
Food safety consumption tips The selection of edible vegetable oil is exquisite

author:China Jilin Net

As the saying goes, "Seven things to open the door, chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea". Edible vegetable oil is an indispensable and important part of people's daily diet, and it is also an important source of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. How to buy, eat and store edible vegetable oil, you may wish to listen to the experts.

There is a wide variety of ways to choose

Soybean oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, and two or more kinds of oil products by scientific modulation of edible plant blended oil, these three meals a day indispensable food "catalyst", are based on vegetable oil as raw material refined edible oil, they have a unified "name" - edible vegetable oil.

Although eating oil is a common thing, there is also a lot of learning. Wang Xingguo, an expert member of the Chinese Society of Food Science and Technology and a professor at the Food College of Jiangnan University, reminded that the quality and safety of most bulk edible vegetable oils are difficult to guarantee, and it is recommended that consumers try to buy prepackaged edible vegetable oils in regular supermarkets, and it is best to choose products that are closer to the production date and within the shelf life. When selecting edible vegetable oils, you can pay attention to the following aspects:

Smell: The product should have the inherent aroma of vegetable oil (such as peanut oil, sesame oil, rapeseed oil, etc.), if there is a peculiar smell, it may be that the acid price, peroxide value and other indicators exceed the standard.

Look at the appearance: good quality, high degree of refining of edible vegetable oil should be clear, transparent, and have the unique color of the variety of edible oil, without impurities.

Check the label: the products of large or famous brand enterprises should be selected as much as possible, and the product name, ingredient list, net content, implementation standard, production date, shelf life, factory name, product grade, whether it is a genetically modified product, storage conditions and other labels in the label should be complete and clear. In particular, pay attention to the ingredient list, pure peanut oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, olive oil and other vegetable oil ingredient list should have only one raw material; there are a variety of raw materials in the ingredient list of blended oil, pay attention to the arrangement of raw materials, and mark the proportion of various oils and fats.

Wang Xingguo said: "According to the "National Standard for Food Safety, General Principles for Labeling Prepackaged Food" and "National Standard for Food Safety" for Vegetable Oil, the label of prepackaged edible vegetable oil should contain the name of the food, the ingredient list, the net content and specifications, the name, address and contact information of the producer and/or distributor, the date and shelf life of production, the storage conditions, the food production license number and the product standard code. If the quality level is specified in the product implementation standard, the quality level should also be marked. For edible plant blending oil, it should be uniformly marked as 'edible plant blending oil' on the outer packaging, and the proportion of various edible vegetable oils should also be indicated on the label. ”

According to the relevant standards, most edible oils will have the words "first-class", "second-level" or "third-level" on the label, and many consumers believe that the higher the grade, the better the quality of the oil, but this is not the case. Wang Xingguo pointed out that the higher the level, the higher the degree of refinement. Although high-grade oil removes harmful substances during processing, it tends to lose more nutrients, such as carotene, vitamin E, etc. Therefore, consumers do not have to care too much about the grade when choosing, you can choose according to the taste, such as do not like the bean smell of soybean oil, you can choose a first-grade soybean oil, it is better than the taste of the third level; like the aroma of peanuts, choose to press peanut oil.

Do not use spoiled oils Small packages are recommended

It is not uncommon to cook only one meal at home a day, and after a barrel of oil is opened, it may not be eaten for a year, which is not uncommon in many families. Because in many people's cognition, cooking oil does not seem to be easy to deteriorate.

But Wang Xingguo reminded that this perception is wrong. Long-term placement of edible oil is very easy to oxidize and deteriorate in the air, eating oxidized and deteriorated edible oil may cause poisoning, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, long-term consumption will bring great harm to health. Therefore, for expired and spoiled edible oils, we must not continue to use them.

How to distinguish whether the edible oil is expired in life, one is to pay attention to its shelf life, and the other is whether it can smell the taste of Hara. Wang Xingguo explained that the appearance of a hala flavor in edible vegetable oil indicates that its peroxide value may have exceeded the limit value stipulated by the national standard. The so-called peroxide value is an indicator of the degree of oxidation of oils and fats, which is used to describe the degree to which edible oils are oxidized. In addition to edible vegetable oils, oily foods are also judged by measuring the peroxide value to determine the degree of deterioration.

According to the provisions of the National Standard for Food Safety Vegetable Oil, the peroxide value limit value of edible vegetable oil is 0.25g/100g. In general, when edible vegetable oil can smell the harrah, its peroxide value may have exceeded the national standard. According to the data, long-term consumption of foods with excessive peroxide values is very detrimental to human health, because peroxides will damage the structure of cell membranes, resulting in stomach cancer, liver cancer, arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction, hair loss and weight loss. Long-term consumption of foods with high peroxide value has a promoting effect on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and tumors.

As for how to avoid oxidative deterioration of edible vegetable oil, Wang Xingguo suggested that when consumers store edible vegetable oil, they should seal, avoid light, low temperature, avoid water, and stay away from oxygen, light, high temperature, metal ions and water and other factors that promote the oxidation of oils and fats. At the same time, it is recommended that when families buy edible vegetable oil, it is best to choose suitable small packaged products according to the number of people. If you buy a large package of cooking oil, you can pour the oil into a clean brown glass oil control pot according to the amount of consumption for one week, and then seal the large package oil with tape and place it in a cool place to avoid light. In addition, a black plastic bag can also be coated in the oil drum, which can also delay the oxidation of oil and fat.

It is best to eat the edible vegetable oil within 3 months after opening. After the oil control pot is used, it is best to put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, both to avoid light and low temperature. For edible vegetable oils with high content of unsaturated fatty acids, such as soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower oil, it is best to eat it in a relatively short period of time.

In life, some people often pour new oil into the oil without waiting for the oil in the oil pot to run out, which is not right, which will accelerate the oxidation of the new oil. The correct approach is to use up the old oil in the pot thoroughly, wash and dry it, and then pour the new oil into it.

Control intake Scientific and skillful collocation

Edible vegetable oil can provide essential fatty acids, energy and fat-soluble vitamins, etc., and can also improve the flavor of dishes and increase appetite, but excessive consumption and unreasonable fat intake are also important causes of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In order to avoid excessive intake of oil and fat, the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommend that the daily intake of cooking oil per person should not exceed 25-30 grams, and the amount of oil control can be controlled using an oil control pot. In daily life, it is recommended to use steaming, boiling, stewing, water slippery, boiling, mixing, fencing and other cooking methods with less oil, and eat less fried foods; in addition, restaurant dishes are generally high in oil and salt, so the frequency of eating out should be reduced to help control oil intake.

In addition to controlling oil intake, the following knowledge points are also important:

Avoid high oil temperature when stir-frying. The oil temperature is too high, such as the occurrence of smoke when stir-frying, which will not only lead to changes in the chemical structure of the oil itself, affecting the digestion and absorption of the human body, but also destroy the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E in the oil, resulting in a decrease in nutritional value, especially such as peanut oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil and other relatively high unsaturated fatty acids; if you really need to fry and fry at high temperature, you can choose palm oil, which is relatively resistant to high temperatures.

Healthy eating of oil should pay attention to ensuring diversification. When you usually eat oil, don't eat only one kind of oil, it is best to mix it reasonably, so that it is conducive to good health.

Different cooking methods use different oils. Olive oil, algal oil, flaxseed oil, etc. contain high unsaturated fatty acids and beneficial trace conjugates, but such oils and fats should not be cooked at high temperatures, and are best used in dishes.