sunny to light rain, 15 ~ 24 °C

Shangri-La: Sunny, -7~11°C

Mengzi: Light rain turns cloudy, 11 ~ 16 ° C

Kunming: Overcast and light rain, 7 ~ 13 °C

Lijiang: Sunny, 4~ 19 °C

Lincang: sunny and cloudy, 11 ~ 25 °C

Lushui: Sunny, 10~27°C

Pu'er: Light rain turns cloudy, 16 ~ 24 °C

Qujing: Light rain, 6 ~ 10 ° C

Wenshan: Light rain, 11 ~ 14 °C

Jinghong: Light rain turns cloudy, 20 ~ 27 ° C

Yuxi: Light rain, 9 ~ 15 °C

Zhaotong: Sleet turns to light rain, 2 ~ 8 °C

Partial source: Yunnan Meteorology