
Xifeng wine: plasticizer exceeds the standard, miscellaneous brands are lined up, one of the four famous wines, worthy of the name?

author:Looking at the past and present

At the wine appraisal meeting in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Guizhou Moutai Wine, Shanxi Fen Wine, Sichuan Luzhou Qu Wine, and Shaanxi Xifeng Wine were rated as China's "Four Famous Wines". With the development of recent decades, Shaanxi Xifeng wine has increasingly given people a sense of fame, in fact, it is difficult to match, I believe many people will have the same feeling.

If you talk about history, Xifeng wine is absolutely worthy of its famous wine title, Xifeng wine has a history of more than three thousand years, also known as "Qin wine", "Liulin wine", called one of the oldest famous wines in China. Xifeng wine not only originated early, but also rose early, it was already regarded as a treasure in the Tang Dynasty.

Xifeng wine: plasticizer exceeds the standard, miscellaneous brands are lined up, one of the four famous wines, worthy of the name?

Xifeng wine

Fengxiang County, the place of origin of Xifeng wine, was called Yongzhou during the Qin Dynasty, and it is said that a phoenix flew over it, so it was renamed "Fengxiang", Fengxiang was the seat of Xifutai after the Tang Dynasty, which was called "Xifu Fengxiang", and Xifeng wine was also named after it.

In March of the Tang Dynasty, pei Xingjian, a bureaucrat, sent the Persian prince back to China, passing through Tingzi Village, Liulin Town, Fengxiang County, and suddenly found bees and butterflies lying on the ground on the side of the road, Pei Xingjian was deeply curious, and ordered local officials to find out the reason, only to learn that it was because the old wine of a winery in Liulin Town had just opened the altar, and the aroma drifted to Tingzi Village five miles away, so that the bees and butterflies that smelled of wine "drunk" on the side of the road.

Pei Xingjian was very surprised by this incident, and immediately wrote a poem:"Sending guests to the pavilion head, bees are drunk and butterflies do not dance." Sanyang Kai Guotai, Beautiful Willow Forest Wine". Fengxiang Junshou gave Pei Shilang an altar of fine wine, and Pei Xingjian brought it back to the dynasty and presented it to Tang Gaozong, who was very happy after tasting it, and Xifeng wine became the imperial wine of the Tang Dynasty.

Xifeng wine: plasticizer exceeds the standard, miscellaneous brands are lined up, one of the four famous wines, worthy of the name?

Pei Xingjian sent the Persian prince back to China

In the Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo served in Fengxiang, and after drinking the local Liulin wine, he praised the Liulin wine: "The blossoming wine is beautiful and not drunk, come to see the cold cuiwei of Nanshan." Su Shi also learned to brew his own Liulin wine, and he also proposed to the imperial court measures to revitalize Liulin wine and was approved, so fengxiang's wine industry flourished and became a well-known wine country.

Later in the Ming Dynasty, Su Jun had a poem: "Yellow flowers are fragrant with pearl wine, and Hua Fa Rong is sweating and roaming." "Pearl wine" here refers to willow wine. In the Qing Dynasty, the shochu produced in Baoji, Qishan and Fengxiang were all called "Fengjiu", which was the predecessor of Xifengjiu, which was famous at that time and went overseas at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Xifeng wine: plasticizer exceeds the standard, miscellaneous brands are lined up, one of the four famous wines, worthy of the name?

In modern times, Xifeng wine has won numerous awards, and at the Nanyang Competition Cocktail Party during the Guangxu and Xuantong years of the Qing Dynasty, Xifeng Wine has won consecutive awards, and its reputation has spread overseas and has been listed as a world famous wine. During the Republic of China period, Xifeng wine won silver and gold awards successively at the World Exposition, and won praise: "Xifeng wine is fragrant into the clouds, but the cup praises Liu Linhao." The five tastes are all true and mellow, and they have won the reputation of ancient times. ”

In 1929, the "Record of the Chinese Domestic Goods Exhibition of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce" recorded that "Fengxiang Shochu of Xingshengde in Fengxiang County" won the second prize.

In 1934, the "Special Issue of the Third Iron Exhibition Longhai Pavilion" wrote:

"Shaanxi is the highest quality phoenix wine produced in Fengxiang, Qishan, Baoji and other counties, with pure taste, which is comparable to Shanxi Fenjiu." In previous years, the most abundant production, Fengxiang and Baoji each produced millions of catties. ”

Xifeng wine: plasticizer exceeds the standard, miscellaneous brands are lined up, one of the four famous wines, worthy of the name?

The historical honor of Xifeng wine

Fengxiang has produced fine wine since ancient times, and the historically recorded period is actually far before the Tang Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin and Jin dynasties fought at war in Hanyuan, and Qin Mugong "threw wine into the river to work for the teacher" to use the predecessor of Xifeng wine, "Qin Wine". In this battle, the Qin state was able to win the victory also has the merit of Qin wine, Qin Mugong was trapped by the Jin army, suddenly three hundred "wild men" rushed into the battle, the Jin army was killed in a big defeat, Jin Huigong was captured, these three hundred people were previously detained for stealing a few good horses of the Qin state to be punished, Qin Mugong not only did not cure their crimes, but thought that "eating horse meat without drinking alcohol and hurting the body", gave Qin wine to them to drink, which led to the reversal of the war situation later.

Until modern times, there is still a saying of "East Lake Willow, West Phoenix Wine, And Women's Hand", which is undoubtedly a great affirmation of West Phoenix Wine.

Xifeng wine: plasticizer exceeds the standard, miscellaneous brands are lined up, one of the four famous wines, worthy of the name?

After reading the glorious history, and then look at the current situation of Xifeng wine, now Xifeng wine seems to be walking a very steep downhill road, in order to compete with other famous wines, Xifeng wine manufacturers have launched their "multi-brand strategy" for many years, but the positive promotion effect is not obvious, but it seems to have played a reverse role, into the Xifeng wine sales store, into the eye is a variety of brands "red seven colors", "blue seven colors", "yellow seven colors", "Huashan on the sword", etc., people who do not know much about wine are instantly dazzled, do not know how to choose, the facts also prove, With the exception of a few ones or two, other so-called "brands" get more negative reviews.

Since 2010, Xifeng wine has been exposed to performance fraud, plasticizers exceeding the standard several times, embezzlement of public funds, shareholders illegal profits and other scandals, the most surprising thing is that as a national famous wine, Xifeng wine's base wine purchase ratio has reached more than 70%.

Xifeng wine: plasticizer exceeds the standard, miscellaneous brands are lined up, one of the four famous wines, worthy of the name?

Xifeng wine is developing towards commercial deformity, resulting in the current situation that in addition to Shaanxi Province, Xifeng wine can rarely be seen in other places, and the better sales in Shaanxi Province are mainly its aging series, and the influence of other "miscellaneous brands" is still very limited.

The reality is often like this, the more you want to get the more difficult to get, to achieve development can not be separated from a step by step, I hope that Xifeng wine can rush out of the development of the lost, revitalize the national famous wine wind!

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